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An Idiot Is An Idiot Regardless Of What They Are Doing..


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And what pissed me off was not that people weren't cleaning up after their dogs (as others clearly aren't) but that instead of ringing DAFF and asking why someone decided to protest by leaving bags of shit on the main gate.

I think that is worth re-stating.

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Last time I checked, humans weren't taking a dump on public rights of way or the streets.


I know there are a lot of responsible dog owners out there but there are also many who quite clearly don't give a damn (as I've witnessed on numerous occasions this past week on the pavements of Ramsey).


You all say live and let live but I bet there are plenty of things that get your back up so do we just simply quote the same back to you the next time you bring something up that is of concern to you?

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And what pissed me off was not that people weren't cleaning up after their dogs (as others clearly aren't) but that instead of ringing DAFF and asking why someone decided to protest by leaving bags of shit on the main gate.

I think that is worth re-stating.


It might be if it was edited to make sense :rolleyes:

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Anyone tried one of those dog loos? They're a sunken bin with holes in which you put the stuff with some chemicals which break it down and let it soak into the earth.


I found one in my garden after some extensive bush trimming (I leave that for some smart-arse to capitalise upon). Thought I would give it a go and bought the chemicals to break down the doings. Complete and utter crap (every pun intended)!

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OK, I do pick up after my dogs and do also leave the bag on the side of the path to collect on my return, rather than carry the bag for the rest of the walk swinging and banging against my leg! I also agree that there do seem to be some people who are offended by everything and seem very happy to make others who indulge in certain activities pariahs (eg. dog-owners, smokers, etc.).


There has been a long campaign to isolate dog owners, starting with the exclusion of dogs from pubs and now the prohibition on taking dogs onto Douglas beach during the summer months. Not that anyone else uses the beach then anyway.


But I do also think that some (quite a few actually, judging by the state of the Marine Drive) dog owners are shooting us all in the foot by not clearing up after their dog and playing into the hands of the opposition!

Dogs are still allowed in many pubs, there are even some advertising on 3FM that they allow them so it can't be illegal. Most small town pubs will still allow them, just ring and ask if you are worried, I occassionally take one of mine (not both, that would be taking the mickey! they are big dogs) of an evening. Just take them everywhere, most places do not bother to say anything wherever you go, even shops and banks! There are a lot of dog owners who do not clean up after their dog, and yes this is playing into the hands of the opposition. But this is rubbish, like any other rubbish! We don't hear of any other person being banned from areas where litter is left and I think you will agree that there is a lot of other (less biodregadable!) litter left all over marine driver that you see for months! dog shit is gone within a week.


Dogs are not banned from the beach either, they are just supposed to be in control and not shit! check the signs, they are the same at all the beaches on the island, including douglas. If they were banned that would really be a travesty, why should people who use the beach all year round be banned from using it in summer just because of a few poeple who go there on one of the two or three days ayear we get nice weather! There is no-one else using it!


and To =^..^=, I still do not believe that those people were leaving it there for that reason. if they were they would have smeared it, not left it cosily tucked away in a bag that wouold not have any effect on anyone as the poo is inside the bag, not outside!

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Is that true about Douglas beach because I have read the signs (don't have them to hand at the mo) and got the definite impression that dogs were not allowed on the beach from April to September (or some dates similar)?


BTW, dogs aren't allowed to launch jetskis from the beach either!

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I think that any dog owner who collects the shit is doing more than they should for the sake of other people. people leave litter,always have, always will, dog shit is no more or less litter.


Whilst this is obviously a topic you feel strongly about and not specifically wanting to fuel this 'shit-fire' as such I think this comment is pretty poor.

You're saying that you don't think people should pick up their dog shit? Why then do commissioners/government etc see fit to put up 'dog bins' in various places then. Why do they have fines for dog shit fouling? Why do a lot of dog owners clean up after their pets?

You've then said dog shit is near enough the same as litter after saying you don't think you should have to clean it up after you. So you approve of littering then? Funny how that is also illegal and has fines for doing it.


The people who thought up those rules must be sad & anal too and not have lives either...


Do I see you assholes complaining about glass, tin cans, campfires, or any other form of non biodegardable litter litter?


I think litter has been complained about numerous times on here before actually.


For what it's worth I like dogs (except tiny yappy ones), and I've nothing against dog owners either as long as they behave responsibly.

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You all say live and let live but I bet there are plenty of things that get your back up so do we just simply quote the same back to you the next time you bring something up that is of concern to you?


Good point!


I pick up dog shit, because of other people's pecadilloes.

Soon I won't be able to smoke in public, because of other people's feelings.


When am I going to get my turn???? Let me ban something!

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I think that any dog owner who collects the shit is doing more than they should for the sake of other people. people leave litter,always have, always will, dog shit is no more or less litter.


Whilst this is obviously a topic you feel strongly about and not specifically wanting to fuel this 'shit-fire' as such I think this comment is pretty poor.

You're saying that you don't think people should pick up their dog shit? Why then do commissioners/government etc see fit to put up 'dog bins' in various places then. Why do they have fines for dog shit fouling? Why do a lot of dog owners clean up after their pets?

You've then said dog shit is near enough the same as litter after saying you don't think you should have to clean it up after you. So you approve of littering then? Funny how that is also illegal and has fines for doing it.


The people who thought up those rules must be sad & anal too and not have lives either...


Do I see you assholes complaining about glass, tin cans, campfires, or any other form of non biodegardable litter litter?


I think litter has been complained about numerous times on here before actually.


For what it's worth I like dogs (except tiny yappy ones), and I've nothing against dog owners either as long as they behave responsibly.

I say that about dog shit (being picked up) meaning in areas like the plantation =^..^= is talking about! as with any other litter it should be picked up in town, and the reason a lot (most) dog owners clear up after their pets is because they don't want to be banned from going there, whereever it is, whether or not they agree with the general principle. I pick up after my dog almost always, but not in the countryside because 1) it is a natural byproduct and 2) there is no-one there to see my dog poo


Commissioners/government pt up these signs because they always have to be doing something don;t they? This world will never be perfect and you can guarantee that until the dawn of time there will still be some little hitlers making new rules about where and what we can do.


We are talking about shit! we all do it, every species, it's life! Gawd I just don't get you people!


even if not picked up it is by far the better sort of litter when compared to anything esle you find along your walk! lUnlike dumped stuff and general plastic litter, it is a natural product!

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Glad to be ack,the signs say what I said they say. something along the lines of no loose dogs and no fouling, they are not banned, and so they shouldn't be! no bugger else uses the damn beaches, shame the jet skiers didn't put up the fight when they got banned.

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This is getting really heavy stuff. maybe we need to lighten a little.

I have a dog. Either myself or my good lady always pick up his crap.

Having said that, I do not become a raging lunatic if I encounter horse crap all over the paths I sometimes walk or seagull crap on my car. I accept cats will dig up my garden and hide their shit for me to find, usually with my fingers, when Im gardening. I dont think it really matters if the odd person doesnt pick up their dog crap either. It is no worst than collecting tons of human excrement and piping it into the sea. Some of our beaches, for example, have large amounts of sewage on them.

We all crap. Animals and humans. I cant really see what difference it makes if some ends up on a pathway while some ends up on the beach or in the sea.

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Good point!


I pick up dog shit, because of other people's pecadilloes.

exactly! That is why we are doing more than we should, we collect them purely because other people don't like them, nothing to do with the environment or any real reason, just because people are so damn dumb, they can't watch where they are walking. I don't drop litter ever, but a dog faeces is not the same, lifeforms live on that dog shit! it is part of life. We collect it because we are told to by those without a dog. Life sucks.
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Glad to be ack,the signs say what I said they say. something along the lines of no loose dogs and no fouling, they are not banned, and so they shouldn't be! no bugger else uses the damn beaches, shame the jet skiers didn't put up the fight when they got banned.

Thanks for that, I will take my two on the beach during the balmy summer evenings with alacrity then.

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