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An Idiot Is An Idiot Regardless Of What They Are Doing..


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I say that about dog shit (being picked up) meaning in areas like the plantation =^..^= is talking about! as with any other litter it should be picked up in town, and the reason a lot (most) dog owners clear up after their pets is because they don't want to be banned from going there, whereever it is, whether or not they agree with the general principle. I pick up after my dog almost always, but not in the countryside because 1) it is a natural byproduct and 2) there is no-one there to see my dog poo


Commissioners/government pt up these signs because they always have to be doing something don;t they? This world will never be perfect and you can guarantee that until the dawn of time there will still be some little hitlers making new rules about where and what we can do.


We are talking about shit! we all do it, every species, it's life! Gawd I just don't get you people!


even if not picked up it is by far the better sort of litter when compared to anything esle you find along your walk! lUnlike dumped stuff and general plastic litter, it is a natural product!



I appreciate that dog shit is a natural thing, just as human shit is. I accept this concept, especially after this has been repeated about 47 times on this thread now.


You seem to be missing the point however. You should be picking it up because the law says you should. Just because you don't like the law it doesn't matter. I don't like certain speed limits for instance but I stick to them.


You've already said dog shit is more or less the same as litter then said you don't see why you should pick it up, and have now said you're happy to leave it lying around when you know you aren't mean to, as long as you don't get seen? Presumably that kind of thing goes for other rules too then? "Ahh, the foolish shopkeeper has left the till unattended so I'll help myself. It's ok as long as no-one sees me".


Yes people obey & pick up probably largely because they have to, but why are those rules there? Probably in all likeliness because the majority of people think they should be. Why do you think they put those huge posters up around town recently about dog shit too?


I don't care where people walk their dogs and I think they should be free to generally, but if there's a sign saying clean up after yourself you should do so. It's that simple.


For what it's worth though, there's nothing funnier than seeing your mate step in some. :)

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How can you compare dog shit with horse or cow shit? Horses eat hay - therefore they shit used hay. Cows eat grass. Dogs eat dog shit, vomit, crows, pairs of tights, and processed meat. Their poos couldn't be any more vile. That's why Jesus said on the cross, "oh well, at least there's no dog shit up here"


Also: I knew someone who had a leg amputated after getting dog shit in a cut during a game of football.

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How can you compare dog shit with horse or cow shit? Horses eat hay - therefore they shit used hay. Cows eat grass. Dogs eat dog shit, vomit, crows, pairs of tights, and processed meat. Their poos couldn't be any more vile. That's why Jesus said on the cross, "oh well, at least there's no dog shit up here"


Superb! :D


Also: I knew someone who had a leg amputated after getting dog shit in a cut during a game of football.


Not superb.


I think dog shit has a physical structure that makes it particularly difficult to scrape out from shoe treads with a stick, and seems magnetised somehow towards carpet.

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I appreciate that dog shit is a natural thing, just as human shit is. I accept this concept, especially after this has been repeated about 47 times on this thread now.


You seem to be missing the point however. You should be picking it up because the law says you should. Just because you don't like the law it doesn't matter. I don't like certain speed limits for instance but I stick to them.


You've already said dog shit is more or less the same as litter then said you don't see why you should pick it up, and have now said you're happy to leave it lying around when you know you aren't mean to, as long as you don't get seen? Presumably that kind of thing goes for other rules too then? "Ahh, the foolish shopkeeper has left the till unattended so I'll help myself. It's ok as long as no-one sees me".


Yes people obey & pick up probably largely because they have to, but why are those rules there? Probably in all likeliness because the majority of people think they should be. Why do you think they put those huge posters up around town recently about dog shit too?


I don't care where people walk their dogs and I think they should be free to generally, but if there's a sign saying clean up after yourself you should do so. It's that simple.


For what it's worth though, there's nothing funnier than seeing your mate step in some. :)

Do you honestly believe that if the law is something you do not approve of you should just follow it anyway? If they brought in a law tomorrow that said you must turn around 3 times before entering your home you would do this? No wonder this country is in such a mess!

I don't think the law says it must be cleared up except in towns anyway, but no I won't be picking it up in the middle of the country even if the law says I should because that is one shit law.


you are free! to do as we tell you

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All dogs (apart from those with practical uses i.e. guide dogs, huskies, Snoopy etc.) should be beheaded and buried. Probably.


Cats are far better. :cat:


Thats the most stupid thing i've heard, Dogs aren't the problem its the owners, What really annoys me is people who let there dog poo all over the pavement and then don't pick it up, how would you like it if i decided to get a dog to poo all over a path you use everyday. Some dog owners are just lazy and thats why they don't pick it up.

I also saw an owner let a dog have a poo on the beach in summer, Kids where playing on that beach, People where walking in bare feet and the dog owner didn't care about anyone else just left it and walked off!

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you are free! to do as we tell you


Isn't that the point of laws. You can't just pick and choose what laws you obey and what you won't. It's not a Woolies Pick 'n' Mix. What if someone thought that the age of consent should be 10? Would they then be justified in breaking that law?

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Both cats and dogs shit anywhere and everywhere, I blame the owners.


Pisses me off big time if I have either tread in shit, or have been weeding the garden to find a cat has shit there and buried it, the owners of these animals should be kicked up the arse!!


Either that, or I send which ever member of my familys' clothing, or footwear, to the owner to be cleaned by them instead of having to clean it myself! Dirty B@$+@rd$

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