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An Idiot Is An Idiot Regardless Of What They Are Doing..


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All dogs (apart from those with practical uses i.e. guide dogs, huskies, Snoopy etc.) should be beheaded and buried. Probably.


Cats are far better. :cat:


Thats the most stupid thing i've heard, Dogs aren't the problem its the owners, What really annoys me is people who let there dog poo all over the pavement and then don't pick it up, how would you like it if i decided to get a dog to poo all over a path you use everyday. Some dog owners are just lazy and thats why they don't pick it up.

I also saw an owner let a dog have a poo on the beach in summer, Kids where playing on that beach, People where walking in bare feet and the dog owner didn't care about anyone else just left it and walked off!


Nurse! Humour transfusion required!


Dogs are bloody big creeps anyway, always fetching sticks and the like.

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All dogs should be beheaded and buried.

That should be done to all dog owners who don't pick up the shit. It seems to be a particular problem in the Governors Hill area at the minute. When I walk to and from school with my youngest boy I'm constantly shouting to him to watch where he's walking. Most days I push a double buggy to and from school as well and it's a pain in the arse dodging all the crap on the pavements. Pick up your dog's shit, you selfish, lazy, irresponsible arseholes!

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Bubbly, there is precious little you can do about a cat shitting. Not nice, I know, but at least they bury it rather than leave it in the middle of the pavement for some unsuspecting passer-by to tread in it!


If you have a problem with cats in your garden, try tiger or lion poo. Honestly, its a derivative of the big cats' poo and the scent obviously makes the domestic moggy think twice about putting itself in a vulnerable position. Never used it myself being a pet owner, but my aunt swore it was very effective and she was no animal lover!


On the other hand, you do know that soil is primarily made up of worm poo?

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Bubbly, there is precious little you can do about a cat shitting. Not nice, I know, but at least they bury it rather than leave it in the middle of the pavement for some unsuspecting passer-by to tread in it!


If you have a problem with cats in your garden, try tiger or lion poo. Honestly, its a derivative of the big cats' poo and the scent obviously makes the domestic moggy think twice about putting itself in a vulnerable position. Never used it myself being a pet owner, but my aunt swore it was very effective and she was no animal lover!


On the other hand, you do know that soil is primarily made up of worm poo?


Curraghs Wildlife Park here I come!!! Shovel in one hand, bag in the other


Sodding worms!!

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Here in Ramsey the system of local - national - local - government has granted permission for the building of hundreds of new houses which will be pumping human shit into a sewage system at the Grand Island. At a time when there are already hundreds of houses on the depressed but still over - priced market.


It's a sewage system which already isn't coping. As it is - human excrement, condoms and sanitary products float back onto the beach during some tides and winds. It's horrid.


Apparently Ramsey won't be connected to the semi mythical new sewage system for many years. If it ever works - despite the millions spent.


Whilst I object to dog shit above the low water mark - well I have a much bigger problem trying to explain the human stuff to guests and visitors.


Dog shit isn't nice. But it isn't the big issue to be getting cross about IMO.

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You're not the only ones - but its all a matter of focus. People may walk to school or along a footpath and step in shit, they dont all swim in the sea or spend time on the beach in Ramsey. You could say floating turds in the sea isn't much of an issue, when compared to say Sellafield.


I don't like dog poo, nor do I like human logs floating in the sea.

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Do you honestly believe that if the law is something you do not approve of you should just follow it anyway?


Sadly erm, yes pretty much.

When they bring in a law like the one you suggested then I may start to complain.


If you don't like it though perhaps you should make some kind of proper campaign against it. It might go along the lines of "Dear MHK, I don't see why I should have to clean up my dogshit, please fixit for me to have this law scrapped as I can't be arsed following it and believe I am in fact above the law." I'm sure you'll get some great results.


I know there are some stupid laws about but who are you to decide which ones you should & shouldn't obey purely because you happen to not like them, are too lazy to abide by them, or too thick to realise why they are in place to begin with.


I hope you're proud of yourself because it's people with the same kind of selfish "why should I?" attitude as yours that end up causing problems for you and your fellow dog owners. I can't believe you don't understand this rather simple idea.


I've already said I've nothing against dogs or their owners and if I had the time to spend with one properly myself I'd consider it but you aren't doing the image of dog owners any good at the same time as whining about how you get treated as one. How ironic.


You've said the people on here need to get a life but personally I think you need to grow/wake up & smell the dog shit.

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You know when people house train dogs, don't they rub their noses in any accidents or something? Maybe if you see a dog owner who doesn't pick up their pet's shit, just shove their noses in it - maybe they'll get the message then.

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During the last few weeks somebody has taken to letting their dog shit on the pavement outside my house. Every sodding day there's a fresh shit and everyday without fail somebody manages to trod it in with their nice shoes. Of course shitty dog owners are thick and selfish and will no doubt argue that people should watch where they're walking but at night there's not much streetlighting so it's dark and you have to step straight out of your car onto a shit infested pavement. I've taken to clambering over and getting in and out of the passenger door, that's how bad it is. I can't face shit on any more shoes, those shitty shoed bastards!

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The Government should have someone employed to be a "Dog Shit Patroller" and issue on the spot fees for up to £500, £100 should be issued for letting their dogs crap on a public footpath straight away, unless they scoop it up.


Makes me mad too and I know some people are fed up with the topic but as long as it persists, it will always be a problem

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