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An Idiot Is An Idiot Regardless Of What They Are Doing..


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Thanks be that dogs don't use chewing gum as well! and spit it out all over the road and pavements in our larger towns. Have a look next time you are waiting at traffic lights in your box, or crossing at a pedestrian point. How much would be saved off our rates if you only swallowed the stuff?

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I am going to resurrect this topic. This week there was a mountain bike fun day in south barrule run by the government which must have had nearly 30 kids on it.


There was a health and safety guy out doing a check on the course I guess to see that they weren't putting the kids in danger.


Apparently one of his first comments was on the amount of dog faeces !


I noticed the signs have been removed so I'm guessing the DAFF guys gave up in the end as that plantation is covered in shit.


I guess its only when one of the kids gets blinded something will happen.

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i took my mums dog out today with a handful of bags!!! we came across so much dog shite although some of it was so big im sure one of my neighbours is keeping an elephant it was gross i also work in a primary school and the amount of dog shite found in the grounds is unbelievable kids always standing in it bringing it in carpets etc the owners should be caught and humiliated into picking it all up sorry for rambling but it really pisses me off

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Hacks me off too, because those dog owners that don't pick up put the rest of us in a bad light. The Marine Drive is a disgrace, considering it is somewhere most people walk the dog with their kids!


I keep a packet of nappy sacks in the car and shove a handful in my pocket when we take the dogs out. I have to admit, though, sometimes the bags run out before the dogs do! Thankfully, it is after the magnum opus!

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Am I right in thinking that dogs (four-legged variety) are banned from pubs on the Island?


What's the legislation regarding beaches and the shorline?

Dogs have been banned from pubs for a very long time (happened in the late 70's ish). As the for beaches and shoreline, Douglas bye-laws prohibit the exercising of dogs on the beach during the summer months (April to September, I think). As usual, pretty much unenforced.


Elsewhere the non-towny beaches do not have any prohibitions as far as I am aware. As a dog owner and walker, there are plenty of places to take dogs for exercise which do not interfere with other people's enjoyment and I ALWAYS pick up after my dogs. If there are no bins I take it home with me (although I have on at least one occasion forgotten the bag was in the car, yuk!). The Marine Drive (closed section) is a favourite but it amazes me the amount of doggy do's that is left there.

Thanks - maybe we could ban children from pubs and let dogs in instead?


- Fantastic!!


Kids littering the streets IMHO is no different than people not picking up after their dogs, I think that any kid caught littering should have their faces puched into a fresh dog-turd, hopefully that might make them think twice about littering again.


Was waiting for a taxi outside a chinese restaurant last week & noticed some kids throwing chip/burger wrappers out of a car window, I ran upto the car picked up the litter and threw it back into the car through the open window & exlaimed "excuse me I think you dropped this", got a torrent of abuse off the little buggers & they threw the litter back out of the window while driving off, but I'm glad I made my point!


- I have 2 dogs, their shit get's "bagged & tagged" if they drop anything in a public place, I also take them out into fields where other people walk their dogs, and don't pick up after them - can't see the logic in picking up your dog turds in a field full of cow & sheep turds!!!


But it is annoying when dog owners don't clean up after their pooches in town.


To keep =^..^= happy, maybe we could kill all of the animals on South Barrule (not forgetting the sheep - who leave plenty of shit up there), have gunmen surrounding the hill to enforce a no-bird flyzone and have helicopters spraying the area with disinfectant, so that the kids mountainbiking won't come into contact with any part of "nature"????


We better take all of the fish out of Cringle resevoir as well, that's the main source of drinking water for most of the south of the Island - be awful if it were true that the fish might poop in there....


- What's the point of going out into a "natural" environment and complaining about shit, - it's an integral part of nature, if you can't accept shit as being a part of nature and the natural environment, then get yourself an oxygen tent and don't venture out into the real world!!!


Put the kids in an oxygen tent and set them up with a mountain bike simulator, have a "virtual mountain bike course" with "virtual shit" dotted around, so when they go out in to the real world, they will accept shit as being a part of nature.


- Although I agree it is out of order people leaving their doggie bags hanging on gates.




Good point!


I pick up dog shit, because of other people's pecadilloes.

exactly! That is why we are doing more than we should, we collect them purely because other people don't like them, nothing to do with the environment or any real reason, just because people are so damn dumb, they can't watch where they are walking. I don't drop litter ever, but a dog faeces is not the same, lifeforms live on that dog shit! it is part of life. We collect it because we are told to by those without a dog. Life sucks.


I don't entirely agree with you. It isn't a big deal to clean up after my dog and other people are so offended by it. Where's the harm in doing it?


However, I think fair's fair, and I should get my turn to ban something. I can't make up my mind, though. I'm torn between motorcars in Douglas, or James Blunt songs in public places.


- Surprised you didn't put 3FM on your "banned" list!!!!!!!

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The issue is only about about where owners let their dogs roam and nothing more. Dog shit should not be in places where people often walk and should be in places where children play. I would agree with the banning of the exercising of dogs on the beach. I remember how bad Peel beach used to be when I was little where you could just have easily of made castles from dogshit rather than sand. It is pretty disgusting but more importantly dangerous. It is also disgusting to have to tred in shit considering how much it stinks and the trouble it takes to remove from your shoes. It would not be my fault that I have trod in that shit on a footpath or in a civic area etc., I do not think I should keep my view on the ground a few feet in front of where I am to step, AT ALL TIMES and EVERYWHERE I go, just in case I might step in shit. This at the expense of looking straight ahead or side to side; or so that I might need to zig-zag constantly along, say a footpath, to avoid the shit. I know that explanation sounds pedantic but some forum members feel it is perfectly fine for others to live their eyes transfixed on the floor.


A few arguments on this thread are ridiculous in the indignant way people respond to being made to be conscious of their own responsibilities, in that I refer to those to rant on about the very fact of the biological need for a dog to shit and how the bagging of shit is almost tantamount to an infringement of their liberties. It comes across as a pointless rant of how individual that person is though nevertheless that person has responsibilities in society. Nobody disputes that a dog has to shit but ultimately where a dog is going to shit is the choice of the owner. If a dog is being walked along a footpath, whether that be in the countryside or in a plantation it is pretty likely it will shit on or near the footpath. That is not to say that it would be wrong for it do so but pick it up! To leave it there is irresponsible and careless; the effect of it to let others possibly step in it and go to trouble of cleaning it off, dog shit it repellant stuff. If you don't like picking up your shit then don't walk along a path, find an alternative route that people don't use much. Either way it really isn't so much of an effort in preventing others walking into it or removing it if they have.

I don't think it silly to refer to the natural world of shit, about fish shit and sheep shit. Fish shitting in a reservoir is unavoidable and the water is filtrated (though apparently inefficiently on the Isle of Man from what I have heard. As for sheep, they shit on the hills and inthe fields, that isn't a problem, nor is dogshit in those places but when it is in areas where people walk often it is a different matter.

I appreciate how the problem of litter is really bad and how careless people are and often it is surprising how much is about. Though lets put it another way, instead of stating how much others must litter and careless they seem I would hope that any forum member would think twice before throwing their litter on the ground, it should come naturally to dispose of it properly. The simply fact that it seems that others litter doesn't justify letting dogs shit anywhere but does reflect the fact that some laws should be enforced about littering.

The Isle of Man's beaches are dirty, as is the Irish Sea, and it isn't the wisest of things to let kids play on Peel Beach anyway but increasing the risks of exposure to harmful substances by letting dogs shit on the beach is wrong.


Essentially, this isn't about stigmatising dog owners, if you are a responsible dog owner then what is the problem? I can appreciate that some do feel stigmatised by others unfair reactions to the appearance of dogs in many places, though if the shit is being picked up then sod 'em. Though irresponsible dog owners ought to feel stigmatised and embarrassed about their behavious. Arguing about how these particular dog owners are unfairly oppressed and as free spririts both dog and human should be able to do what they want is just stupid. That line of argument could be extended to anything such as endorsing me taking my trousers down anywhere and taking a dump.


I really don't understand the mentality of the person who lef the bag on the gate. It is just grossly ignorant.

The person had a bag and made an effort to pick it up, was there not a bin nearby? Nevetheless, why didn't they take it and bin it. It shouldn't be for others to get rid of it and it a crass and unintelligent way of letting others know their objection to picking up the shit, if that is the case. I don't get it.


Sorry to be long-winded but I am just surprised at the indignance shown in some people's comments as if they are being oppressed. Yet what they advocate would be the same as making it acceptable for others to litter everywhere without a care, making areas into an even bigger shithole than they were.

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Seems to me that (almost) everyone on this forum agrees that dog shit should be picked up, yet the arguments have raged to and fro.


I can understand the need to come on here and vent anger at something such as this, but the target type of person that this post is aimed at is someone who would come on and reply 'yes I have a dog and I just let it crap anywhere, what you gonna do about it?', which just doesn't happen, though it could be mighty interesting if it did!


So we end up seeming to violently agree about stuff all the time.


It's fun to read though... :)

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