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Douglas Rates Go Up And The Town Gets Dirtier


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Its disgusting. There is rubbish all over the place and all the Douglas Head bins are overflowing. Is anyone responsible for making sure the bins up there are emptied every day? If they are they clearly aren't doing the job. Should they be brought to task and maybe even replaced with someone who can do the job?

It also looks like the bins might be being used by people whose own bins are full or who have commercial waste to dispose of so perhaps some covert CCTV for a week or so will catch whoever is doing it?


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It also looks like the bins might be being used by people whose own bins are full or who have commercial waste to dispose of so perhaps some covert CCTV for a week or so will catch whoever is doing it?


There's a nice CCTV view on this page:

Manx Radio Webcams


But I think the rubbish is from the likes of some R plate kids who have reached the pinnacle of their couldn't-care-less lives and just chuck their rubbish out of their car windows whilst having a spliff or doobie or whatever they call those home rollie cigarettes these days.


And seagulls.

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If you zoom in and look at the wheelie bin you can see its got a black bin liner full stuffed in, so how many people usually have a black bin liner in the car to empty a pop bottle / mcdonalds takeaway wrapper??


Not many I'll bet, so it looks like the culprits are people who either live near by, whose bin is already full, or others who live in mobile campers, or others who deliberately want to dump.


Whoever has stuffed the bins needs tracking down and prosecuting for dumping or whatever.


Doesn't Douglas Corpoartion employ inspectors and enforcers to deal with its bye-laws?


What do those Corpy people get paid for? No doubt they sit in their offices and only work week-days, a nice cushy job so they can say "its nothing to do with me" or "I wasn't on duty, it happened out of hours" etc etc - just the pathetic answers you might expect.

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What do those Corpy people get paid for? No doubt they sit in their offices and only work week-days, a nice cushy job so they can say "its nothing to do with me" or "I wasn't on duty, it happened out of hours" etc etc - just the pathetic answers you might expect.


No doubt you would prefer a 24 hour shift team to keep a close watch on the contents of one bin at Douglas Head. I suppose you would be in favour of funding the shift payments from the rates ?

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To be fair, Lone Wolf, AIH does have a point, we are not lacking in the regulations, but enforcement seems to be a joke. Can't say I would be in favour of a vigil over a bin, but just the occasional blitz on some of these things (littering, illegal parking, stopping on zig-zags, dog fouling etc) would give teeth to the various bye-laws and other regulations that do seem to be ignored for the most part.


Not that I am in favour of a police state, but if something is worth regulating, it is also worth enforcing. Otherwise, just do away with the regulations and hope that people conduct themselves in a responsible manner (which, in the main, they probably will).

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To be fair, Lone Wolf, AIH does have a point, we are not lacking in the regulations, but enforcement seems to be a joke. Can't say I would be in favour of a vigil over a bin, but just the occasional blitz on some of these things (littering, illegal parking, stopping on zig-zags, dog fouling etc) would give teeth to the various bye-laws and other regulations that do seem to be ignored for the most part.


Not that I am in favour of a police state, but if something is worth regulating, it is also worth enforcing. Otherwise, just do away with the regulations and hope that people conduct themselves in a responsible manner (which, in the main, they probably will).


Im sure you are right.

Im all for folks behaving reasonably.

We have a dog, for example, but have never once in his 9 years left any of his mess lying around. We buy little black bags in Shoprite and always have 2 or 3 in our pocket to pick it up.

Just that I think AIH is being more than a little unfair to the Corpy staff. The fact is, and using his/her example, the bins at Douglas Head are emptied regularly. If, shortly after they are emptied, someone comes along and fills them, it is hardly the fault of Douglas Corporation.

If people want a nice clean environment they have to take responsibility for their own actions.

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did anyone notice that the Christmas Trees provided by the Corporation along the properties on Prospect Terrace only got taken down during the middle of last week...how much bad luck is that??


more to the point..why did it take so long for someone to tell anybody to get them down when nobody did...until last week??

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more to the point..why did it take so long for someone to tell anybody to get them down when nobody did...until last week??


We would need to know exactly when the instruction was issued, if indeed any such instruction ever existed, before we could possibly put forward an answer to this extremely important question.

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