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Spatula girl

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agree with Nitro-car....no way are the Police going to have their "mobile" speed camera set up and monitored 24/7.... so when the days get longer and nights shorter at 4:30 am it will be easy to burn some rubber and do at least 120..and if at that time in the morning someone pulls out from a side road without stopping and looking and there is a smash then who is the incompetent driver...


The general idea of a speed limit is that folks should observe it irrespective of the time of day or whether the police are there to enforce it or not.

People have to take responsibility for their own actions.


Your totally correct, Although idiots who already do "a ton" aren't going to stop speeding if they know they can get away with it, This is why the police need to monitor and enforce the speed limit.

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So, Braidwood has 'pinned his colours to the mast' of a speed limit curbing fatal accidents on the Ballamodha.


So, when there has been another fatal accident, in the speed limit area, as there surely will be after the speed limit signs etc are put up, should Mr Braidwood resign?

Instead of gleefully looking forward to the next fatality, perhaps we ought to give a little bit of credit where it's due. Rather than simply adopt the'populist' viewpoint and retain the unrestricted nature of the speed limit, Braidwood's had the nerve to do what he believes to be right - without regard for the fact that it might lose him some votes and, possibly, his seat in the House of Keys.

Personally, I think we'd all be a lot better off if more MHKs did what they believed was right instead of trying to be all things to all men - the way at least one (possible) election candidate appears to be doing on the forum.

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The vast majority of people (99.84%) pronounce it as Balla - Mo - da.


AFAIK there are two people in the world who pronounce it Balla - moth-ah:

John 'Dog' Callister (whoever he may be) and our very own Stu Peters on Manx Radio.


So credit to Stu for shifting the blame onto John 'Dog' Callister for saying that Balla-moth-ah was how it 'should' be pronounced and making him do it.


It's Balla - mo - da. Otherwise the rest of us may not know where the hell you are on about.



It's a bit like Andreas:


And-ress or An-dree-as.


It's An-dree-as. Like what them lot say who have barbecues at Parish Walk time. Like them who have a right good do on Ascension day say. Like what everyone except Manx Radio folk and Brian Stowell says. No one cares what some old-timer used to pronounce it in their idiosyncratic way. Just 'cos they is old doesn't mean they is old and wizened.




So anyway, that's my reply to a thread on Ballamodha

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The still unrestricted straight:


Looking up:




Top junction:


post-1086-1140545676_thumb.jpg post-1086-1140545726_thumb.jpg




Bottom Junction:


post-1086-1140545789_thumb.jpg post-1086-1140545816_thumb.jpg


post-1086-1140545842_thumb.jpg post-1086-1140545868_thumb.jpg


A drive along the straight, done at the new limit (50mp/h, and 40 at the Junction)




(As usual, all done in a safe and law abiding manner)


Lonan: Although I see your point, and it does indeed appear nice to see some initiative and belief from a representative of the public, I do have to doubt the motive behind the decision. Very few (if any) of us know, how the limit came along, and who was really involved or advising on the matter - was it done from personal belief, or under pressure to make road traffic figures look better?


Instead of a speed limit, what I would really like to see are safer roads and cars - a crappy car without any kind of MOT is as dangerous at 50, as it is at 70 or more. The same applies for the driver.


And the limit there is just another step towards an Island wide speed limit - only that it won't be called that. There simply will be so many limits in place, that you don't need the big debate anymore - you simply can't drive more than 50 anywhere - a nanny state stealth approach...

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I fail to see what is being spoiled for other road usersThe section involves is an area where lots of propertys have drive ways coming onto the road,a crossroads[possibly 2] and the raod is hardly what can be described as in good condition!

So every one who is saying it has been spoilt for every one by the mindless few needs to have a think about how good,or responsible a driver they are at been denied there fun i.e. driving fast on a section of road that is not built for the purpose.It will only put a minute or so on your journey.Remember just because you say it only happens to others or r plate drivers etc doesn't make it true.I would like to bet that all of these drivers said the same thing.


That just shows your naivety, if you are a competent driver you drive to the road conditions ahead and your own skill and experience. The speed itself is irrelevant it is the surrounding circumstances that makes the difference, 70 -80 mph on a clear road in good weather conditions is quite acceptable but 50 in a built up area in the rain is just plain stupid, speed limits like this just infuriates competent driver , the idiots just won’t care.

You haven't answered my question,what is being spoiled for you by the fact you have to drive through this area at the new speed limits?

I fully accept that the idiots won't care and i think that this is a job for the police to enforce the laws and come down heavilly on these idiots.

You say the speed is irrelavent but if you are approaching one of these drive ways at 40 or 50mph and as youo say someone pulls out you have a far better chance to react and deal with the situation safely.While the other driver may be at fault you have to be prepared for other road users to make errors and deal with them accordingly.Remember on this stretch of roads ther are a lot of restricted accessess with por visibility so you have to be prepared for cars to further out in the road than you would expect.

Iwork as a driving instructor and have previously been employed driving heavy goods vehicles,and also have experience of competing in motorsports.I consider myself to be a very able driver,but i am not deluded enough to think that i am not capable of making a mistake or having an accident.

I see many experienced drivers every day driving to fast for the road conditions and failing to pay due care to other road users.I would like to bet most of these people think they are competent drivers.

Remember benn able to drive fast does not make you a good driver consideration and awareness of other rd users[even the incompetent and inexperienced ones as well !!!!]is a far more important skill.

I hope you don't have the misfortune to ever meet another "competent" driver coming the other way on a blind bend or pulling out of a side road when your doing 70 or 80,you maybe in the "right" but you could quite easilly wind up "dead right"!!!!!!!

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Why can't there be advised realistic speeds with appropriate signage as you drive into the bends as in Spain?


It seems to work there as you know if you go over the speed advised you do have problems and you create them for others

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I think that there is a requirement for speed limits (as long as they are enforced) on a number of roads on the Island, I'll bleat as much as (if not more than) the next man, but (and here's the bugger) there are too many fools with cars on the roads of the IOM.

I'm sure that it's not reserved to the IOM, but the money tht is here coupled with the low insurance on cars means the there are some real fools driving cars they have no concept of how to drive, never mind drive at speed.


I'm also in no no doubt that there are many people who can drive, are are sensible in their choice of speed and their driving; but, as macks has pointed out, even the best can get tripped up through no fault of thier own. It's no good being in the right if you are dead.


In a perfect world there would be a competency test that would dictate the type of car you can drive and the speed at which you can drive said car. In the absence of a perfect world then I guess that (enforced) speed limits have to be employed.


It's a sorry state (of affiars) when we have to have these rules imposed on all of us because of the actions of a few, this in mind I think the decision the put limits on the road in question was the right one.

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1 You haven't answered my question,what is being spoiled for you by the fact you have to drive through this area at the new speed limits?

2 I fully accept that the idiots won't care and i think that this is a job for the police to enforce the laws and come down heavilly on these idiots.

3You say the speed is irrelavent but if you are approaching one of these drive ways at 40 or 50mph and as youo say someone pulls out you have a far better chance to react and deal with the situation safely.While the other driver may be at fault you have to be prepared for other road users to make errors and deal with them accordingly.Remember on this stretch of roads ther are a lot of restricted accessess with por visibility so you have to be prepared for cars to further out in the road than you would expect.

4 Iwork as a driving instructor and have previously been employed driving heavy goods vehicles,and also have experience of competing in motorsports.I consider myself to be a very able driver,but i am not deluded enough to think that i am not capable of making a mistake or having an accident.

5 I see many experienced drivers every day driving to fast for the road conditions and failing to pay due care to other road users.I would like to bet most of these people think they are competent drivers.

6 Remember benn able to drive fast does not make you a good driver consideration and awareness of other rd users[even the incompetent and inexperienced ones as well !!!!]is a far more important skill.

7 I hope you don't have the misfortune to ever meet another "competent" driver coming the other way on a blind bend or pulling out of a side road when your doing 70 or 80,you maybe in the "right" but you could quite easilly wind up "dead right"!!!!!!!


1 Right what has been spoiled , the fact that on a clear stretch (with no junctions or driveways) I now have to adhere 50mph not the speed I see fit due to the road and weather conditions.


2 Agreed


3 A competent good driver would be looking at driveways access points and if not clearly visible would be slowing accordingly.


4 I am not prepared to blow my trumpet on my qualifications (or the lack of them as the case may be) but am prepared to say that I could make a mistake just like every human being on this earth.


5 I did not say that all people who think they are competent actually are did I ?


6 agreed


7 If I want to drive at a speed that is not safe for the public road, I will (and regularly do) enter a form of controlled motorsport. You seem to be classing the word “competent” in the same way as I would class “over confidant” to me they are a very long way apart.

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I'm not trying to blow my own trumpet,i mentioned my qualifications because you accussed me of being naive.

I was under the impression that the limits went passed or through a residential area even if it doesnt it only makes sense to have a gradual slowing down zone into the lower limit.

No you didn't say that every one who thinks they are competent is, because who is to judge the of this? Who is to say the fact that you think you are able to judge the actions and decisions of other road users while driving at 70 or 80 is a speed that is "fit" for the circumstances.

I have lost 3 friends to a motor crash and i would dare to guess that both drivers involved in this accident thought that they were driving at as speed that was safe for the conditions.The accident happened on a clear day and dry roads.At the inquest neither driver was criticised for excessive speed but this was on a deristricted road and their speeds were well over the 50mph that has been introduced on the ballamhoda rd.

I'm not trying to have a go at you but you there are too many people on the roads who in there opinions are skillfull enough to be driving at speeds which are frankly not compatible with the island roads.

You obviously get pleasure and enjoyment in competing in motorsport,and i think if anyone is rational that this is and should be the place and time that people get there fun and enjoyment from driving on the roads.

Lets be honest here, roads are built to facilitate travel from one place to another not as a play thing for our amusement.I know i sound like an old fart but like yopu i enjoy driving quickly but the open roads of the island are really not a suitable place for this self indulgence

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Frances wrote: In the discussion re Windy corner it was noted as the 2nd most accident prone spot - is there a public list of such places and where does Ballamodha straight figure on that list ?


I thought I heard on an interview with one of the dot guys that Brandish was the #1 corner for crashes. Haven't they got something planned for that?

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Driving up this road today for the first time since the limit was imposed, I was surprised to see that from Silverdale up to the most active junction on the road (end of Phildraw road) is still without a limit!

I would have thought that this would have been one of the more dangerous parts of the road.


Also quite interesting to see lots of signs about police checking speeds, no police and people still driving like the clappers!

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Frances wrote: In the discussion re Windy corner it was noted as the 2nd most accident prone spot - is there a public list of such places and where does Ballamodha straight figure on that list ?


I thought I heard on an interview with one of the dot guys that Brandish was the #1 corner for crashes. Haven't they got something planned for that?



Correct, I think it's something similar to Windy Corner ie. making it smoother and faster, so potentially MORE dangerous <_< .


I seem to recall it was orignally penned in for 2nd half of this year, after TT but before MGP, around the same time they were planning to put the 2 roundabouts in at each side of Braddan Bidge.


Which is nice.

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Roundabout at Braddan Bridge, Kirk Braddan Church and outside Union milles shop.im sick off roundabouts in this area,whos gonna pay the 350 notes for a new set of tyres for my car LOL.


seven year sentance is not enough, what a joke.prison these days are more like a lock in holiday camp.

i think it should be 6 people to a cell, bread n water for lunch, share the same pee pot (in the cell).


i would of gave a sentance of 20 years min

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