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The Islands Worst Sales Assistant


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Time to bring this old chestnut back following my experience at the NSC cafe. For downright rudeness and complete lack of social skills it's the bloke with the beard behind the counter. Is he related to the chap at the airport?


Flipside of the coin I've found the women in the NSC cafe quite helpful

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Some one walked into our office last week and asked it there was any jobs going so I told him to fill in the questionare. He went outside and punched the doorman. :lol:

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I'm coming late to this but I just wanted to second the comments about bus drivers - most of them here are unfortunately a law unto themselves, not to mention really obnoxious f*cks.


I can think of so many examples of bad customer service on the Rock that it's easier to think of the odd time when someone was nice. But I just have to vent spleen on a few...


1) One time myself and a partner went to Niarbyl tearoom at about 8.40pm. Last dinner orders is 9pm. They told us if we wanted to eat, we could only order two courses. They couldn't have made it more obvious that they just wanted to close up and go home. We went to the Ballacallin instead and I haven't been back to the 'tea' room since.


2) I tried ordering a coffee in a certain hostelry in Peel. The barmaid said 'yeah, I'm just busy right now'. She wandered off and I didn't get my coffee for 15 minutes. Can't name and shame as, who knows, I might have to wait 2 weeks for my coffee next time while she grinds the beans using her own armpit.


3) The reception staff at the NSC. With the odd exception, they are unhelpful, stony-faced harpies who treat you like a major inconvenience visited upon them while they're trying to chat. I've been going for christ knows how many years and have still to see a smile. Plus, once I had my card swiped with one hand while the woman crammed a Melton Mowbray pie into her gob with the free hand.


4) But the BEST was in a cafe in Port St Scary which has gone now. The girl at the counter couldn't grasp our simple orders and when the food did come, it wasn't what we'd asked for. She dropped and smashed our tea tray full of stuff as she brought it over and went 'oh f*ck!' She then kept going on about how she was 'so f*cking hungover'. She had lovely big hickies on her neck too. We ordered one dessert - apple pie with ice cream - which came out as a long thin slice with a ball of ice cream either side of it. She dumped it on the table and went, 'ha ha is it just me or does that look really rude?'


Actually, come to think of it, she was so bad she was a legend. All hail the hickey waitress!

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  • 3 weeks later...
What has happened to our favourite man at the airport? Over the last couple of months of going through security taking most of my clothes off including wrist watch I used to look forward to sitting in front of the bar and watch our man perform.

Even that little pleasure has been denied. Has he been promoted?

Has anyone seen him outside of his workplace, he'd be easy to spot but I've never seen him.


having flown off the Island last week I'm pleased to report he's back .....and looking a bit slimmer ...maybe he's been ill..

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What has happened to our favourite man at the airport? Over the last couple of months of going through security taking most of my clothes off including wrist watch I used to look forward to sitting in front of the bar and watch our man perform.

Even that little pleasure has been denied. Has he been promoted?

Has anyone seen him outside of his workplace, he'd be easy to spot but I've never seen him.


having flown off the Island last week I'm pleased to report he's back .....and looking a bit slimmer ...maybe he's been ill..


He was working in the little shop in the main airport (not departures). I got sent back to get a clear plastic bag which I was told I could get in the shop. Went to shop and said to chap where are the bags, (didnt have time to look as running a bit late), he looked at me with utter distain and pointed in front of him where they were. Didnt open his mouth other than to say 10p.


The guys a legend and should be made a manx national heritage site

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What has happened to our favourite man at the airport? Over the last couple of months of going through security taking most of my clothes off including wrist watch I used to look forward to sitting in front of the bar and watch our man perform.

Even that little pleasure has been denied. Has he been promoted?

Has anyone seen him outside of his workplace, he'd be easy to spot but I've never seen him.


having flown off the Island last week I'm pleased to report he's back .....and looking a bit slimmer ...maybe he's been ill..


He was working in the little shop in the main airport (not departures). I got sent back to get a clear plastic bag which I was told I could get in the shop. Went to shop and said to chap where are the bags, (didnt have time to look as running a bit late), he looked at me with utter distain and pointed in front of him where they were. Didnt open his mouth other than to say 10p.


The guys a legend and should be made a manx national heritage site



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Nothing to do with Tesco home delivery - I used to work in an office in Liverpool and we had an office messenger who was a bit ....... slow. Every morning he would go to the little newsagent down the road and get various orders for me and my colleagues. Things like newspapers, crips, bacon baps etc.


One morning he came to me with his list and asked me what I wanted, "Can you get me 20 Embassy No1 please Malcolm, and if they haven't got any, just get me something else"


20 minutes later Malcolm returned with our orders. He came over to me with his purchases and put a greasy looking bag in front of me. "They didn't have any Embassy No1, so I got you a meat and potato pastie instead". Genius.


I missed this the first time round. Brilliant.

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What has happened to our favourite man at the airport? Over the last couple of months of going through security taking most of my clothes off including wrist watch I used to look forward to sitting in front of the bar and watch our man perform.

Even that little pleasure has been denied. Has he been promoted?

Has anyone seen him outside of his workplace, he'd be easy to spot but I've never seen him.


having flown off the Island last week I'm pleased to report he's back .....and looking a bit slimmer ...maybe he's been ill..


He was working in the little shop in the main airport (not departures). I got sent back to get a clear plastic bag which I was told I could get in the shop. Went to shop and said to chap where are the bags, (didnt have time to look as running a bit late), he looked at me with utter distain and pointed in front of him where they were. Didnt open his mouth other than to say 10p.


The guys a legend and should be made a manx national heritage site



He was in the shop last week when I came back over, I bought a few bits gave him a tenner he took it put it in the till and started serving the next customer, when I asked for my change he told me to wait till he'd finished serving. He took her money opened the till gave her her change and closed it, when I asked for my change again he sighed and asked why I hadn't spoken when he had the till open! and that I'd have to wait for the next customer. Altogether charming, when I eventually got my change I apologised for being a nuisance, which he seemed to take for granted.

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Nothing to do with Tesco home delivery - I used to work in an office in Liverpool and we had an office messenger who was a bit ....... slow. Every morning he would go to the little newsagent down the road and get various orders for me and my colleagues. Things like newspapers, crips, bacon baps etc.


One morning he came to me with his list and asked me what I wanted, "Can you get me 20 Embassy No1 please Malcolm, and if they haven't got any, just get me something else"


20 minutes later Malcolm returned with our orders. He came over to me with his purchases and put a greasy looking bag in front of me. "They didn't have any Embassy No1, so I got you a meat and potato pastie instead". Genius.


I missed this the first time round. Brilliant.


Yep totally classic!


Reminds me of the day my mum sent my sister out to the shop to get some beef for dinner, only to come back an hr later with a 3 pack of light bulbs.

She totally forgot what my mum wanted, so picked something random hoping she might be right.

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Nothing to do with Tesco home delivery - I used to work in an office in Liverpool and we had an office messenger who was a bit ....... slow. Every morning he would go to the little newsagent down the road and get various orders for me and my colleagues. Things like newspapers, crips, bacon baps etc.


One morning he came to me with his list and asked me what I wanted, "Can you get me 20 Embassy No1 please Malcolm, and if they haven't got any, just get me something else"


20 minutes later Malcolm returned with our orders. He came over to me with his purchases and put a greasy looking bag in front of me. "They didn't have any Embassy No1, so I got you a meat and potato pastie instead". Genius.


I missed this the first time round. Brilliant.

I would have been more impressed if I hadn't heard Victoria Wood use the same story many years ago. Perhaps she stole it from GingerPaul?

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Even if Victoria Wood had used it, it is actually a possibility that someone could do that! Any office junior or apprentice has prob done something like that in their time!


Customer service is shocking these days - you dont expect anything anymore, i sometimes get so shocked by good customer service that it renders me speechless!


I dont expect to be doted over and worshiped but someone who just wants to do a job, no matter how crap, but doing it with self pride - I have done many a shitty job and yes it is tiresome when you get idiots but most of the time customers are okay!


I recently had the luck to go for dinner at the Dorchester Hotel (London) and it was like stepping back into a the golden age, the customer service was excellent, just perfect, not in your face, but just genuinly helpful, aaah what it must be like to be rich and receive that kind of service on a regular!

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I had the pleasure of that guy in the airport earlier this year - he was at the bar and after spending a good 30 seconds just stood scratching his arse he finally acknowledged me and I ordered 2 pints of Carling.


"No Carling."


That was it. He is a legend.


Also, Victoria Wood saying something funny? Don't be fucking stupid.

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I dont expect to be doted over and worshiped but someone who just wants to do a job, no matter how crap, but doing it with self pride - I have done many a shitty job and yes it is tiresome when you get idiots but most of the time customers are okay!


I recently had the luck to go for dinner at the Dorchester Hotel (London) and it was like stepping back into a the golden age, the customer service was excellent, just perfect, not in your face, but just genuinly helpful, aaah what it must be like to be rich and receive that kind of service on a regular!


Trouble is, the option has always been there for people who demand good service - but it's invariably been at a premium price.


Nowadays every scrote and chav who watches Gordon Ramsey on the telly expects that standard with their pub grub, and kick up a fuss about everything that doesn't suit them.


The staff at the Dorch are probably on minimum wage too - but at least they're getting a world-class entry on their CV, as opposed to 'Ronaldsway coffee bar shitehawk of the year assistant'.

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