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The Islands Worst Sales Assistant


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Some people who are complaining about the types of assistants that serve them should maybe think about the types of customer they are....


I've worked in retail, many many years ago granted, but you can spot a surly, unfriendly arse who'll throw the money down on the counter for you, bark their demands and turn without so much as a please or thank you a mile off. Works both ways.


Sure, they're there to serve and help you, but some of them are only doing their jobs and they do get a lot of shit from crappy customers.


I agree! I work in retail and get my fair share of unfriendly customers. But you just have to smile like it's ok :)

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What's snobby about expect some courtesy & good manners, even a smidgen of enthusiasm from useless worker drones that work in shops? ;)


Starting out by calling them useless worker drones is a start, sounds like the attitude stinks to begin with.


Why should you "expect" common courtesy if it doesn't work both ways?


Since you are in fact classed as a guest while your on their premises.


Jesus - I'm not allowed to make a joke on here now?!!


I've worked for a couple of years in shops myself and I'm well aware that arsey customers are not nice to deal with.

I was brought up to always be polite to people and show them a bit of respect and I generally still do that unless they've personally done something to annoy me. Do as you would be done by & all that!


I'm always polite to people in shops even if they don't give a shit whether you're there or not (all too common) or won't afford you the same courtesy. Probably largely because I was brought up that way. Partly because I'm not stupid enough to think that if something isn't right in a shop it's automatically the fault of the person you speak to, and partly because I've plenty of experience of being there & doing that myself!


Rich - I think you could do with a big mug of sense of humour!

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Yes very pretty does that mean we can say what we like and it won't matter??


Are you aware of the form of humour known as 'sarcasm'? This, and its oft mistaken twin brother 'irony' are commonly used around the world, I'm surprised you've not come across it before.


While 'sarcasm' is often criticised for being a lower form of wit, in many cases, it's often an effective tool for creating 'humour'.


We can cover 'humour' in more detail at your next life lesson.



This is the problem with smilies. I initially read that as sarcastic and ignored the smilie (as I tend to do). Until you drew my attention to it. The smilie takes sarcasm and any subtely away and makes it read more like a fuck you.


I really wish people wouldn't use smilies all the time all they do is muddy the meaning of their words. But that sort of person don't care about stuff like that.

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It seems you can say what the heck you like as long as you put the apparently "get out clause" of a smilie after your post.


A bit like the mis-used 'allegedly'.


Muddies the water? Yep!


But it is best to make a right nasty comment and wait till someone picks up on it. Then edit your post with a smilie at the end. That seems to be a good trick too.


Maybe the forum software should put a smilie at the end of every post, you know, just to be safe.

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My earlier comments about 'useless worker drones' were I thought at least a quite obvious friendly dig.


Obviously the written word occasionally gets misinterpreted as to the sentiment it's intended with, hence why I added the wink smiley on the end.

Surprisingly enough this is just like you might do in real life if you were sort of winding someone up by saying something but then winking at the end to say "It's ok, I'm only messing".

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. . . . (It's like being attacked by Sandi Toksvig.) . . .


Does this mean that the counter assistant was a bit of a biffer?


Or perhaps she was famous for pioneering the 'conception by turkey baster' method.


Perhaps the counter assistant had a damn good agent who continually found her work as a comedienne without being the slightest bit funny


Perhaps . . . etc


Yes, Denmark is famous for three things these days.

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My earlier comments about 'useless worker drones' were I thought at least a quite obvious friendly dig.


Obviously the written word occasionally gets misinterpreted as to the sentiment it's intended with, hence why I added the wink smiley on the end.

Surprisingly enough this is just like you might do in real life if you were sort of winding someone up by saying something but then winking at the end to say "It's ok, I'm only messing".


Wrong! You are implying that I don't have the ability to understand subtle meanings when I read it. Or you don't have the ability to convey them. Neither of which are true.


Frankly, the facial expressions of these abominations could mean anything.


Your hiding behind the "but I used a smilie" arguement is shameful, you should have just stood your ground and called Rich a stupid idiot for not being able to understand your post.

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When I used to work in Marks and Sparks it was always of case of 'give and ye shall receive'.


I dealt with hundreds of people on a daily basis and the vast majority were pleasant enough, if not overtly friendly - no-one really likes shopping that much! - and there was about an equal number of wanker regulars and nice regulars. Of course, being nice back to people who were nice to me came naturally, as I'm so good natured, but when I got a rude or obnoxious customer I simply turned up the charm to frankly offensive levels (think Arkwright crossed with Suits You Sir) and basically just patronised the bastards.


"Is there anything else I can do for you today, sir? Anything at all? No? Well you just have a great day now!"


I suppose having to go to the shops now and again is something pretty much everyone has to do at some point, and so you get a total cross-section of personality types, from Mother Teresas to Josef Stalins. Not literally of course!


As for now I do try and be nice to a degree to shop assistants, but I'm getting attitude for no discernable reason (which seems to happen alot up here) I won't smile like a fucking idiot who's just won the lottery 'cause all they're doing is their job - badly.

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My earlier comments about 'useless worker drones' were I thought at least a quite obvious friendly dig.


Obviously the written word occasionally gets misinterpreted as to the sentiment it's intended with, hence why I added the wink smiley on the end.

Surprisingly enough this is just like you might do in real life if you were sort of winding someone up by saying something but then winking at the end to say "It's ok, I'm only messing".


Wrong! You are implying that I don't have the ability to understand subtle meanings when I read it. Or you don't have the ability to convey them. Neither of which are true.


Frankly, the facial expressions of these abominations could mean anything.


Your hiding behind the "but I used a smilie" arguement is shameful, you should have just stood your ground and called Rich a stupid idiot for not being able to understand your post.


I totally disagree but never mind. I'm not hiding behind smilies or anything else.


It's simply called taking the piss when I post a comment like my initial one and I thought that the smilies make that very clear. If other people wish to read into it meanings not actually there or some bizarre hidden agenda or whatever then that's their perogative but they're wrong, and it seems odd to me that anyone would reach such conclusions. Simple as.


Just because Rich might not have got the right end of the stick doesn't mean I should call him a stupid idiot. That would be obnoxious and pointless so why would I?

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Just to set the record straight for Cret (I was happy to leave this but obviously people are still misunderstanding things), I didn't take it the wrong way, in fact I didn't take it anyway I was talking hypothetically.


That if someone came into a shop thinking of the sales assistants as "stupid worker drones" then their attitude would be wrong to begin with and so would be one such obnoxious customer who expects more than a sales assistant could offer and there would be no satisfying of the customer.


Then I got the usual dorks making assumptions of how I took things when as usual they haven't a clue.

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