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The Islands Worst Sales Assistant


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Just because Rich might not have got the right end of the stick doesn't mean I should call him a stupid idiot. That would be obnoxious and pointless so why would I?


True and thanks Cret, as for Declan then if that's your view then I think it's a very sad one.

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I think that I should put myself up for the title. Although Im very friendly to people, I have a total lack of IQ which stops me being a good shop assitant as I dont really know whats happening . For example if someone asks me something i never really know what the answer is and I either have to guess it and hope to god im right or call over someone to help (that really shows how professional I am doesnt it ? <_< ) and the fact that ive worked there for 5 months and still struggling with the fact to give the change to people and not just to shut the till or to remember how to work the damn thing (which does help).

But i guess as long as theres unfriendly people out there i guess i dont win... :P

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Sparkly things make me smile - You would probably make a good Doctor, I can just imagine going to see you and asking if I need to have a testicle removed!! And you would probably reply.... eerrrrm :huh: yes it needs to go :o


But hey, what the hell as long as you are friendly to people ;)


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Sparkly things make me smile - You would probably make a good Doctor, I can just imagine going to see you and asking if I need to have a testicle removed!! And you would probably reply.... eerrrrm :huh: yes it needs to go :o


But hey, what the hell as long as you are friendly to people ;)


Last Ten


We had a speaker at school about testicular cancer, Doctor has a bit more then just to say alright yessir!


Anyway, customer is king as they say, be nice :huh:

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We had a speaker at school about testicular cancer, Doctor has a bit more then just to say alright yessir!

I agree totally AlecMcC and I would never under estimate the importance of that particular subject, I really only made my post in jest with member - Sparkly things make me smile...


Last 10

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Customer service? Well there was this one time that the fan on my fridge packed in...



The grumpy guy at the airport annoys me by asking if I would like cocoa powder on my Capachino. Grrrrrr


Worst Sales assitant in the past week is the boy in the Milestone.


On his mobile phone as I walked in to pay, he briefly glanced in my general direction to accept my payment. I think I heard a momentary grunt resembling "cheers".

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Sparkly things make me smile - You would probably make a good Doctor, I can just imagine going to see you and asking if I need to have a testicle removed!! And you would probably reply.... eerrrrm :huh: yes it needs to go :o


But hey, what the hell as long as you are friendly to people ;)


Last Ten


I would make such a good doctor! i'd sit there and smile and the person then actually realise that they were talking to me (even if i was the only one in the room :huh: ) It would be quite amusing to watch me trying to pronounce the big words that they use though :D

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Try some of these:


radioimmunoprecipitation assay


Achondrogenesis-hypochondrogenesis, type II


radix sensoria ganglii pterygopalatini


rami ganglionici nervi maxillaris


regio sternocleidomastoidea


Fun for hours, trying to pronounce that...

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They can be very difficult sometimes! :P


You're right actually, I often struggle to say words like that when I've been doing some pharmaceutical research or I've been treating myself with some self-medication!




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why is it that everytime i go into a certain shop in union mills there is never anything in,im sick off it.who is in charge of the stock,is it the staff themselves.

ive emailed the company who own the shop and they said that they would do something about it,that was a year ago and still nothing has been done.bloody useless

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The worst sales assistant that I have ever encountered anywhere in the world was some years ago in Colebourns Victoria St.


Incompetence incarnate, rude, arrogant, and with a personality that he must use as a contraceptive, for me he set the calibration point from which I have judged all others since.


Out of curiosity I looked to see if they were still on business and if their website was still up – it is and looks a mess




What’s more they simply MUST be ‘aving a larf’ with their PC rental.

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The worst sales assistant that I have ever encountered anywhere in the world was some years ago in Colebourns Victoria St.


Incompetence incarnate, rude, arrogant, and with a personality that he must use as a contraceptive, for me he set the calibration point from which I have judged all others since.


Out of curiosity I looked to see if they were still on business and if their website was still up – it is and looks a mess




What’s more they simply MUST be ‘aving a larf’ with their PC rental.


LMAO - £29.99 to rent a 32" TV - What a joke! £359.88 for the year, christ you can go and buy one for that.

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We had a speaker at school about testicular cancer, Doctor has a bit more then just to say alright yessir!

I agree totally AlecMcC and I would never under estimate the importance of that particular subject, I really only made my post in jest with member - Sparkly things make me smile...


Last 10


I think I could have phrased my post better as well, I meant the doctor saying alright yessir and not a rant ;)

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