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The Islands Worst Sales Assistant


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There's a much worse one - and they're a manager/owner person too. Me and the bloke were in a Bakery in Douglas earlyish one morning keeping our bellies nice and big - Perfectly Polish woman took our order and when we were waiting charged us as you would expect... Her boss was watching - told her really rudely in front of us that she's charged us wrong - even when according to the boards at the side of her was the right amount...


So - they go to the back of the shop - we could hear them having a disagreement about it - then the Polish woman comes back out and saying she's sorry but she'll have to charge us another 75p.. I stupidly paid because I don't like fuss (the place was quite full now) and the Polish woman was really apologetic despite it being her moron bosses fault and inability to count (either that or charging more than the advertised price) ... but we both were chuffing pissed off and won't be going back :angry:

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Went into Shoprite in Ramsey tonight for the first (and last) time in ages. Not only do you get the Shoprite stare cos you haven't got a clubman card, you then have to listen to this particular sales assistant (who, by the way, has a face like she's been ram-raiding on a moped) describing to another staff member in great details the sex acts she likes to perform on her boyfriend. :whatever:

It was wrong on so many levels!

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  • 5 months later...

The woman in the ticket office for the MER at Laxey station.


Everytime I have used the tram this year she has been there, never a word has been spoken to me. Not a hello, not a thanks, NOTHING. A good image for tourists.


She has to win the worst sales assistant award!

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Not bad but weird customer service, has anyone been in the wee newsagents on Prospect Hill and encountered service from 'old big hands' ?!!


He rings in your items and then point blank refuses to state how much is due. Instead he holds out a massive hand and looks at you until you place your money in his humungous palm !!


And as for the newsagents opposite the bowling green with the ghostbusting son who wears a lovely knitted jumper with an alsation on the front !


Odd Odd Odd !!



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And as for the newsagents opposite the bowling green with the ghostbusting son who wears a lovely knitted jumper with an alsation on the front !


Odd Odd Odd !!





Is that the one with the really old guy? He served me & never gave me my £3 change. Just turned around & carried on with whatever he was doing. I would have asked for it but he look rather frail & i didn't want to give him a heart attack.

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The worst service I had was by someone in my year at school who served me in a petrol station in laxey at the blues festival. He just stood there glaring at me when I choosing what I wanted and when he gave me my change he threw it at me, without saying a word. I probably made it worse by saying "Oh service with a smile" But I think it might have been a personal thing, I'm sure he's usually very friendly <_<

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I wonder if they have any connection with the now defunct Bon Ton Stores. They made Basil Fawlty seem like a Silver Service waiter.

Oh Bill, when we moved here we have a shop in our little town that we call the BonTon for exactly the same reasons. lol.


The woman with the face like a jacket spud...

That is one of the most illustrative insults I've heard in a long time. Hysterical. :-)


Ranks right up there along with (please excuse me here) 'she's got a mouth like a dog's arse'.



Anyway, my mother, sister and I flew over to north UK searching for my wedding gown.


I fell for the first one I saw and Mum bought it. (Ah, sweet memories).


We then went in search of an outfit for the 'Mother of the Bride' in another store.


We asked for assistance from a somewhat elderly female shop "Assistant". Said female looked my cuddly Mum up and down in an offensive manner, then with a sneer stated, loudly "I am sorry Madam, but unfortunately we don't (pause for effect) actually stock outsize clothing, we only 'do' to size 16 here".


I was furious at her disrespectful attitude towards my mother.


I then looked her up and down and (plums freshly inserted in mouth) said indeed it was unfortunate as she herself was therefore unable personally to take advantage of staff discounts and where did she buy her clothes, but (second look over and pause for effect) not to worry, on reflection we wanted something a little less 'Morecambe Market'. Good Day.


We all fell into giggles and later found exactly the right thing in a friendly store down the road.

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And as for the newsagents opposite the bowling green with the ghostbusting son who wears a lovely knitted jumper with an alsation on the front !


Odd Odd Odd !!





Is that the one with the really old guy? He served me & never gave me my £3 change. Just turned around & carried on with whatever he was doing. I would have asked for it but he look rather frail & i didn't want to give him a heart attack.


His wife has just died after a long and painful illness - I think that might help to explain.

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As I was recently in the IOM I will put in my 10p worth! BUS DRIVERS - whats the deal with them on the Island? Really grumpy and surley? I got on a bus at 5pm, only had a £10 unfor....forgot to get change etc, the driver wouldnt let me on!! I was catchin a bus to the airport - I had to beg him to let me on or I would miss my flight - he snatched the £10 out my hand an mumbled something like "ill give you change when you get off" with pure hatred in his eyes??? I was really upset actually, cause everyone was looking at me and I was made to feel like I had just gone up to him and spat in his face!!!!!!


I mean if you hate your job that much, quit????


My sister also had a problem with another bus driver who wouldnt let her on with her pram (this was middle of afternoon hardly peak hours) until she folded it up - the 2 month old baby was asleep and she didnt want to wake him, he flatly refused to let her on???? People were sticking up for her, but he just wouldnt, in the end some lad just helped her put the pram on and everyone moved up and the pram fit in nicely - no problem??? What is it with these drivers, are they really underpaid or something????


There have been other incidents where the drivers are just really grumpy and rude...

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Yes T&B, I've had very similar experiences. Even with a bus full of children they seem to think it's acceptable to drive fast, then break sharply at a bus stop.


Also, when I've been on a school bus (with children young as 11 years old), the bus driver swore to pupils more than once on this certain bus journey, and it was totally uncalled for. Absolutely disgusting.

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Not quite rudeness, but how's this for service (or a poor attempt at bullshit) from an assistant in the designer section of a certain well known high street store over here.


I took a jacket which had shrunk slightly after washing at the recommended 40 degrees. When I explained this she looked me in the eye and said that there were two temperatures at 40 degrees, had I used the right one?


You can imagine how the conversation proceeded after that!



i am now curious to know if you acutual understood the point that the assistant was tring to get across to you and also in how you conducted yourself when you aproached said assistant, were you carm or was somebody going to :ph34r: Get IT :ph34r: because your designer jacket was ruined??


maybe they said temperature but ment setting/wash cycle as i know my washing machine has more than one forty degree wash cycle!! maybe you made them feel nervous and upset which made them mix up their words or you were just that angry you heard what you wanted to hear


Think about it ;) Never talk to people in a way you would not expect to be spoken to yourself


In the past if anyone rang my work and started firing fucks down the phone from the off i hung up and kept doing so untill they could be decent and at least talk to me and now if anyone has a problem they ring up and talk to me first then have a bit of a rant afterwards and everybodys happy

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