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The Islands Worst Sales Assistant


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when i used to work in admissions at a top Uni, we had this old guy of about 65 wanting to do physiotherapy - he had no qualifications and kept just sending us letters and phoning us daily on why he should be a student - we had to reject him and tactfully tell him this - one time he said the following (i actually had sympathy for him before this!)


"Okay well fuck you then bitch, im going to come down there and shove your fucking letter up your rotting vagina, then it will grow out of your head and i will then blow that off with a shotgun"




"what do you have a degree in, you fucking bitch, hey what are you speaking to me in that silly language for (he was cuban), you are thick and stupid and i want to kill you you fuking whore" "i know the address and I have my gun and i will come an kill you and no one will suspect a man like me"




"I know who you are, I am waiting for you and I have my gun with me........" and so on and so on!


Every time he we hung up on him he would just call straight back, we also had to get security to make sure they checked everyones ID! It actually got quite serious! Off thread slightly but I think thats the worst customer complaint I have ever had!!!

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I was looking for ideas for a prom dress as I've got another one next year (I'm looking this early incase I want one making!) I went into a certain shop in the town centre as I know they have some nice dresses there. As I was browsing through the dresses, the woman (who I think owned the smallish shop) asked if I needed any help. I explained that I was looking for one for ideas blah blah etc. Throughout the conversation, of talking about dresses and me asking her when the sale was at the end of the year/start of next year was, she talked to me like I was nothing, and stuck her nose up at me. Her answers were blunt, sarcastic and damn right rude. She won't be getting any service from me!

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Girl89, think i know the shop you mean, have been in a couple of times and find them ok but was wanting to ask when the sale was. Decided i best hadnt and am glad of it now. But managed to find one item in stock that was covered in make up. Lovely.


Of the bus drivers here, most of them drive so fast, im terrified there will be an accident oneday, and now there is the added fear that they may be drink driving? Hope to goodness it was a one off.


There is one store here i will never go in again now, i got stalked by a crazy sales assistant in a certain well known high street chemist, i demanded to see a manager to get her to quit doing it and was treated like i had tried to rob half the shop (i was attempting to purchase something). I was sent a voucher as an apology but just never went back. They treat thieves with more respect there than they did with me. :angry:

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I feel sorry for the lads in my local corner shop, seriously people just go in there and rob the place! I see people going "oh ive only 20p for these 8 cans of special brew, ill bring the rest later"!!!! The lads are quite timid and never seem to loose it! Honestly everyone goes inthat shop and robs! I reckon thats why its so expenisve to pay for the teefing bastards from the estate! lol!


I hate that though when you go into a shop and they follow you about like you are gona steal something - my mates just turns round and shouts really loudly I AINT GONA STEAL FROM YOUUUUUUUUU and they try and style it out like they were just tidying up a shelf!! cracks me up!

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I hate it when i get followed round shop :angry: . In one particular shop in the strand I was looking around and when I got in a corner 3 members of staff came and stood either side of me and behind me to see if I wanted 'help'. It annoyed me so much I had to leave. I work in a shop and I've had to watch known shoplifters, but to follow me around because I'm a teenager really pisses me off (although I realise it's not just because I'm a teenager, I think I might just look dodgy)

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I took a jacket which had shrunk slightly after washing at the recommended 40 degrees. When I explained this she looked me in the eye and said that there were two temperatures at 40 degrees, had I used the right one?


I think that pointing out that yes there are indeed two 40 degrees, but 40 degree C is about 104 F and perhaps its rather hard to get to on a standard washing machine without setting your kitchen on fire in the process.


I have to say that M & S are really losing the plot on polite service. I nearly got spat at by the most unhelpful, aloof, nasty South African lady on the tills recently. Clearly thinks taking money of people on a till is beneath her, and people who shop in M & S are pondlife.


Quick tip. If you don't like your job just quit and stop taking it out on customers.

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Hmm, on the topic of bus drivers..............


When i was at high school across i got the bus home everyday, i got the bus once and the driver got annoyed with some kids and decided to take us all for a 2 hour drive and drop us off in the middle of nowhere.


As you can imagine, i dont use buses very often these days after that incident

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I think that pointing out that yes there are indeed two 40 degrees, but 40 degree C is about 104 F and perhaps its rather hard to get to on a standard washing machine without setting your kitchen on fire in the process.



40 C is the same temp as 104 F!? If you had 40 F on your machine that would be about 4.5 C but most machines are in celcius now anyway.

I think its more likely your washing machine just threw a wobbler and cooked the jacket.

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In "Winners Letters" from last weeks Sunday Times, Juliette Sands from Norfolk writes the following:


"Last week you criticised restaurant manager Rachel Lewis. Having returned from the Isle of Man I wonder if she learnt her attitude there. I've never seen such rude service. We were charged £18.50 for mushroom pancakes at La Casa. The first serving was charred beyond recognition and sent back. The second time was fine but came after my husband had finished his main course. At another restaurant a mushroom risotto suffered from a lack of mushrooms but was smothered in dried parsley. I won't even start on the dirt everywhere."


That was it in it's entirety; she didn't explain what was so spectacularly bad about the service and attitude that moved her to write to Michael Winner on the subject so we'll never really know if La Casa is a contender. Maybe she just got carried away from reading Winner's Dinners.

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I think that pointing out that yes there are indeed two 40 degrees, but 40 degree C is about 104 F and perhaps its rather hard to get to on a standard washing machine without setting your kitchen on fire in the process.



40 C is the same temp as 104 F!? If you had 40 F on your machine that would be about 4.5 C but most machines are in celcius now anyway.

I think its more likely your washing machine just threw a wobbler and cooked the jacket.


Isn't 40 C the same as 104F ?

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I don't understand, surely a 40 degree washing cycle is 40 degrees celsius...i don't think that's going to set your house on fire....


yes it is and no it wouldn't, not sure what localyokel is on about tbh.

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I think that pointing out that yes there are indeed two 40 degrees, but 40 degree C is about 104 F and perhaps its rather hard to get to on a standard washing machine without setting your kitchen on fire in the process.



40 C is the same temp as 104 F!? If you had 40 F on your machine that would be about 4.5 C but most machines are in celcius now anyway.

I think its more likely your washing machine just threw a wobbler and cooked the jacket.

Perhaps it was suppsed to be washed at 40 Kelvin???.......

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I think that pointing out that yes there are indeed two 40 degrees, but 40 degree C is about 104 F and perhaps its rather hard to get to on a standard washing machine without setting your kitchen on fire in the process.



40 C is the same temp as 104 F!? If you had 40 F on your machine that would be about 4.5 C but most machines are in celcius now anyway.

I think its more likely your washing machine just threw a wobbler and cooked the jacket.

Perhaps it was suppsed to be washed at 40 Kelvin???.......


How do you know he's called Kelvin?

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