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The Islands Worst Sales Assistant


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Perhaps it was suppsed to be washed at 40 Kelvin???.......



A quick google tells me that 40 Kelvin is -233.15c that would be a fancy looking washing machine.


Have we gone off thred here a little?

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Great to see the bar guy at the airport getting recognised for what he is. What amazes me is that, at some point in the past somebody in a position of authority has interviewed him, looked at him, witnessed his communication skills and said "Yep, he's the boy for the job. He's the representative that we want to serve drinks to our residents travelling away from the island and visitors using the airport. You're hired!"



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Yes but maybe he's quite capable of being nice and polite etc but as soon as he got the job thought "Screw this polite malarky - I have the power of serving people now and I'm going to do it badly damn it!".


Or something....

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Yes but maybe he's quite capable of being nice and polite etc but as soon as he got the job thought "Screw this polite malarky - I have the power of serving people now and I'm going to do it badly damn it!".


Or something....


I don't think he is capable of thinking. His lack of any reaction when I told him to go fuck himself after a particularly bad bit of service certainly indicated that to me

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I don't think he is capable of thinking. His lack of any reaction when I told him to go fuck himself after a particularly bad bit of service certainly indicated that to me


Yes but he probably fitted the job description. I distinctly remember reading in the Courier:-


Overweight, unhelpful, sloth required

Ability to sit impassively as long queues build up essential

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Off-topic (but related) I think that the staff at Bar George are really, really good.


Consideridering the clientele are usually snooty wall street wannabes with their misplaced aloof airs, yes the staff in there are actually quite ok.

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There are some great staff in Bar G but there are also a couple of dodgy ones. On my last visit there was a young girl with a 'crazy' hairstyle and 'zany' glasses that seemed more interested in having a laugh with her fellow bar people than serving the drinks.


Don't get me started on C'est La Vie though. What is it about getting a job behind the bar at C'est La Vie that makes the staff think they have just become A-List celebrities, and that the area behind the bar is a cat walk? That dutch bloke used to be good but he seems to have left, and now there is just a choice between sour faced pouting girls and swaggering arrogant blokes. "Pint of Heineken and a bowl of Spicy Wedges please, Ricky Martin" Get over yourself!


I worked in Customer Service for 8 years in a Call Centre and you definately do get a hard time off LOTS of customers but you have to take it on the chin because it's your job. I've talked to customers who were up to their eyeballs in debt because they had spent all their money on Special Brew, they now can't afford to eat and so ring me up to sream obsenities at me because it makes them feel better. It's definately wrong that they do it but you just have to listen to it, apologise that they can't manage their money properly and then, when the next call comes through be really happy and cheerful because this customer is a completely different person. As somebody said in a comment earlier on - if you can't do Customer Service - get another job.


Has anybody had any experiences at The Cat With No Tail? B&Q? Tesco?

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can Joe Bloggs please come to checkout 3 please, thats Joe Bloggs to checkout 3 ...

Gauranteed everytime your in the QUE at B&Q


Don't get me started about B & Q. What a f**king dreadful place in every respect.


They seem to have a Russian attitude to queues by actually guaging how popular they are from the number of people snaking around the aisles waiting for a till. Then just as you've queued for 15 minutes the barcode thing never works so then you spend another 20 minutes standing there like a tit as some prole tries to work out what the proper price should be.


It really is the pits.

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Had a Tesco home delivery a while back, and didnt want some of the subs, but had to keep emailing and phoning up to get my refund, which took 4 weeks and they had no record of my order anyway.


They are supposed to get the customer to sign that little electronic thingy everytime they deliver, but ive only ever signed it once.


The home shopping is getting better though, less subs and more in date food and actually arriving on time too.


Thumbs down to the store though, they must change the shelves round every couple of days :angry:


And some of the shoppers who do the home delivery shopping think they own the place and wont move even if you say 'excuse me' 50 times.

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I give my vote to the dark haired girl/woman who is in the Union Mills Post Office. Went in the other day and met two gents who were on there way out the door so I left the door open for them. The two gents stopped to chat and the sales woman went to the door and slamed it shut and then at the top of her voice said "maybe he will get the message" When I got to the till I explained that I left the door for the two gents. No apology just a glare.

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