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The Islands Worst Sales Assistant


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I give my vote to the dark haired girl/woman who is in the Union Mills Post Office. Went in the other day and met two gents who were on there way out the door so I left the door open for them. The two gents stopped to chat and the sales woman went to the door and slamed it shut and then at the top of her voice said "maybe he will get the message" When I got to the till I explained that I left the door for the two gents. No apology just a glare.


Well you'd be angry too if all you had achieved in life was living in Union Mills and working in a shop. Can't blame her really

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I give my vote to the dark haired girl/woman who is in the Union Mills Post Office. Went in the other day and met two gents who were on there way out the door so I left the door open for them. The two gents stopped to chat and the sales woman went to the door and slamed it shut and then at the top of her voice said "maybe he will get the message" When I got to the till I explained that I left the door for the two gents. No apology just a glare.


Similar thing happened to me the other day.


I think she has inverse PMT - nice to people for a few days every month and off her head in rage for the rest of the time.

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Ananova: Thursday 21st September 2006


US police are hunting a man who stood on a conveyor belt and urinated on a till at a supermarket.

Witnesses said the man was standing in line at the check out at a ShopRite store in Chester, New York state.

He suddenly climbed on the belt, took out his penis and urinated on the till, reports the Times Herald Record.

Police responded to a report of indecent exposure but were unable to find the man who fled before startled staffand shoppers could act.

ShopRite officials called it an unfortunate incident and said the register was cleaned and disinfected immediately.


Seems like the problem may be an international one!

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Here's a good one - did the usual weekly shop in Tesco last night and asked for some skate at the fish counter. The man put the skate on the scales but couldn't find the ticket with the code to price it, nor the code in the system. He looked around behind the counter, still couldn't find anything so I suggested putting in a code for a fish that is around the same price. No, you can't do that. So I said I would finish my shop then come back to see if the code had been found.


That is what I did and no still no code so he couldn't sell me the fish! Which I thought was just astonishing, he didn't call anyone or do any lateral thinking in order to make a sale.


So I went to the customer services desk, explained the problem (note I didn't complain just pointed out how daft it was that the fish couldn't be sold because there was no code). So they called the duty manager who within 5 minutes was back with the skate, priced up ready for the check out!


I really do not know what the man on the fish counter thought he was doing, was he prepared just to let the fish be dumped because of the lack of a code? Why couldn't he call someone or even exercise a bit of creative thought?


Having said that the girls on the customer service desk were great and gave me the thumbs up as I left having successfully secured the purchase! (They did comment 'well, he's a man!')

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Had a Tesco home delivery a while back, and didnt want some of the subs

Ever had any comedy substitutions? I once ordered a tub of ice cream, not sure of the exact brand, but they didn't have it so substituted for a couple of frozen pizzas.

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Try Robinsons on the Terrace, went to buy veggies this week, went to the till, guy behind looks up, see's me coming and he promptly left the till, walked past me and started tidying the shelves, i waited for him to finish or speak, nothing doing so i left the basket on the till and went to leave, needless to say he rockets over a la oh i can do you now. Had to say no thanks, i dont deal with ignorant staff.

tis a shame, the Deli counter and Alan are great, the counter girls are usually good, but one bloke can bugger the whole thing up.

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Had a Tesco home delivery a while back, and didnt want some of the subs

Ever had any comedy substitutions? I once ordered a tub of ice cream, not sure of the exact brand, but they didn't have it so substituted for a couple of frozen pizzas.


Not quite as good, ordered a big jar of dolmio tomato pasta sauce and got one of those single serving mushroom flavour microwave sachet thingys instead.

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Certain bakery in Ramsey, does a sideline in hot beverages. I go in and in my politest manner(which is usually the only one I employ, especially when addressing strangers) reqeuest a cup of tea to take away. Adolescentish counter girl immediately glares first at me, then the clock on the wall. It reads 4-45pm.


"fugodsake,we shut at 5 you know" comes her response.


Well I wasn't intimidated and insisted on my order being completed, which it begrudgingly was. Shan't be rushing back though.

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Had a Tesco home delivery a while back, and didnt want some of the subs

Ever had any comedy substitutions? I once ordered a tub of ice cream, not sure of the exact brand, but they didn't have it so substituted for a couple of frozen pizzas.


Not quite as good, ordered a big jar of dolmio tomato pasta sauce and got one of those single serving mushroom flavour microwave sachet thingys instead.


Nothing to do with Tesco home delivery - I used to work in an office in Liverpool and we had an office messenger who was a bit ....... slow. Every morning he would go to the little newsagent down the road and get various orders for me and my colleagues. Things like newspapers, crips, bacon baps etc.


One morning he came to me with his list and asked me what I wanted, "Can you get me 20 Embassy No1 please Malcolm, and if they haven't got any, just get me something else"


20 minutes later Malcolm returned with our orders. He came over to me with his purchases and put a greasy looking bag in front of me. "They didn't have any Embassy No1, so I got you a meat and potato pastie instead". Genius.


Reading some of the reports here - I think Malcolm may have gone on to work for Tesco Home Delivery!

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Had a Tesco home delivery a while back, and didnt want some of the subs

Ever had any comedy substitutions? I once ordered a tub of ice cream, not sure of the exact brand, but they didn't have it so substituted for a couple of frozen pizzas.



Veggy sausages - got a whole chicken


Curry mix - got loo paper


Loo cleaner - got a box of Bran Flakes


Tried to pay on line the next time I ordered ... had no money in my account (or someone was holding funds on my account or somin') - so tried to substitute cash for an old copy of Manx Tails, 4 used stamps and an out of date car park ticket.


Would they take it .. would they hell.

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It's not all doom and gloom on the IOM, a couple of weeks ago I experienced some of the best customer service I have ever come across.

Was planning a trip across to go to a family wedding and spend time with the parents and decided I needed a satnav system (Always take the wrong junction on motorways). Obviously if i am going to buy one then may as well get one that covers the Isle of Man, and after searching the net for hours couldn't find one for less than £200 which ticked all the right boxes.

Had the brain wave of phoning Waltons on Peel road, the conversation went like this:


Me: Hello, do you sell car satnav systems?

Waltons: Yes we do.

Me: How much is your cheapest one that covers the IOM?

Waltons: £179.99

Me: Great, I will be there sometime over the next couple of days

Waltons: We only have one left.

Me: Bugger, can I pay for it over the phone with my card?

Waltons: Yes.

Me: Can you deliver it to Ramsey?

Waltons: Yes, I can get it dropped off tomorrow afternoon.


Transaction was then completed within minutes and satnav was delivered the following afternoon. Not only that, but I got it cheaper than I could find it anywhere on 'tinternet.

It's an Acer D100, highly recommended. Led me down a dead end once, but besides that performed admirably.

First time I have ever used Waltons but will definitely be using them again.

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It's not all doom and gloom on the IOM, a couple of weeks ago I experienced some of the best customer service I have ever come across.

Was planning a trip across to go to a family wedding and spend time with the parents and decided I needed a satnav system (Always take the wrong junction on motorways). Obviously if i am going to buy one then may as well get one that covers the Isle of Man, and after searching the net for hours couldn't find one for less than £200 which ticked all the right boxes.

Had the brain wave of phoning Waltons on Peel road, the conversation went like this:


Me: Hello, do you sell car satnav systems?

Waltons: Yes we do.

Me: How much is your cheapest one that covers the IOM?

Waltons: £179.99

Me: Great, I will be there sometime over the next couple of days

Waltons: We only have one left.

Me: Bugger, can I pay for it over the phone with my card?

Waltons: Yes.

Me: Can you deliver it to Ramsey?

Waltons: Yes, I can get it dropped off tomorrow afternoon.


Transaction was then completed within minutes and satnav was delivered the following afternoon. Not only that, but I got it cheaper than I could find it anywhere on 'tinternet.

It's an Acer D100, highly recommended. Led me down a dead end once, but besides that performed admirably.

First time I have ever used Waltons but will definitely be using them again.

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