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It's an old trick. When under pressure politicians try and exploit what they think may be weaknesses in your position. For example there is vast amounts of intelligence on the www these days. So if you are damaging a politician who thinks you are just quoting google stuff they will try and undermine you with the time-honoured "If you are not a local to the area what has it got to do with you etc etc?" They ignore the fact that the information you have is relevant to their character in the hope that those reading it will think that just because they are a complete charlatan in their constituency it will count for nothing if they and you are elsewhere. It's a bit like saying "Although I am a thief abroad you can't hold it against me because you don't live there."

In the main I dislike politicians. It's the weasel words they use.....


Asda, Stevenage, Worthing. My rellies in Brighton explained this to me. Well Politician, what's the scoop?

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No PK, it is not an "old trick". In an earlier post, you said "What do you think the constituents you have left behind think of your "commitment" to your new life in your new country? I can give you some pointers if you like." I was merely pointing out that if you haven't been to Worthing or spoken to any of my constituents, all you can really offer is conjecture.


However, I'm more interested in the second part of your post:


"Asda, Stevenage, Worthing. My rellies in Brighton explained this to me. Well Politician, what's the scoop?"


Like Simon and Skrappey, I don't really understand the point you're trying to make. Could you explain, so I can give you an answer?

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In an earlier post, you said "What do you think the constituents you have left behind think of your "commitment" to your new life in your new country? I can give you some pointers if you like."



No need to. I bet you get loads of phone calls from your constituents saying "Golly, Richard its so great that your in the Isle of Man paying 18% tax, when I'm working off my arse for 40% and funding Council expenses too. Bet you don't pay council tax in the IoM either, you jammy so-and-so. fantastic".


I seriously would consider stopping posting on this one. There is an embarrasing paper trail building up.

here that will still be around in 2011.

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Juan, you're a good bloke - and it's good advice as usual. But I'd rather we get everything out in the open (which I think we pretty much have now). Let's just see what PK wants to know about Asda, then hopefully this thread will reach a natural conclusion as it's getting a bit repetitious.

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Juan, you're a good bloke - and it's good advice as usual.

I think this statement really is one of the all time greats! Let me give you a PK translation:


"Juan Kerr, I know absolutely zippo about you and you could be on another continent but never mind that as one day I may need your vote so I had better suck up to you...."


"good advice as usual" - Pass the sickbag Alice!


Dear me, that really is cringe-making. Worse than "The Office" and that was pretend!


In the main I dislike politicians. It's the weasel words they use.....

QED. It's what your "Ignore" list is for.

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