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Will Pubs Survive?


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a way round the "problem" may be that the employee's of a pub sign a waiver acknowledging the risks of being in a smoke filled environment and would not seek any recompense against the pub owner...


above said as a non-smoker myself but surely if the main focus of the legislation is to "protect workers" then workers could chose to "unprotect" themselves.


there will always be a way around the legislation provided ciggys are still for sale....

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is that sarcasm or not?


i would have thought there would have been an average 13 fags smoked per hour in any local pub on any given night ?


I think it was sarcasm, An average pub would probably have at least 13 smokers, But how many do they smoke in an hour, For some its probably 2.


Wouldn't they be better tested under harsh conditions like 40 in a hour, Then if it still removed 99% of toxins i imagine alot more people will support them.

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As was suggested on Mandate this morning, perhaps Brenda Cannell could sell this Air Management Process to the Incinerator - a clean air matter which she has concerns about and has been going on vociferously for

a number of years.

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I do not smoke but do not agree with legislation forcing smokers onto the street, the case is unproved. anyone else hear the manx radio interview with Rodan he could not answer any of the questions about the proof of dangers of secondhand smoke, just skirted the question every time. this legislation will also effect old people, in the Manx legion there are mayn smokers including one lady who can hardly walk, it takes her a long time to get sat down and she brings a special seat to sit on, she smokes like the proverbial chimney and is ex-service, I would hate to see her forced onto the street and know that she would simply stop coming anymore which means the end of her entire social life, sad state of affairs it would be.

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I am a smoker, would rather not be, but that is what I am. I try not to smoke offensively, but when I am with kindred spirits, I will smoke to the tune of a band (if that is not mixing too many metaphors). Not smoking during the working day really doesn't bother me; I smoke on the way to work and smoke on the way home. Perhaps I will have one at lunchtime, but I really don't feel the need for one during the day.


I have gone out to restaurants that have restricted areas for smoking and have been quite happy to enjoy my foul habit in a separate area and return to the non-smoking area to pick up the crack! No problem.


But to now find that I must stand outside like a pariah, even to have a work colleague decline to hold the door open for me because I was going out for a fag, really is pushing the boundaries of common courtesy!


Yes, it's not a nice habit, but I don't impose my habit on non-smokers, so would hope that they do not impose their anti-habit views on me in such a boorish manner!

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Yeah, sorry should have made it more obvious it was sarcasm.


I think that 16 fags per hour in any room in a pub is completely underestimating how much there is, and that's before you factor in really busy times like lunchtimes and just after work, weekend evenings, match days... the list goes on.


I've an idea - why don't they go and test it in, say, the Rovers pool room, or the Woody's front bar on a busyish night? More than 16 fags being smoked per hour there!

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ban it..........



improved environment for everyone that enters the premises


bette quality air


i use less contact lenses & eye drops


i can breathe easier


i dont go home smelling like an ashtray


the nhs doesnt have to help as many people with smoking related diseases


all good reasons to ban smoking in public places

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