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Is It Time To Ban The Import Of French / European Poultry Products


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the Frechies were quick enough off the mark with BSE banning the imports of UK meat products including lamb from the IOM. Now the French have avian flu infecting turkeys and are going to innoculate geese etc (which according to the experts doesn't eradicate the virus just stops it manifesting itself and killing the poultry). So is it time to say no to French and european originated poultry products and ban its importation into the IOM ??? and if not why not...

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the Frechies were quick enough off the mark with BSE banning the imports of UK meat products including lamb from the IOM. Now the French have avian flu infecting turkeys and are going to innoculate geese etc (which according to the experts doesn't eradicate the virus just stops it manifesting itself and killing the poultry). So is it time to say no to French and european originated poultry products and ban its importation into the IOM ??? and if not why not...


I'll tell you why. The french banned the beef because the cows couldn't fly over to France and infect them. In other words they stood half a chance of not being infected by banning British Beef.

The geese however can *fly* wherever they like. What do you propose they do, kill everything that can fly.

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When the French banned the import of Manx lamb did we ever have BSE? and of the lamb consumed in France what proportion originates in the IOM? probably a miniscule amount.


Now to suit the pockets of their producers the French get to innoculate their poultry instead of culling it ...


In the news reports they say that people should not handle dead birds...isn't that what arrives as poultry products before its cooked...


I say ban the import of any poultry or poutry products that have originated from outside of the UK, it doesn't matter how much if any is imported it will just send a message to the French that what they arrogantly do doesn't go un-noticed.

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From the FT:-


French farmers on Monday expressed anger about the growing number of bans imposed on their poultry after fears of the lethal bird flu virus prompted at least 20 countries to block imports from France.


and so is the IOM not also banning the importation of French poultry??...are the Govt here weak and chicken livered...they should remind the French with an "up yours and get stuffed"..admitatdley its probably only a token jesture but at least its a message that we didn't forget the ban they put on Manx lamb....

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The French probably have forgotten that they banned Manx lamb, even if they consciously did so! They probably weren't even aware that by banning all lamb products from UK ports that would include Manx lamb.


How, in practice, would we ban French poultry anyway, when all EU produce is marked generically "Produce of the EU"? Different thing for the UK, say, as the primary point of entry and knows where the produce originated before it goes to Tesco's, etc., for re-distribution? We are at the end of the distribution chain so an "up your's" gesture without any hope of monitoring country of source and enforcing the ban is pretty useless.


Apart from that, is there any evidence to suggest that poultry products can carry the disease rather than live birds (many of whom will be planning their migration as we post)?

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Apart from that, is there any evidence to suggest that poultry products can carry the disease rather than live birds (many of whom will be planning their migration as we post)?

MCB contributed it as an idea of vengeance then any real logic.

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Well i don't think the UK is a massive importer of french poultry, its only live birds that will be banned which i belive would help in stopping the spread.


The avian flu is only a problem in wild birds but if the french get it in the pheasant farms it would be a big problem in the UK because the UK imports a lot of live pheasants for shoots.


My answer is all get armed to the teeth and shoot any bird that comes your way including the mother in law.

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There are very few red-blooded males who could resist an opportunity of getting to grips with a French bird - allegedly.

One wonders why....


post-1086-1141138793_thumb.jpg post-1086-1141138820_thumb.jpg


That Renault add nearly had me thinking about buying a French car - luckily, the medication kicked in before I reached the dealership...


On that note - maybe we should ban the import of French cars - they're clearly a bigger hazard to your health than a bit of poultry :rolleyes:

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I note that a cat has been diagnosed with Bird 'flu in Germany.

The virus has indeed been found in a dead cat on the Island of Ruegen in the Baltic Sea - the German media are currently switching to hyper-drive about that. First reports suggest, the cat was found near some of the infected birds and may have eaten some of them - no confirmation yet if it actually died of the virus or was just infected and died of something else.

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I note that a cat has been diagnosed with Bird 'flu in Germany.

The virus has indeed been found in a dead cat on the Island of Ruegen in the Baltic Sea - the German media are currently switching to hyper-drive about that. First reports suggest, the cat was found near some of the infected birds and may have eaten some of them - no confirmation yet if it actually died of the virus or was just infected and died of something else.


When I first read ‘cat found dead on German island’ I thought maybe it had chosen the wrong time of the year to visit Sylt!

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