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Pre-cast Concrete Slabs For The New Prison


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Sorry to be predictable Amadeus. I shared a house in London for a few years with a German lass, great fun and loved the German jokes. When moving out, we had British Gas around to read the meter, you can imagine the jokes then! But all in the best possible taste!

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Oh, and spotted this thing on the way:




Anyone know the story behind it? Obviously some WWII bunker thing - you weren't scared of ze Germans invading back then, were you? :ph34r:



If you get a chance to view "Curiosities of the Isle of Man" it explains about some of these 'bunkers'. Fascinating stuff.

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Have just been thinking about the road reports and the warning about the transportation of pre-cast concrete slabs from the ferry in Douglas up to Jurby.


1) why aren't the slabs brought in by ship/barge to Ramsey?


2) why even are the slabs being brought in already pre-cast? surely they could be cast on site? itys not as though such hasn't been done before 'cos the stabits for the breakwater were cast on the Island and surely the shape of them is more complet than the slabs for the new prison..


so who are we paying to cast the slabs off Island ?

who is the haulage firm paid to transport them?

and what is the IOMSPCo cost?

surely the bulk importation of dry cement would have been cheaper?


who decided on awarding the contract for the slabs??


...another big waste of taxpayers money? who is benefitting from the feeding trough??


My Company is responsible for transporting the pre cast concrete slabs to the Prison, to answer some of your concerns, I would advise of the following:


1. Due to the large amount of handling it would nto be possible to get the slabs here in one piece, believe it or not they are quite delicate and will not withstand repeated handling.. Also a barge would not be the most cost effective way of transporting them, perhaps if the factory had access to the sea it may be but they are being made in Middlewich.


2. To manaufature the slabs here on the Island would mean setting up a factory, the moulds which are many and varied would have to be transported here and then back to the UK. The sizes and shapes of the panels is many and varied and in no way compares to the "standard" stabit. But probably more critically, finding skilled staff for such a short contract would be difficult.


You are paying the contractor to build the prison, the contractor is subcontracting the production of the slabs to a UK firm.


The haulage firm is Manx Independent Carriers.


The cost is as per the Steam Packets standard freight tariff which is freely available.


The possibilty of casting the slabs here makes no economic sense.


My Company is Manx owned, most of my staff are Manx and our contract will benefit our workers and the Manx economy in general. It appears that the IOM has no choice but to replace Victoria Road, this is what is happening.


Please feel free to ask me any questions about the haulage of the loads.


Mark two Rolly to the rescue :lol:

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