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Where Are The Swans


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there used to be swans in Douglas Harbour that nested up the river opposite Leigh Terrace...where are they now?

OMG - the box has been to where I live :o Better double-check the door is locked...


Actually saw them swans on many an occasion, and could even study their behaviour from my bathroom window - haven't really noticed that they're missing, but I will be glad to keep an eye on the river and alert you as soon as I see them again - of course (and this is a totally silly idea) it might only just be the case that some swans actually move around during the year...


There was a goose that used to swim with them all the time as well - funny fella, must have thought "I'm big, I'm kinda white - I must be a swan!" - they were always together, and the swans didn't seem to mind - in fact, you could often see them swim around in the harbour when you had a pint outside the Bridge in the summer...

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Many years ago, a goose suddenly turned up around Xmas time in Douglas harbour, hob-nobbing with the swans. Story was, someone bought it for Xmas dinner, but didn't have the heart to kill it so released it into the harbour. It was affectionately called "the Swoose"!

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Did you know these swans had two babies - sometime in oct/nov maybe i think, as i was leaving the island they, as a family, swam past my flat to say goodbye (well, that's what i like to think anyway!), but i hadn't seen the goose for ages -

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The swans in the harbour are fine. We see them from time to time - usually at least once a week. The goose is alive and well too and we see him?? regularly and feed him now and again provided we can get the food to him and not the gulls. We kept an eye on the cygnets and it was lovely to see them change from fluffy little things to almost as big as their parents with just a few brown feathers left. The adults will have driven them off to live indepently a few months ago, and should now be preparing to nest again and hopefully there'll be some more cygnets this spring/summer. There was a grey seal in the harbour at the weekend, and there's a family of cormorants/shags that sometimes fish off the rowing boats in the outer habour.

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I saw a seal off Port Soderick a few weeks ago, surprised as I thought they only lived on the west/south of the Island.


Also saw a crow carrying a twig, so nesting is on the way which means it's sure as hell nearly spring!!

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