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Livestock Isn't Shipped Anymore So How Come This Is Allowed?


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ah so possibly..anyhow what about the transportation of the dogs over such a large distance in such a small transporter...if they were sheep it wouldn't be allowed.... so how come they can for dogs??? who checks on the welfare of the dogs etc..where is Mrs Mann on this subject as she usually has something to say about transporting animals etc...

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Well done only took 6 posts, and a reference to another thread and MR's website to get to the point.


And you do have a point. What I don't understand if they have to appeal for support from locals, and presumably there wasn't enough support to maintain a pack here, why do they continue to put the animals through the trip?

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..probably 'cos some gin swigging horse riding toff with loads of money has been supporting the travel costs...


I don't doubt the chap who kennels the dogs looks after them where they come from but surely transporting them all the way across England is not what they are used to...not to mention a sea crossing...


..I just don't think the local hunt people have any concerns whatsoever for the welfare of the dogs being brought over, after all they aren't their responsibility are they...it just makes you think what else are they not concerned about...i.e any rabbits, hares, pheasants etc the dogs might chase after...

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Have to agree with you Declan, they were almost pleading for support on MR.


On the other thread I asked what had happened to the IOM pack but never got an answer. I doubt they were homed (that kind of dog doesn't make very good pet) and assume that either they were sent to another hunt (possibly unlikely, as UK hunts are supposed to be finding it tough with the ban on foxhunting) or destroyed. If the latter, the people involved in the IOM hunt have a double whammy in the inhumane exploitation of animals.


And before I get a welter of contraposts about being a sandal-wearing, muesli-knitting, eco-nutter; I eat meat, wear leather and would choose a lobster from a tank for dinner! I just think that being a superior intelligence, we should treat the animals we exploit for our own survival humanely and with respect.

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"they were almost pleading for support on MR"....I thought it was beginning to sound like a commercial it was getting mentioned so many times (albeit by the same reporter)...maybe it really was a commercial masqerading and dressed up as a news story..the commercial interest being the need to entice more people to turn up and no doubt pay to ride out with the huntmaster...who decides whats a commercial promotion and what's really news?

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