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Our Traditional Enemy


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Personally, I think that the stupid thing is that it's only a game. I think that it's a pathetic display of immaturity when people start riots over losing a game.


It just shows everyone that their sour losers and shouldn't be allowed to get involved if that's the way they react.


Be disappointed but don't be a fool and ruin the atmosphere for everyone else. Potentially damaging anyones chance of going to Euro 2006.


It's like watching children breaking their toys whilst they are having a tantrum!



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It was pleasing to see that the England fans over in portugal behaved themselves after losing tho.


Just a thought, but could the trouble across England after the game have been caused by those who were banned from travelling to Portugal for Euro 2004?

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More likely, to be the knobhead faction who like a little rumpus (you know those that travel to riot not because they have anything to do with the issues that sparked it, but for the craic), and drunkards who probably feel a little silly this morning.

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Weird one really, I think the are UK Citizens.


Apparently they call them Jersey Beans because of Bean Croc or something they used to eat a bit like Scousers being called after Scouce.


Loads of French names their too not sure how that works?

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Slightly off topic but can anyone tell me what nationality the Jersey natives are?  I have no idea.  Do they have their own nationality?  Jerx?  (xxxx, I know).  Or are they just British?

One of the main websites for Jersey is This Is Jersy


One page that briefly describes the Island's history Is Here. It includes the great line

The Island militia was reorganised on a parish basis, and each parish had two cannons


Details of the 2001 Census for Jersey are on the Statistics page of the Jersey Government Website it's a 3.4Mb .pdf download, so I haven't read it :blink:

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Doesn't surprise me one little bit. In my experience a lot of Jersey beans are the most racist people I have every had the displeasure of meeting. They treat the Portuguese/Madeiran community with complete disrespect and contempt. They treat them as lowly servants and would not be seen as equal. I always found the Portuguese to be warm and friendly if not a little wary (not surprising really). I worked with both Beans and Portuguese over there and I can honestly say that the behaviour and attitude of some of these Beans was disgusting. This was not just a few bad eggs but a huge % of the Beans I met. Unfortunately this rubs off on some English speaking workers who now live there - who take it as the norm. Obviously not all are like that and I did meet and work with some decent Beans.

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