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Eh? Levels

Speckled Frost

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That seems to be a problem for our generation as well though, if you read through some of the posts on here  :blink:


Well, I have no idea if our generations are the same, but notable exceptions aside, the standard round here is surprisingly good for a community based internet forum with such a diverse range of members.

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Yeah, sum rite class stuf, Obs. Nuffin rong wiv my grammer or speling. :D


Some say that the internet and mobile phones aren't helping with children's spelling and grammar, they get so used to using shortened versions/incorrect spellings that they start to do the same in schoolwork etc.

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Yes Speckled I did take them this year, my results were not anything that will set the world on fire but they're not bad either. I got into my first choice Uni and thats what it is all about. (I did get 100% on 2 papers though, woo!)

And I can't be arsed getting into the whole "exams are getting easier" At the end of the day I sat them, worked hard for two years and got the results I needed. It's not like I had a choice to sit other exams, they are the only ones available for me to sit in the Government education system and if they are getting easier then thousands of students like me are in the same boat.

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Ean, I don't think anyone is blaming the students. Well done.


Personally I feel it's the Government and Education bodies covering up shoddy and slipping standards by relaxing the requirements in marking criteria to create an appearance of improvement. The growing trends in truancy, exclusion and teenage crime would seem to suggest that things aren't getting better, they're just covering over bigger cracks with bigger bits of paper.

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Congrats Ean.


I think exams seem to be getting easier (or the relative pass marks getting higher) but employers only really use these results to judge people of the same generation anyway against eachother.


I doubt whether I will ever be advantaged or disadvantaged by my A-levels, let alone the grades again. It is what I've done in employment that counts when I next job seek.

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Yes Declan, but getting on the first rung of your career ladder takes paper qualifications. Do you honestly think employers look at grades and value them according to the year they were taken? If that was the case, we really have a problem.

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But was the decision to select you based on your examinations. OR did your greater maturity, and working experience (although in a different field) count in your favour.


Simillarly, if the sole criteria for a job is Maths O-level or GCSE at grade C - I would be less fit for that job than someone who had just passed with the same grade. Because I haven't used a logarithm book or solved a quadratic equation in over 15 years and they will have.

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Yes Declan, but getting on the first rung of your career ladder takes paper qualifications. Do you honestly think employers look at grades and value them according to the year they were taken? If that was the case, we really have a problem.

Some employers seem to view qualifications as a secondary factor.

I tried a few years ago to make a huge career change, and after taking advice from various professionals, I successfully completed an expensive course.

Armed with my fistfull of qualifications I had several interviews,but sad to say, no offers of a job.

Reasons given (when given) for my rejection were more or less the same on each occasion, namely, lack of experience, too old,(I was 40 at the time) and believe it or not....I was over qualified!

The final straw came when the last job I was interviewed for was given to a chap who had taken the same course at the same time as I had, although he had failed.the examinations.

The reasons given on that particular occasion were that I was too old, and as I had the qualifications I had, they would have had to pay me more than a younger failure.


I apologise if this sounds like a rant, it p1ssed me off greatly at the time, and still rankles when I think about it.


Btw...Well done Ean!

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