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Microgaming And Dorchester - Its Rubbish All Around


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I mentioned yesterday the rubbish that, despite an expensive publicity campaign, is beginning to accumulate at certain spots in Douglas.


Outside of MicroGaming is one example...


I can only think the boss of MicroGaming has a back door entrance and doesn't see what its like at the front...its a tip.


If I was responsible for paying the business rates on those premises I would be on at the Corporation to get something done about the mess, and regularly not to mention having a bin put nearby outside on the pavement.


Another place with rubbish accumulating is at the bottom of Belmont Hill, near Dorchester's offices.


I drove up Belmont Hill on the way home tonight and the amount of rubbish is almost as bad as outside Micro's building. I don't know how the boss of Dorchester can't see the rubbish and make his views known to the Corp'n.


And I've also seen Cllr Christian driving round, as if on some sort of patrol, I can't believe he doesn't see the rubbish so I wonder why he doesn't get something done about it....

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I mentioned yesterday the rubbish that, despite an expensive publicity campaign, is beginning to accumulate at certain spots in Douglas.


Outside of MicroGaming is one example...


I can only think the boss of MicroGaming has a back door entrance and doesn't see what its like at the front...its a tip.


If I was responsible for paying the business rates on those premises I would be on at the Corporation to get something done about the mess, and regularly not to mention having a bin put nearby outside on the pavement.


Another place with rubbish accumulating is at the bottom of Belmont Hill, near Dorchester's offices.


I drove up Belmont Hill on the way home tonight and the amount of rubbish is almost as bad as outside Micro's building. I don't know how the boss of Dorchester can't see the rubbish and make his views known to the Corp'n.


And I've also seen Cllr Christian driving round, as if on some sort of patrol, I can't believe he doesn't see the rubbish so I wonder why he doesn't get something done about it....


MCB ... a decent post for once. or have I imagined it ?

Rubbish isnt the sole responsibility of the Town Council. Presumably the premises you have seen are serviced in the same manner as any other.

Im afraid individual business and individuals have responsibility as well.

The Town Council has finite resources and, lets face it, sets a very low rate. If, after being serviced for rubbish collection, a business or some individuals set about creating a rubbish tip then whose fault is it ?

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I wasn't saying it was the businesses that were creating the rubbish.... just that it seems to accumulate on the pavement outside or nearby....and I was also asking why doesn't the boss of each firm have some pride in the frontage and get some body in the Corpy tasked to make sure the area is kept clean and tidy....


...and am afraid "The Town Council...sets a very low rate" depends on how much your income is and how much you can afford...I don't have that much and think its quite alot..particularly when you see it being squandered on cushy tropically heated offices and a beaurocracy that doesn't do the job as efficiently as it would do if it were employed by a private company...don't forget that at one time the Corpy ran Douglas Electric, buses and water....all assets which its transferred off to government..as well as the Lord Street bus station car park site for 50p!!!

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I wasn't saying it was the businesses that were creating the rubbish.... just that it seems to accumulate on the pavement outside or nearby....and I was also asking why doesn't the boss of each firm have some pride in the frontage and get some body in the Corpy tasked to make sure the area is kept clean and tidy....


...and am afraid "The Town Council...sets a very low rate" depends on how much your income is and how much you can afford...I don't have that much and think its quite alot..particularly when you see it being squandered on cushy tropically heated offices and a beaurocracy that doesn't do the job as efficiently as it would do if it were employed by a private company...don't forget that at one time the Corpy ran Douglas Electric, buses and water....all assets which its transferred off to government..as well as the Lord Street bus station car park site for 50p!!!



"beaurocracy that doesn't do the job as efficiently as it would do if it were employed by a private company"


What? Are you suggesting that they should use private contractors (Strand Cleaners?) with the job of cleaning up Douglas as it would be cheaper / better / more efficient.


You might not value the Corpy's efforts but paying at least £15 an hour for a team of Indian / Polish / Philipeno / Albanian (delete as applicable) sub contractors to do the job of council employee's would probably work out ten times more expensive to run.

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I wasn't saying it was the businesses that were creating the rubbish.... just that it seems to accumulate on the pavement outside or nearby....

Neither was I. I said a business or some individuals.


and I was also asking why doesn't the boss of each firm have some pride in the frontage and get some body in the Corpy tasked to make sure the area is kept clean and tidy....


Im a little lost with your logic on this one. (What a surprise)

First of all the Town Council do not have an obligation to provide 24 / 7 cleaning services to one or any business in the town. The Borough provides a good service at the appropriate scheduled times. To labour the point, it cant be laid at the Town Council's door if person or persons unknown set about creating a rubbish tip between service schedules. Have you never heard of personal responsibility ?

Secondly, by what mechanism do you imagine the head of any business has authority to "task" someone in the Corpy to make sure the frontage of their business is kept clean and tidy.

To labour the point again, if, as you say, rubbish is accumulating between service schedules, then it is always open to businesses or individuals to do something about it themselves. There are, you may have noticed, civic amenity sites available for just that purpose.

If it concerns you that much why dont you pick it up yourself ? Im sure your efforts would be applauded.



...and am afraid "The Town Council...sets a very low rate" depends on how much your income is and how much you can afford...I don't have that much and think its quite alot..particularly when you see it being squandered on cushy tropically heated offices and a beaurocracy that doesn't do the job as efficiently as it would do if it were employed by a private company...don't forget that at one time the Corpy ran Douglas Electric, buses and water....all assets which its transferred off to government..as well as the Lord Street bus station car park site for 50p!!!


Just try the community charge outside these septic shores if you think Douglas rate is set high !

As for tropically heated offices im sure you are fully aware that is a load of rubbish (no pun intended).

As for your last point Im afraid it flies in the face of all the available evidence. Private enterprise has not established a good track record in the UK when it comes to undertaking the type of service formerly undertaken by local authorities. Curiously enough, your closing sentence seems to contradict your assertion that private enterprise would be the better option.

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I've walked across the new public space thing behind RBSI and that was filthy! Broken bottles and food wrapping everywhere. What that that space for anyway, it's just a concrete splodge...


I've also noticed how careless the bin men are when the collect around Governors Hill.


Rubbish Rubbish Rubbish...

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why doesn't the boss of each firm have some pride in the frontage and get some body in the Corpy tasked to make sure the area is kept clean and tidy....


My Nan used to scrub her front step by hand and the path outside her terraced house as far out as the kerb and along as far as her neighbour was scrubbing her frontage.


The streets have never been so shiney.


Maybe the bosses should teach their grumpy faced workers what the soft hairy end of a brush is for.

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