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When are the powers at be gonna sort it out?



Manslaughter of wife = 5 years/Death by dangerous driving = 7 years


Getting underage girl pregnant = 9 months/Distributing child pornography = probation!!!!???!!!


I believe the child porn case is the first on the Island in which someone has distributed this


From now on it's gonna be tough convicting anyone on this charge

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..and while I'm on one,


Careless driving (or whatever the hell the charge was termed) and killing a perfectly innocent person . . . £1000 and a years ban.


(and there are more nasty cases of smug and sneaky injustice . . . )


This Island can be fucken priceless at times.

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When are the powers at be gonna sort it out?



Manslaughter of wife = 5 years/Death by dangerous driving = 7 years


Getting underage girl pregnant = 9 months/Distributing child pornography = probation!!!!???!!!


I believe the child porn case is the first on the Island in which someone has distributed this


From now on it's gonna be tough convicting anyone on this charge


Not certain which cases you are referring to here ccm. Any details / links ?

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This Island can be fucken priceless at times.


Best comment I've heard the best discribes the Isle of Man, imo.


The sad reflection on the Manx Legal System is that We always refer to cases in the UK. As, I'm lead to believe, the the Manx Legal system should be able to stand on it's own due to Manx Law being a different to English Law. So if that's the case, why can't a Local High Balliff, note nothing like the English, pass judgement on what the people of the Isle of Man would seem to be a fit punishment for the said crime?

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First of all, you hardly ever hear complaints about punishments being too severe. Most members of the public have knee-jerk reactions and inbuilt prejudices about certain crimes - just look at the difference of opinion you can find here about driving at high speeds.


So judges tend to be involved in sentencing, not juries or the populace at large. They are in a better position to apply current sentencing guidelines which by and large will be the same as those in the UK (not for drugs obviously, but for other crimes I imagine the concerns are identical in each jurisdiction). The High Bailiff is no different from an English Stipendiary Magistrate in this regard.


That said, there are bound to be balls-ups in any jurisdiction, and the more fuss we make about them, the more pressure there is on the judges not to do it next time

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The High Bailiff is no different from an English Stipendiary Magistrate in this regard.


I think you missed and might have proved my point. As English Law and Manx Law is different. I can't personally see how you can compare as the title for a start doesn't exist in the Isle of Man. I personally cannot see why the Manx Courts have to reflect on UK sentencing when the Manx Legal system is different. Why? We're not part of Europe to that exstent are We?


I've always thought that a "Sentence" should reflect on what the Public Opinion would be be. However, this seems to faulty on both sides of the Irish Sea, imo.

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Slightly off-topic, perhaps - but one of the things that fascinates me is the way that certain prosecutions do not manage to be reported in the local press. I've had a particular interest in one or two cases in recent times that involved motoring offences - one, specifically, that involved driving under the influence - that never made it into the local papers.

I know that the person involved was found guilty, I know that he was sentenced and is currently unable to drive, but his public reputation appears to remain intact due to the facts not being reported in the local press.

He is not a politician, nor a member of the emergency services - but he does appear to have a lot of 'influential friends.'

Strangest of all, perhaps - I wasn't the least bit surprised that the papers couldn't find room to report his misdeeds.

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If a persons' conviction is on public record (at the Registry) is there a problem naming them?


Just because the press haven't reported it, doesn't mean it can't be discussed after the case has finished

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Slightly off-topic, perhaps - but one of the things that fascinates me is the way that certain prosecutions do not manage to be reported in the local press. I've had a particular interest in one or two cases in recent times that involved motoring offences - one, specifically, that involved driving under the influence - that never made it into the local papers.

I know that the person involved was found guilty, I know that he was sentenced and is currently unable to drive, but his public reputation appears to remain intact due to the facts not being reported in the local press.

He is not a politician, nor a member of the emergency services - but he does appear to have a lot of 'influential friends.'

Strangest of all, perhaps - I wasn't the least bit surprised that the papers couldn't find room to report his misdeeds.



Name and shame

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Slightly off-topic, perhaps - but one of the things that fascinates me is the way that certain prosecutions do not manage to be reported in the local press. I've had a particular interest in one or two cases in recent times that involved motoring offences - one, specifically, that involved driving under the influence - that never made it into the local papers.

I know that the person involved was found guilty, I know that he was sentenced and is currently unable to drive, but his public reputation appears to remain intact due to the facts not being reported in the local press.

He is not a politician, nor a member of the emergency services - but he does appear to have a lot of 'influential friends.'

Strangest of all, perhaps - I wasn't the least bit surprised that the papers couldn't find room to report his misdeeds.


"Social reports". that usually does the trick.


So the next referred court is not public. And of course, rightly so in most cases.


But the Sneaky and his pals know how to play the system!!!



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Careless driving (or whatever the hell the charge was termed) and killing a perfectly innocent person . . . £1000 and a years ban.


(and there are more nasty cases of smug and sneaky injustice . . . )

Due to the lack of a link being supplied I don't have a clue about the circumstances of the offence and case, but I'm weary about anger towards somebody found guilty of Careless Driving, especially when it is accompanied by a comment such as "or whatever the hell the charge was termed"


Am I right in thinking that:


If I am within 20MPH in a Home Zone and at the exact moment that a child runs infront of my car I sneeze thus I don't know that the child is there. I am guilty of Careless Driving and the sentence should reflect the lack of 'intent' that caused the accident.


The driving was either 'Dangerous' or 'Careless', if you are not sure which it was then how can we read your post and agree with your belief that the sentence was overly lenient?


I would agree that if I was to go tear arsing along Victoria Street and knock down a pedestrian on the crossing then I should be found guilty of Dangerous Driving and have the book thrown at me.

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..and while I'm on one,


Careless driving (or whatever the hell the charge was termed) and killing a perfectly innocent person . . . £1000 and a years ban.


(and there are more nasty cases of smug and sneaky injustice . . . )


This Island can be fucken priceless at times.


remember it was proved in court that his car was at fault, mechanical failure caused the accident.

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