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Equailty And Inclusive Broadcasting On Manx Radio...


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Congratulations on how you manage to make so many threads into threads about you and your forum persecution complex.

Mia - ow.

By all means post the urls where I have "managed to make so many threads into threads about me and my forum persecution complex." Maybe you should check out the posts by Declan and Chinahand. As I recall Chinahand spent a great deal of effort to cut and paste posts out of one thread into another to fire up a debate about my so-called "racism". IMHO failed miserably. Why don't you pick up the cudgels on his behalf? I'm sure the thread won't be too difficult to find.


Agree with you wholeheartedly PK! The PC brigade have really served their purpose, they have identified that there are certain minorities around who need to be recognised and tolerated. Having done that, we now need to accept that they do, actually, make up part of the majority and mainstream. Continuing to focus on the "minorities" only serves to perpetuate the belief that they are outside of the mainstream and deserve special treatment, which can only further marginalise in a continuing vicious circle.

The pc brigade may have identified to you "certain minorities around who need to be recognised and tolerated" and in some cases e.g. the disabled I would agree with you. But don't make the mistake of thinking that just because you think they have to be tolerated then the majority have to think likewise. Which very neatly illustrates everything that is wrong with the "pc brigade".


I'd nearly forgotten just how a Wednesday night should end....

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My Friend likes 180 beats per minute gabba music. he listens to it religiously. I don't think manx radio cover his community needs.




How cold is it? couldn't turn the key in the shop door this morning, needed one of those jml direct key heaters (always rubbished them until this morning!)

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so straight away we have teh sterotypical homophobic response...


Homophobia is the irrational hatred, intolerance, and fear of lesbian, gay and bisexual people.


These prejudicial feelings fuel the myths, stereotypes, discrimination and violence against people who are lesbian, gay or bisexual.


The UK government reckon that somewhere between 5 - 7 % of the population is gay / lesbian / bisexual - shouldn't that mean that at least that amount of airtime is devoted to gay / lesbian / bisexual program content.


I still object to the use of the word 'gay' in this context, simply to make homosexual relationships sound more acceptable to the vast majority.

I also find the thought of sexual relationships between people of the same sex repulsive.

I can't help that, and wouldn't wish to. As far as I'm concerned, the anus is an 'exit' only!

However, I do not have any 'hatred' of such people.

As for providing specialised programmes for the homosexual/bisexual population - that is possibly the most ridiculous idea that even manxchatterbox has ever come up with - and that really is saying something.

According to the last census there were more than 40,000 vehicles on the island - does that mean that more than half of MR's programmes should be about vehicles and drivers?

The fact that homosexuals have chosen (and, yes, I believe it is a 'choice' in most cases!) such sexual orientation, is their concern - no one else's. Tolerance is as much as they ought to expect.

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Congratulations on how you manage to make so many threads into threads about you and your forum persecution complex.

Mia - ow.

By all means post the urls where I have "managed to make so many threads into threads about me and my forum persecution complex." Maybe you should check out the posts by Declan and Chinahand. As I recall Chinahand spent a great deal of effort to cut and paste posts out of one thread into another to fire up a debate about my so-called "racism".


This one and this one.

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The fact that homosexuals have chosen (and, yes, I believe it is a 'choice' in most cases!) such sexual orientation, is their concern - no one else's. Tolerance is as much as they ought to expect.


Wow, there was me thinking you were actually a smart guy. Just goes to show eh?

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The fact that homosexuals have chosen (and, yes, I believe it is a 'choice' in most cases!) such sexual orientation, is their concern - no one else's. Tolerance is as much as they ought to expect.


Wow, there was me thinking you were actually a smart guy. Just goes to show eh?


You can fool some some of the people all of the time and...etc, etc.


Sorry if my genuinely-held opinion conflicts with your personal beliefs, but I have watched with an increasing sense of dismay as extremely-vocal minorities have contrived to capture the political and social agenda in this and so many other cases. Minorities are exactly that - minorities. They already have the same rights as the rest of the population but insist on having 'special' rights because their sexual orientation, religious beliefs, racial backgrounds etc are different to the majority. Because we are, generally, a tolerant society, we have allowed a degree of such exceptions to the norm - but there has to be a limit.

I certainly do not want my children to be taught that homosexual relationships are a reasonable alternative to heterosexual ones - and I would expect to have the right to be able to exclude them from lessons in which such nonsense was being 'promoted.'

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I supported the repeal of section 38 fully, I was the student that organised the petition at QEII.


But.... I do not agree with positive discrimination.


NOBODY should be given or denied a job based on sexuality, and that includes Manx Radio. Employment should be based on the ability to do the job...nothing else.


Sums it up quite well.

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Why do some homosexuals continually bleat on about their problems? *yawn*


People's legal sexual preferences are entirely up to them, but stop pretending you're a cross between a political party and a charity. Sulking about not being represented here or being made a special case of there is the behaviour of a spoilt child.


Also I suspect a lot of us really aren't interested in turning on our local radio and being force-fed homosexual issues along with our wheatybangs in the morning.

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I fail to see how a local news, current affairs and shit music station can be exclusive? I don't listen that often, but do they insist that gay people turn the radio off or something? Or do gay radios not pick up Manx Radio at all?


I've heard them play Villiage People records before. Isn't that enough?

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Sorry if my genuinely-held opinion conflicts with your personal beliefs


I actually agree with most of what you say, the only sticking point that I strongly disagree that being gay is a 'choice'. People are what they are, they don't suddenly wake up and decide to be gay. It's a stunningly ignorant point of view to claim otherwise.

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Sorry if my genuinely-held opinion conflicts with your personal beliefs


I actually agree with most of what you say, the only sticking point that I strongly disagree that being gay is a 'choice'. People are what they are, they don't suddenly wake up and decide to be gay. It's a stunningly ignorant point of view to claim otherwise.


We'll have to agree to disagree on this one, then.

IMO the evidence that it is genetically programmed/inherited is extremely shaky.

Whilst 'choice' may possibly be too decisive a word, the suggestion that it is most often 'socialised,' particularly during the confusing time of puberty, appears to have a great deal more credence.

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