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Is he really a smart cookie or is he the mouthpiece for others - and if the questions are relevant, does it really matter?


It doesn't matter to me, I always vote for him as he's well worth it for the nuisance value alone

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I'm of the opinion, that it's the guys (and gals) who make the least noise, who are the ones with their heads down working like hell for the good of the Island. And yes, they do exist.


I know this won't be popular but I think Peter Karran is a bit of an empty vessel who likes the sound of his own voice a bit too much. I know he and others see himself as a champion of the people, but I prefer to think that the real champions of the people, are the ones we hardly hear from because they are too busy doing what they get paid to do.

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I'm of the opinion, that it's the guys (and gals) who make the least noise, who are the ones with their heads down working like hell for the good of the Island. And yes, they do exist.

And who would they be Jacqueline?


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Your post "I'm of the opinion, that it's the guys (and gals) who make the least noise, who are the ones with their heads down working like hell for the good of the Island".



And most are of the opinion that they are in fact the ones sat on their fat arses quiety spending tens of millions of pounds of taxpayers money on ludicrous flagship projects that end in failure.


Name one who sits quietly beavering away ACHIEVING something.


They are only coming out of the woodwork now because its an election year. Half of them have done nothing since 2001.

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Nice guy but I'm afraid I am also of the opinion that he shouts a lot and doesn't actually do a great deal.


He might believe he is the champion of the poeple but he hasn't actually done anything off his own back just criticised others.


I agree somewhat with what Jacqueline says - but not all the quiet ones do a great deal (Duggan for example) but the big mouthpieces can't exactly show a lot for their efforts either - Karran, Houghton, Cannell, Cannan. Too keen to criticise others than actually do something as it just seems easier - 'empty vessels' springs to mind.


And I also don't think a lot of government projects end in failure at all - most go over budget and run into problems but I don't know many government projects that don't in any country - look at the millenium dome / millenium bridge / wembley stadium etc.

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What to make of Mr Karran. He's a terrier, he worries and nips and when he gets his teeth into something he won't let go.


I admire his perseverence.


But I also think he can sometimes totally get the wrong end of the stick and his continual questions and claims can waste huge amounts of time and effort as civil servants etc try and satisfy his demands; something which seems at times totally impossible. For all his questioning I feel he often doesn’t come up with practical counter proposals; he's a knocker not a doer [fnnar fnnar].


Too often all his sound and fury signifies very little, and when you object and question everything, in retrospect it looks like your highly prescient when some of your doubts are proved right.


All that said I voted for him. The Island needs an opposition voice and someone to question the pomposities some of our politicians come up with. Though I find it very very ironic he takes the governments shilling as a department member ... even the outsider takes on some patronage

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Has he ever been interviewed? I don't recall hearing him interviewed on MR, as opposed to him stating his position on a particular subject without being questioned any further. I just get the feeling that he (or his arguments) wouldn't stand up too well in an even mildly searching interview.

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With the present very high percentage of charlatans in Manx government Karran is essential.


How anyone could vote ‘no’ with the present situation defeats me.

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The way I see it, even if he doesn't get round to doing anything about what he's 'shouting about' he is still making a point and even people who don't follow the politics of the Island will begin to ask questions about the Government.

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As has been stated on the forum before, I too really want to see Jeremy Paxman come to the Island and interview Peter Karran.


Paxman will then have met his match. That furrowed brow, the bemused eyes, the forefinger rubbing chin. And the rest of his hair will probably turn totally grey within days !


But that thought aside, I go with Rog on this one:


With the present very high percentage of charlatans in Manx government Karran is essential.


How anyone could vote ‘no’ with the present situation defeats me.

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I have always found Peter to be courteous and one of the few MHK's who replies to your letters.


He has his detractors because of so called hidden influences but all politicians have advisers and people who do some of the donkey work on policy for them. Provided the questions are valid ones which Peter is asking and most of them seem to be, where is the problem?


I vote Yes for someone who stands his ground for people who otherwise would have no one speaking up for them. There is more to being a politician than standing up to Paxman and being a media darling.


Some of us prefer the genuine sound of a Manxman.

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Sorry if you thought I was being in anyway derogatory towards Peter - ccertainly not intended as I have a lot of respect for the guy and am extremely thankful he is an MHK.


Before the previous election the Mannin Line (remember that? !) was given to each of the candidates over the prior weeks. David Callister was interviewing, and I remember Peter Karran describing Tynwald (probably something like the lords of the Isle of Man up there in the big House of Keys) but how he himself was more like the gardener and would be the one to get his hands dirty and do the work others wouldn't do.


The thought stumped David for a while and although Peter was needlessly a little self-depracating I thought it an excellent honest interview.


Come the next election, for some atmosphere, go along to the announcement of the results in Onchan. There's not a lot of voter apathy from the sounds of them in Onchan!

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