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Not at all - I didn't take your remarks to be deprecating.


I went to the Police Consultative Forum in the week at Onchan.. It is shaping up for a hot contest there although I suspect Peter will top the polls. The other places are probably too close to call - Corkill, Earnshaw, Quirk,Stowell etc seem to be the contestants at this stage.

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Has PK actually achieved anything other than pushing Govt to incur huge expenditure either in costly inquiries or the time taken in responding to his innumerable questions? Not against asking questions, but, FFS, do something with the answers!

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Ive had to vote No for Peter Karran.

I wouldnt want to be over critical of anyone's personal abilities but, IMHO, with the best will in the world,

Peter Karran lacks the intellectual ability to be an effective politician

I shudder to think how much public money his mindless questions have cost in terms of the time spent by Civil Servants and others researching answers.

He lacks the one basic skill needed to be an effective Parliamentarian. He has no debating skills.

He struggles to string coherent sentences together and exhibits a poor understanding of what others are saying. This is a major handicap for anyone hoping to be an effective politician in a parliamentary system.

Please read Hansard records for irrefutable evidence of his incompetence at debate.

He has asked a whole series of damaging questions aimed at a very wide range of targets. It is no surprise that someone critical of everything should occasionally stumble upon something which isnt quite correct. Nevertheless, he has yet to uncover anything of grave importance and, if he ever does, it would need to be a massive scandal to counter the negative perceptions he has fostered with his constant harping from the sidelines.

Peter Karran, in my opinion, is a poor politician. I believe him to be limited by his lack of education and his own intellectual boundaries.

It is a mystery to me how he continues to attract such support and loyalty from his constituents

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[ The Island needs an opposition voice and someone to question the pomposities some of our politicians come up with.


When he was a menber of the IOM labour party he followed the strict regime that, as an opposition group the IOMLP should not be part of the problem and take ministerial office. The rest disagreed and 'took the shilling'. Peter didn't and resigned from the party.

This shows he does actually have some balls, unlike some others.

Also, if he doesn't ask the questions, just who the hell will?

As has been said, sit on your arse for 4 years and take the money and work like stink the last year to get re-elected seems to be the norm.

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When he was a menber of the IOM labour party he followed the strict regime that, as an opposition group the IOMLP should not be part of the problem and take ministerial office. The rest disagreed and 'took the shilling'. Peter didn't and resigned from the party.

This shows he does actually have some balls, unlike some others.


I have first hand knowledge this just isnt a factual account of what happened.


Also, if he doesn't ask the questions, just who the hell will?


The whole point is that when questions have to be asked they should be asked by someone who has the intellect and ability to enter a properly constructed debate. Im afraid Peter Karran, IMHO, lacks that ability.

Furthermore, when he does ask questions, and that is very often, the majority of that he is asks is based on half understood misinformation and rumour. He has rarely, if ever, asked anything of substance. He has rarely, if ever, proposed alternative policies to those he spends so much time criticising. Even more interesting, he rarely, if ever, manages to make a positive contribution to debating Bills before the Keys.

Obviously its much easier and garners more personal publicity if he waits until "the deed has been done" before launching on one of his "Man of the People" Crusades.

Im sure he is a good joiner.

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OK, tell your version of events then


Not my story to tell. Its between Peter Karran and the Manx Labour Party. The events are minuted anyhow.

I was just pointing out your assertion is factually incorrect and I have first hand knowledge that is the case.


The main thrust of my post is aimed at his abilities as a politician.

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Furthermore, when he does ask questions, and that is very often, the majority of that he is asks is based on half understood misinformation and rumour. He has rarely, if ever, asked anything of substance.

Just an interesting aside to that.....


I know of three particular questions which PK rasies every year, like clockwork.


In fact he is so famous for it the answer(s) are saved on a Civil Servants PC, to save time each year. Just change the dates and.... hey presto!


Not particularly insightful politics. And I prefer my MHK to be able to hold a coherent conversation.

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Furthermore, when he does ask questions, and that is very often, the majority of that he is asks is based on half understood misinformation and rumour. He has rarely, if ever, asked anything of substance.

Just an interesting aside to that.....


I know of three particular questions which PK rasies every year, like clockwork.


In fact he is so famous for it the answer(s) are saved on a Civil Servants PC, to save time each year. Just change the dates and.... hey presto!


Not particularly insightful politics. And I prefer my MHK to be able to hold a coherent conversation.


There would be no harm in you sharing this nugget of information, the actual questions youknow of. Unless it's Top Secret or something.



Adrian Duggan is reknowned for asking each year about the Marine Drive. It keeps the subject raised in the consciousness of Tynwald. Nothing wrong with that. One year somethimng just might be done.

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Null vote as I am off island.


How I wish the IOM gov had a website like this. The example is Tim Loughton, MP for Politician's ex-stamping ground in Worthing. Now apparently short of a few councillors. On the highest allowance, Staffing, he came a very respectable 109th and that was whilst claiming £76,645 out of a possible £77,534! His poor wife must have worked her fingers to the bone but still fell £889 short. On the next highest allowance, Additional Costs, he led the field. Despite being only one hour from London he came top of the list for claiming the maximum £20,902 for staying overnight attending to his "duties". What a role model for those Tory councillors!


Very revealing clicky


The other really interesting bits are the voting record, attendance and performance data. If only Tynwald......

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Null vote as I am off island.


How I wish the IOM gov had a website like this. The example is Tim Loughton, MP for Politician's ex-stamping ground in Worthing. Now apparently short of a few councillors. On the highest allowance, Staffing, he came a very respectable 109th and that was whilst claiming £76,645 out of a possible £77,534! His poor wife must have worked her fingers to the bone but still fell £889 short. On the next highest allowance, Additional Costs, he led the field. Despite being only one hour from London he came top of the list for claiming the maximum £20,902 for staying overnight attending to his "duties". What a role model for those Tory councillors!


Very revealing clicky


The other really interesting bits are the voting record, attendance and performance data. If only Tynwald......


In fairness to Tim Loughton, he is an extremely good MP - and I think his performance figures prove that. However, I suspect from the tone of your post that you have something of a "party political" agenda here. I do, however, agree that the website in question is an excellent tool in exposing MPs to public scrutiny.

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