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And, if PK is so hard to understand, how come we all know what he is talking about? :huh:

We dont.


Here is some more .............


Yes. I believe, Eaghtyrane, that, when we look at the input from Mrs Christian, as far as the review of the procedures for grants for Legal Aid, the Hon. Member, as the former Minister, needs to realise that these recommendations… and I have a minority report to these recommendations, because some of them I am not that keen on, like subclause (5), but I am prepared to go along with that.

But I think what I do feel rather concerned about, again, is the issue of the discharge procedure, and the way that people have been left after being post-operative and going home, does need review.

I think, instead of shooting the messenger, let us just try and say the Select Committee has not turned round to her and said that we are criticising, (Interjection by Mrs Hannan.) we are trying to point out that this issue needs to be… We need to be ever vigilant on this issue.

May I just say, on point 4(2)… I should say, on the issue of subclause (4) of part 6, the conclusions, you are quite right, Eaghtyrane, we could have gone on to the issues that I would like to have, maybe, used this Select Committee for, but it would have been quite an abuse for me, by members of the Committee and this Hon. Court, the issues of whether the Attorney Generalʼs Department should have a public defenderʼs office, which would affiliate them to become members of the Manx Bar –

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What is "Eaghtyrane", please?


Honest question, just don't know what it is.

Irritating reference to the Speaker of the House of Keys made by Manx Nationalists who strive to maintain the presence of the Manx language and confuse those of us who don’t care for the bull shit and prefer to use modern terms.

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There are many in the Tynwald sittings who say very little and do very little. I'm sure there is nothing in their heads other than thoughts to get rid of their boredom. They are bored because they believe they have done all the work by getting elected and now they just swan along and stick their hand in the air now and again to vote. Sometimes, they may have the usher pass a note to one of their matey mates and to have a bit of a grin and a smirk with each other over some in-joke.


I very much agree with the above post and recommend everyone should go along to the public gallery, even if it is only for 10 minutes. It can be very enlightening. And it can be very, very boring!!

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Just to confirm, Eaghtyrane is actually the Manx name for the president of Tynwald


And if any of you came to sit in the public gallery of The Keys and Tynwald once in a while, you'd never be able to vote "NO" against Peter


I, for one, have spent some time in the public gallery. Im aware I need to be careful of your multiple negatives here :lol:

Peter Karran's performances in the Keys, IMHO,with the best will in the world, fall a very long way short of any standard of competence and capability I am aware of.

I would have thought the verbatim reports in Hansard were proof enough of his inadequacy. Someone else on this thread has tried to blame Manx Radio for his shortcomings (a wicked conspiracy against him no less!)

Presumably Hansard is part of the conspiracy!

Peter, Im afraid, is a nuisance at best.

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But he is the only one who consistently argues against the Council of Ministers


I agree that sometimes he gets lost in his own words, but for the sake of the people and the sake of this Island there needs to be some sort of scrutiny and regulation which doesnt come from within


People within the Council of Ministers and government bodies are expected to tow the line no matter what and even if they disagree with the notion put forward they are not allowed to publically say so.


Essentially this does lead to a one party state and the people who may conduct internal audits and scrutinse the Government are often too close to the issue to see the bigger picture


Whether he is correct or not, it doesnt defer fromt he fact that he does ask questions about everything and he is consistent in what he says


Whilst you describe him as not the smartest cookie, we should be glad we have someone who doesnt actually differentiate between any Government policies and is always there to provide the opposition and "common snse" sometimes over proposals from Ministers

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But he is the only one who consistently argues against the Council of Ministers


That doesnt necessarily equate with capability or good intentions.


I agree that sometimes he gets lost in his own words, but for the sake of the people and the sake of this Island there needs to be some sort of scrutiny and regulation which doesnt come from within


And what is it about him which makes you think he is the man to take up cudgels on behalf of the people of this Island ? With all due respect to Mr Karran he patently lacks the ability either to scrutinise or to regulate.

His lack of Parliamentary skills are evidenced by the verbatim drivel recorded in Hansard.


Essentially this does lead to a one party state and the people who may conduct internal audits and scrutinse the Government are often too close to the issue to see the bigger picture


Peter Karran left the MLP. Hardly the action of someone who is crusading against a single party state.

I am familiar with the circumstances of his departure so no bull please B)

I am also not aware that he has any qualifications as an internal auditor. Could you expand on this ?

For what it is worth, I believe the Island would benefit from a party political system rather than the free for all and scramble for jobs that we have now.


Whether he is correct or not, it doesnt defer fromt he fact that he does ask questions about everything and he is consistent in what he says


What a very strange statement. He asks a lot of meaningless and time wasting questions and he is far from being consistent in his statements. Take another look throught the Hansards then honestly tell me he is consistent !


Whilst you describe him as not the smartest cookie, we should be glad we have someone who doesnt actually differentiate between any Government policies and is always there to provide the opposition and "common snse" sometimes over proposals from Ministers


That isnt a phrase I would ever use and I refute any suggestion that I may have done so.

If, as you say, Peter Karran doesnt differentiate between any Government policies there must be something dramatically wrong with his thought processes. It is blatantly obvious to me that a Government policy on, say, agriculture, needs to be differentiated from one on, say, education. How can a person not differentiate between totally different policies ?

regarding common sense: first of all common sense isnt always correct. Secondly: please read through Peter Karran's contributions to Parliamentary debate as faithfully recorded in Hansard and then tell me again he is exercising common sense.

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Ok dont know how to use the quote thing so im numbering them!!:P


1. Agreed, but the good intention is that he asks questions about everything to try and put some level of scrutiny on the Government. Whether he is capable or not is still up for debate, but my point is is that at least someone is trying to do it and there are very few who actually do.


2. As I said he does get lost in his own words sometimes, but get through that and he often has a good point.


3. I have no idea why he left the MLP, so im not even going there. My argument is, is that the Government of this Island and the internal auditors can and sometimes do get too close to the issues to be able to see the bigger picture.


Take the example of a frog who sits in cold water whilst its being heated. The frog will sit there until the water boils and dies. If you were to put the same frog straight into boiling water it would jump out immediately.


I never said he had qualifications as an internal auditor, I said he provides some form of audit other than the internal auditors. And yes I totally agree we should have politcal parties to represent the people.


4. He is consistent in that he always argues for common sense to prevail. Whilst this is his common sense, he is consistent on that.


5. I wasnt meaning you specifically, it was the words used at the begiinning of this thread. He doesnt differentiate from his stance on any matter, in that he has to see the "common sense" of the situation. Whislt you or I may not agree with his stance, it is generally good that someone takes a different stance to the majority, even if it is just to "make sure". There are many times when ive sat there and thought omg, but there are times when i've sat there and though yes he's right. You have to take the rough with the smooth for someone who sits on the opposition benches.

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  • 4 months later...

Just so I am clear on this are you actually A J Dosser (editor of The Island Insider), one of my fellow candidates standing in Onchan against, amongst others, Peter Karran?


On this whole debate, personally I think there is a real need for people to ask questions in the House, it's important we have people who don't let things go easily, and who are willing to keep "worrying" at an issue until they get to the bottom of it. If they are fed information to get them started at asking, then all well and good, as long as they are open and clear about that.


Equally, we also need people who can bring ideas, offer alternatives and play devil's advocate. But we need them for practical reasons, and not because that is all they can offer.


It's been pointed out that in Onchan, people will get three votes, and I think it is important that they use those votes, and think about who and what they are getting in return. If Onchan returns a candidate who focuses on local issues, a candidate who focuses on wider issues and a candidate who forces questions and debate, then I think the village wil be well represented. As long as those three candidates actually talk to each other, and all listen to what their constituents have to say during the whole of the five years, not simply yhr last six months.


As for Peter, well, I think he will get returned this time round, after all, he topped the polls last time, and he has continued doing what he does since then.

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