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Millennium Oakwood

blue kipper

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Putting your crisp bags in, perhaps?


It's a very convenient place, for me, to walk the dogs and there are always several other dog walkers there who are very relaxed about pooches interacting (even snarling at each other). Give it a go, but please pick up the poo, because dogs will undoubtedly be be banned if you (and the others that walk there) don't!

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  • 10 years later...

All planted by giving the Island's primary school kids a tree each to plant, wasn't it? I remember Andy Wint covering it on MR. Those kids will be in their early/mid twenties now!

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Problem seems to be exposure to the wind. The trees have grown quite well around the edges where they're sheltered by the hedges but there's nothing in the middle. They probably should have planted something fast growing and hardy amongst the oaks to give them some shelter.

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I went up there once. It was a big field full of plastic tubes containing mostly dead twigs. I asked the man cutting the grass what happened. He said he told them this would be the result, but nobody listened. The very young trees were planted into directly the grass and the soil around the base was not cleared or weeded. They were never watered. Plus it's on the side of a wind blasted hill. Not the natural habitat of a little quercus!


What a pity. A good idea gone wrong. Maybe the children should have been encouraged to tend their 'own' tree. Lessons would have been learned.

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Anyone with any sense whatsoever could have predicted that planting 1000s of oak trees a foot apart from each other was not likely to end in success



Actually, it makes sense to plant loads close together. When they reach a certain size you can sacrifice the weedier specimens to make space for the strong ones. Cruel to be kind innit. Standard practice.

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