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Milosevic: Dead!


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Milosevic is dead. Does anyone care?


I think we should. This man re-awoke ancient hatreds and brought war and violence to what had seemed to be a cosmopolitan and sophisticated country.


Or maybe more accurately he was instrumental to creating the circumstances where people came to believe that ancient tribal affiliations that had existed in small populations long ago had a relevance in the politics of the day. And so medieval attitudes to members of "outsider" cultures prevailed with the result being war with no quarter to children, the old or the weak and where attrocities were committed on all sides upto and including genocide.


The rhetoric and politics devices this man chose to use to gain his power were, IMHO, evil. And the fact that the international community took years to face up to him, and has made a matryr of him due to bungling his trial is a wrong that will affect international relations for years to come.

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I'm sorry he's dead, much like I regretted the death of Fred West before his trial got underway. The international community and those more directly affected by his brutality have been denied the opportunity to hold him to account for his actions and to mete out a fitting punishment, not that any punishment would offer full retribution.


I hope he was offered no succour in his dying moments, just as those who carried out his will offered no succour or mercy to the civilian men, women and children butchered.


Having said that, think of the money saved by not having to go though this trial. Perhaps a Caucescu (sp?)-type trial would have been better; quick, unsophisticated and carrying the ultimate punishment?

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He is sitting next to Adolf Hitler shitting himself in the waiting room called day of judgement.


There is a vacant chair in the room with Saddam's name on it!


There's also a bench reserved for Blair & Bush!

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There's also a bench reserved for Blair & Bush!

So Blair and Bush have been arrested, tried and convicted of Crimes Against Humanity then.


How did I miss that ????????


The reference was to a higher (or very much lower) court than a mere Earthly one! Anyway, they're all still waiting in line for the 'Iron Lady' to be sorted! :ph34r:

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So Blair and Bush have been arrested, tried and convicted of Crimes Against Humanity then.


How did I miss that ????????


There was a time when the top Serb wasnt under inditement, he was no less responsible for that.


The two B's should to my mind, be held responsible for the debacle that is Iraq.

Do you think we have reached the point where more Iraqi's are being killed than under Saddam? cant be far off it.

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what you mind missing is not of any importance

Wrong. What I mind missing is important to me. What I don't mind missing is not. Tsk.


try following the thread with a point of view.

A point of view like I don't care about certain opinions perhaps? Just checking......


I'm sorry Slobbo dodged the hangman. Not only for his sake but also for the likes of Mladic. I want The Hague Tribunals to send a message out to all those dictators who massacre innocents in the pursuit of their own brand of "Nationalism" - which always seems to be directed towards consolidating their power base. I never want them to feel secure inside their own borders. Thanks to EEC pressure Mladic and Karadzic are both now feeling the heat. Let's hope they're next.

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I'm glad he's now occuppied having burning pitchforks shoved in his orifices rather than gaining more media attention when sent down for genocide and wasting yet more public money languishing in prison for the rest of his worthless life.


Harsh enough words do not exist to express my contempt for the man, and even attempting to do so would surely get me banned. This being the case, I'll leave this rather tame epitaph:


"Good riddance to bad rubbish. May he rot in hell."


(I posted the same comment on the BBC news website but for some reason they didn't publish it :o)

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So Blair and Bush have been arrested, tried and convicted of Crimes Against Humanity then.


How did I miss that ????????


I didnt think Milosevic was convicted i thought it was only part way through the prosecution stage.


Not that i support any of the dreadful things he was alleged to have done but i do believe you are innocent untill proven guilty. If thats not done then hes just an alleged perpetrator of hideous war crimes.


As for where he is now and whats being done to him what a load of mystical old clap trap.

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I'm sorry he's dead, much like I regretted the death of Fred West before his trial got underway. The international community and those more directly affected by his brutality have been denied the opportunity to hold him to account for his actions and to mete out a fitting punishment, not that any punishment would offer full retribution.


I hope he was offered no succour in his dying moments, just as those who carried out his will offered no succour or mercy to the civilian men, women and children butchered.


Having said that, think of the money saved by not having to go though this trial. Perhaps a Caucescu (sp?)-type trial would have been better; quick, unsophisticated and carrying the ultimate punishment?


To me they should have paraded his corpse through the streets in the back of an ice-cream van with the music turned on and bestowed the air of contempt the funeral of a murderous dictator deserves.


Too many times these countries concede to a "dignified" burial to stop the mobs taking to the streets.


For the records he was a murderous piece of cr*p and that is how history should remember these people and accord them or their family no dignity at all. The fact that people know where he is buried is bad enough ... like Hilter this guy should have no final burial site

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Not that i support any of the dreadful things he was alleged to have done but i do believe you are innocent untill proven guilty. If thats not done then hes just an alleged perpetrator of hideous war crimes.


Normally I'd agree, but the prosecution had made out their case and Milosevic had wasted his chance by raising groundless and therefore pointless defences - he seemed to see the whole thing as just another soapbox from which to babble on innanely for weeks at a time wasting more of our money. The things was all over bar the shouting and he was as guilty as a puppy sitting next to a big steaming pile of poo.


I think in the circumstances proceedings should have been allowed to reach their conclusion, but unfortunately procedural rules wouldn't allow it. In the end natural justice was well served by his death, although humanity would have been better served had he never been born.

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