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Milosevic: Dead!


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FFS people, get a grip- you can't start talking crap about him being judged in the afterlife and punished without accepting that when as a Christian, if he was to honestly repent and seek salvation then that wouldn't happen. Not in the same league anywhere near like hitler- I'm not saying his actions haven't been bad but I doubt seriously that anyone posting here knows that much about FYR- if he's in hell then alija izetbegovic and franjo tudjman would probably be there as well!

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FFS people, get a grip- you can't start talking crap about him being judged in the afterlife and punished without accepting that when as a Christian, if he was to honestly repent and seek salvation then that wouldn't happen. Not in the same league anywhere near like hitler- I'm not saying his actions haven't been bad but I doubt seriously that anyone posting here knows that much about FYR- if he's in hell then alija izetbegovic and franjo tudjman would probably be there as well!


To paraphrase Dubya 'you misunderestimate me' ;)

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