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Press Releases/local News


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Is this the way Manx journalism is going??


Sitting in your office... get sent a press release... look at it and then regurgitate at it without thinking about it.


All the local media seem to just run a story without doing any homework of their own. A press release, by its own nature spins a positive story, a story that might not hold all the facts. Surely any journalist, work their salt, would want to dig deeper and give a balance view.


Here's a classic example from Manx Radio today.


Consultation has concluded with staff who’ve been made redundant at Charterhouse in Ramsey.

Last month, the company announced up to 30 workers in the operations and supports department would lose their jobs.

However, two of those jobs have been saved with the staff in question accepting alternative posts with the firm.

The other 28 have now left the company with redundancy packages as well as training grants.

The redundancies are down to a downturn in business in a particular sector in the UK with which the firm is involved.

Charterhouse say no further redundancies are planned.


The story has no follow up, no one has done any work on it. It could be a story out of the old Communist block concerning food crop yields!


Come on guys, try and start questioning these press releases!

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there is nothing wrong with the story - that's what reporters do ( report ) - what your doing manxmedia is deluding yourself into thinking local news is sourced and compiled by journalists who have to think about the bigger picture of a story when presented with a press release.

Don't forget that there is the commercial aspect to consider.

If, for example, MR had a business journalist who were to do an expose/negative story about a financial institution what do you think would happen? Firstly the institution's MD would be on the 'phone to MR's MD to complain about the bad publicity and threaten withdrawal of crucial advertising revenue. Then the MR MD would call in the News Editor and there would be a £discussion" (arguement) about "editorial independence" then the story would get re-hashed, lost or buried. As a consequence the business journalist would be treated as a pariah and with suspicion by financial institutions and would find invites to food and beverage functions would, god forbid, dry up!

Better to not upset the apple cart...or make sure the gravy train doesn't get de-railed.

Think about the X-files tag line.

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12:45 there it is MR News Editor says in 5 years time there will be MR on DAB....but he didn't say where the millions of pounds of money going to come from to set it up...no need...yup you guessed poor old sap taxpayers.... funding some hugely expensive project on the basis of everyone else is doing it so we have to too...

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5 years!!!! That's 2011! It should have been operational a couple of years ago.


Why do we have to continue to endure poor reception well into the 21st Centuary. I pay my taxes and my TV licence, yet reception continues to drift from poor to non-existent. Which MHK is responsible for dragging his feet over this? I bet it is that Quintin Gill.

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5 years!!!! That's 2011! It should have been operational a couple of years ago.


Why do we have to continue to endure poor reception well into the 21st Centuary. I pay my taxes and my TV licence, yet reception continues to drift from poor to non-existent. Which MHK is responsible for dragging his feet over this? I bet it is that Quintin Gill.


Probably the byelaw enforcement officer for the Corpy actually ;)


Seriously though, who actually will pay for any radio transmitter upgrade? Are they owned by a third party as with the TV transmitters or will the broadcasters or Government have to pay?

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TMcC "who actually will pay for any radio transmitter upgrade? Are they owned by a third party as with the TV transmitters or will the broadcasters or Government have to pay?"


Government doesn't have any money to pay for DAB.....it would be an indulgence to the aspirations of some little empire builders who think they have to have the latest technology just because its available.


Anyhow who needs DAB?

What economic benefit does DAB have?

Does DAB have any over-riding benefit for radio listeners on the IOM over and above the existing FM frequencies?

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and there we have it...have just heard on Roger Watterson's Sunday Opinion the MR News Editor confessn that with regard to "investigative journalism" they could "do better" and the Editor of IOM newspapers agrees...

If you listened to (or, more to the point, comprehended) what was being said, you would have also heard the very persuasive arguments about reporting in a small community like this. I agree that much of the reporting in the media is pure press release-type stuff, (I particularly like the police appeals for witnesses to "an incident" without specifying what kind of incident) but this very much a symptom of being such a small community.


If your view of investigative reporting is mirrored in your "draw several unrelated topics together","no smoke without fire", "heard from a chap in the pub" type exposes, then the Manx press will certainly have hit rock bottom!

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and there we have it...have just heard on Roger Watterson's Sunday Opinion the MR News Editor confessn that with regard to "investigative journalism" they could "do better" and the Editor of IOM newspapers agrees...

If you listened to (or, more to the point, comprehended) what was being said, you would have also heard the very persuasive arguments about reporting in a small community like this. I agree that much of the reporting in the media is pure press release-type stuff, (I particularly like the police appeals for witnesses to "an incident" without specifying what kind of incident) but this very much a symptom of being such a small community.


If your view of investigative reporting is mirrored in your "draw several unrelated topics together","no smoke without fire", "heard from a chap in the pub" type exposes, then the Manx press will certainly have hit rock bottom!


Good for you GTBB. The News of the World spends thousands on their investigative journalism. Journalists spend weeks at a time in deep cover and what's on the front page today? Some not very famous actress apparently offering sex for money. Really worth the effort, no?

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Anyhow who needs DAB?

What economic benefit does DAB have?

Does DAB have any over-riding benefit for radio listeners on the IOM over and above the existing FM frequencies?


I need it.


FM is virtually non-existent where I am.


Also I want to listen to MW, radio 5 etc without crackles.


Could you tell me why you have to do this? Why are you kicking up a fuss to stop something that will improve the quality of my life?

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Anyhow who needs DAB?

What economic benefit does DAB have?

Does DAB have any over-riding benefit for radio listeners on the IOM over and above the existing FM frequencies?


I need it.


FM is virtually non-existent where I am.


Also I want to listen to MW, radio 5 etc without crackles.


Could you tell me why you have to do this? Why are you kicking up a fuss to stop something that will improve the quality of my life?


If your FM is non existent where you live then DAB won't be much better unless it's co-channel interference.

When they do get round to it... DAB will be transmitted from the same sites as present and the geography of the land will still be a blocking factor.

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I was working on the principle that since FM is virtually non-existant, ie I can get it but very badly. The improvement in quality of DAB would be an imporovement in the quality I receive. Also MW stations would be more accessible. Oh and I could pick up 6 music.

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