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We Know Why There Is So Much Dog Pooh In Douglas


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from MR webpage:-

Douglas Council has had enough of people letting their dogs loose on the new town cemetery.

Members say people are going as far as letting their dogs foul in consecrated areas.

The Council’s also looking at banning canines in Nobles Park, except in the dog walking area.

It’s down to pet owners being irresponsible.

In the meantime, Councillor, Richard McNicholl says it’s a disgrace what people get up to on the lawn cemetery


The ratepayers pay the £30,000 a year wages of the Enforcement Officer.....so why the hell doesn't the Corpy instruct him to take some positive action and prosecute some of the offenders who allow their dogs to foul all over the place...for f....sake..!!!


Its about time Richie McNicoll and the other Corpy Councillors took a long hard look at what they are spending ratepayers money on and had some productivity out of the employees instead of letting them sit all day in the poodle house.

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Agreed something does need to be done, and here we have a case where the existing paid for resources can be used to do something, but there is a problem with this.


In order to actually hand out a fine the enforcement officer would actually have to catch someone in the act, and prove that they were not intending to pick it up. If approached I'm sure everyone would go get a bag from somewhere and pick it up anyway and then not bother the next time they weren't seen. So in order to actually keep the area clear, an enforcement officer would have to be present virtually all the time, detracting from other duties - which brings the arguement back round to value for money.

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Oh good another thread about dog shit / the corpy Enforcement Officer. Couldn't you have added this information to one of the many threads on these subjects?


More to the point what is your beef with the enforcement officer? Is he an ex? You are constantly making reference to him, his duties (as you see them), how he's not doing what you think are his duties, and even his salary. But you don't seem to know what he does, he may be overstretched having more to deal with then hours in the day, it may have been him that raised the issue you are refering to in the first place. You just don't know. So I think it is a bit rich to pick over the minutiae of his job and make a public case against him, when you don't have the facts.


Do you ever take any of these issues up with the Corpy themselves? Have you spoken to the Enforcement Officer to, say, mention the litter problems on Douglas Head?

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Declan...I let you know....I know someone who has written to the Corpy on two occassions (I've seen the letters)..who has been to see Cllrs and officers (I'm told the Assisstant Town Clerk) to have put in writting what the powers, duties and responsibilities are and job description of the Corpy's two Bye-Law Inspectors and the Bye Law Enforcement Officer.


From memeory the first letter was in August last year...the Corpy "lost" it..another was done..they didn't reply...numerous visits were made to the Town Hall...then when the Asst Town Clerk was away and it was supposed to be his job to reply the Town Clerk sent a nebulus reply citing confidentiality...


I also understand that very much more recently the Asst Town Clerk was again in person asked to respond fully and he apologised...but the originator is still waiting....


So, there you have it...three jobs that cost the ratepayers the best part of £90,000 (the salary figures were posted in the job adverts) and no-one in the Corpy can write and describe what they are supposed to do...


For £30,000 a year why doesn't someone go and stake out the Cemetry take some photos and prosecute someone...good god its not as though its a gang of drug dealers being exposed just some anti-social numbskull who needs making an example of...


If the ratepayers pay a salary then they should get full value for the money..which we aren't at the moment!

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more importantly just think about why Douglas Corpy hasn't replied to written requests for information about what should be publicly available...if there is nothing to hide then it must surely be sheer ineptitude that a fullsome reply hasn't been provided...surely one or the other, unless someone knows of a better reason....

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For £30,000 a year why doesn't someone go and stake out the Cemetry take some photos and prosecute someone...good god its not as though its a gang of drug dealers being exposed just some anti-social numbskull who needs making an example of...


More or less exactly what someone from the Corpy was saying on MR today!

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more importantly just think about why Douglas Corpy hasn't replied to written requests for information about what should be publicly available...if there is nothing to hide then it must surely be sheer ineptitude that a fullsome reply hasn't been provided...surely one or the other, unless someone knows of a better reason....


More importantly, why do you think you have the right to stick your nose into what someone does in their job, and earns in their job. If you are unhappy with the service from the corpy complain to your commissioner.

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"If you are unhappy with the service from the corpy complain to your commissioner"


I take it this was just a mental aberation..'cos if not I take it you live outside of Douglas where indeed your local represenative would be a commissioner, and thus you do not pay Douglas rates...please clarify.

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"If you are unhappy with the service from the corpy complain to your commissioner"


I take it this was just a mental aberation..'cos if not I take it you live outside of Douglas where indeed your local represenative would be a commissioner, and thus you do not pay Douglas rates...please clarify.


I live in Port Erin.


Whether I pay Douglas rates or not is irrelevant. No-one Rate-Payer or not has the right to carry out a campaign against an individual because of their job. The elected individuals should take the brunt of your criticism, it is them that are responsible for employees, and costs. And it is them you should approach, rather than conducting the public vilification of an employee.

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And it is them you should approach, rather than conducting the public vilification of an employee.


I agree wholeheatedly and we'll have no more threads of this nature please. You're bordering on a vendetta.

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according to the Corpy they recognise that teh Bye-Law Inspectors presence within the Borough should be more high profile. So the asst Town Clerk and the Enforcement Officer have been tasked to present ways as to how the Inspectors presence has more prominenec...seems like someone has actually grasped the situation that ratepayers need to see what they are getting for their money.


All we need to know now is what the Bye-laws are? What the inspector will be inspecting, and what is going to happen if they find them not being adhered to.


Don't you think engendering pride in the Town comes from leadership and example (which don't cost anything) and putting right what's wrong (which if the wrongdoers pay also shouldn't cost the ratepayers to put right)...

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