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Thought-controlled Computers


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Thought-Controlled Computers


Reading thoughts may still seem like science fiction, but a new technology shown at this week's CEBIT technology fair in Hanover allows computers to be controlled entirely by brain power alone.


No keyboard, no mouse and no joystick, and they

. Admittedly you do need an awful lot of cables and a headset that looks like a 1970s shower cap, but being able to operate a computer by thought process alone is still pretty impressive. Another video shows how the technology can also be


The technology, which is called a Brain Computer Interface or BCI, is the result of a state-funded cooperation between the US and Europe. And since both the well-respected Fraunhofer Institute and Berlin's Technical University are involved, it must be for real. After cerebral electric activity is picked up by electrodes attached to the scalp, signals are then transformed into computer commands. The long-term aim is to allow a mouse pointer to be controlled by brain waves, or tools which can be used for patients suffering from quadriplegia.



How ace is that? Can only be a question of time until you can make your computer desk look like the bridge on starship enterprise. I just think it's great and fascinating to see how far technology has come these days, and how fast it still develops, especially when the end product is something really useful...

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Yes but considering the mess I make operating my 'pooter' when I get in from the pub and trying to do email at silly hours I shudder to think what would happen if I had to put the "shower cap" on to operate it and what sort of thoughts the pooter would be getting as instructions. Doesn't bear thinking about LOL!

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Thought-Controlled Computers


Reading thoughts may still seem like science fiction, but a new technology shown at this week's CEBIT technology fair in Hanover allows computers to be controlled entirely by brain power alone.


No keyboard, no mouse and no joystick, and they

. Admittedly you do need an awful lot of cables and a headset that looks like a 1970s shower cap, but being able to operate a computer by thought process alone is still pretty impressive. Another video shows how the technology can also be


The technology, which is called a Brain Computer Interface or BCI, is the result of a state-funded cooperation between the US and Europe. And since both the well-respected Fraunhofer Institute and Berlin's Technical University are involved, it must be for real. After cerebral electric activity is picked up by electrodes attached to the scalp, signals are then transformed into computer commands. The long-term aim is to allow a mouse pointer to be controlled by brain waves, or tools which can be used for patients suffering from quadriplegia.



How ace is that? Can only be a question of time until you can make your computer desk look like the bridge on starship enterprise. I just think it's great and fascinating to see how far technology has come these days, and how fast it still develops, especially when the end product is something really useful...

We're all going to die!!!

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I remember reading years ago that the US military were working on using "mind control" for things like piloting aircraft.


I think the main reasoning then was, if you're flying along in your F16 and someone fires a missile at you, it would take a certain amount of time for your brain to send the signals to your arm, and a certain amount of time for your arm to move to take evasive action (probably also for the brain to send pulsating sphincter comand!).


If your brain could be hooked up to allow you to fly the plane by thought alone, then any delays due to muscle response could be avioded and this in effect would give you some sort of an "advantage" over a "manually" controlled aircraft.


I beleive some of the Apache Helicopter pilots/co=pilots have HUD's in their helmets that allow them to just "look" at a target for them to select if they want to shoot it or not. (Iris tracking?)

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I beleive some of the Apache Helicopter pilots/co=pilots have HUD's in their helmets that allow them to just "look" at a target for them to select if they want to shoot it or not. (Iris tracking?)

Not sure - I remember that they can somehow direct the 30mm Chain Gun with their eyes - basically, where ever the pilot's looking, that's where the gun is pointed at - it's following the movement of his eyes, but they still have to fire it more or less manually - might be wrong, though - either way, a very scary killing machine...


I was somehow surprised that a civilian research group developed that Brain Computer Interface - would have thought the military got there first as usual - or maybe they really have already, and we just don't know..


I just hope it's not Cyberdyne Systems that's doing the research :ph34r:

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