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Mhk's Pay


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That doyen of Manx politics Victor Kneale is certainly well informed,who would have thought that the Castletown electrician would warrant a salary of over £60.000 per annum.


Dear old Donald Gelling must be laughing up his sleeve having to come in as a caretaker at over £67.000 per annum,yes £67.000

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Well most ministers get around £60.000 per year but on top of that they also get £45.000 a year for being a MHK.


So dear old donald is on £113.000 a year.


This is what i was told, correct me i might be wrong but that came from a good scource

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You're doing the lad a disservice. It is not as much as you have stated.


But the whole system stinks anyway.


It is outrageous that the Tynwald members vote for the Chief Minister and then he rewards his buddies to the tune of a healthy 5 figure sum a year to become one of his ministers.


We don't need a whip in Tynwald as the Chief Minister has a block vote from his highly paid minister chummies. (Although Alan Bell recently spoke against the Council of Ministers - or 'CoMin' as it is rather awfully termed - in connection with the proposed development down at the Bus Station).


The system has become quite autocratic. And when you consider that Donald Gelling was given the Chief Minsiter's position from being on the Legislative Council, the whole thing becomes rather farcical, from a democracy point of view. But since when has democracy meant anything on this Island?


I find (some of) this new group that is emerging, PAG, really quite awful, but if they raise awareness of the dire political situation on this Island at present, then I suppose they will be doing some good.

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What about the extra they are paid for being on committees and boards, how else can they afford to own holiday homes overseas

I would like to see it disclosed who and how many holiday homes are owned by MHKs?ministers and who built them, especialy the ones in Jersey ;);)

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I think the standard MHK pay is actually around £30,000 plus money for being invloved in different departments.


The Ministers get a bit more but its not immense amounts - it works out that an MHK who is also a member of CoMin is on about £45ish - its dependent on how many departments / boards they are involved in.


That's what I had heard it as anyway - I could be totally wrong as well.

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According to Victor Kneale, the civil service pay claim has been settled and this means an automatic increase in pay for members of 4%, backdated to August 1, 2005.

Because all members serve in departments, the lowest paid will receive £48,375 per annum. But only 13 of the 32 are on that, eight others are on £51,666, nine ministers on £54,958, the Speaker on £58,250 and the Chief Minister £64,833.

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Does anyone know if ex-MHK's pensions such as Mr Kneale's increase in line with present salaries or are they based solely on what they were when they left the House?

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Given the responsibility that goes with the government jobs, I don't think that scale of salary is at all excessive, and as for what they do with it (holiday homes etc) I would suggest that's entirely THEIR business and not yours or mine. And why SHOULDN'T they get expenses and a pension?


The alternative is to revert to some sort of feudal system where only the rich can afford to stand.


The thought that remains, is that the MHK's who only seem to do anything when they need re-electing are on too much.

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Just to set the record straight…


The basic level of pay for a member is £31,651. In addition they are entitled to expenses of £5,336. So a basic pay package of £37,017.


If they are a Minister they get an additional £15,825.


If they are a member of Treasury they get an additional £12,660


If they are a member of a department they get an additional £9,495.


If they are the Chair of a Statutory board they get an additional £3,165


The Chairman of Civil Service Commission gets an additional £12.660


The Chief Minister gets an additional £25,321.


The President gets an additional £15,825


The Speaker gets an additional £18,990


Might get me a nomination form for November.

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