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American 'culture'


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Well saddam was selling oil in euro's before he was toppled.


Read somewhere that this was why the yanks wanted him out.


If the euro is used more than the dollar will this make the dollar weaker ?


Also read china and other countries are swapping funds from dollars to gold.


The Petrodollar has a lot to answer for.


It's hardly earth shattering news that the Gulf Wars have been about oil but the more they progress towards Iran the more we should worry.

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It is only that the American dollar is THE international currency, not that American culture has shaped things.

You may find that the euro is the most traded currency. Look at www.ft.com for more info. With the increasing anti-American sentiment the euro is being used even more.

Might be the case that the Euro is the most traded currency, but the dollar is still the preferred currency in emerging markets (i.e. the default currency used as economic stability is acheived). This, of course, may change, but I think the dollar is still seen as THE international currency to get your hands on.

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