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Why No Press Reports


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And from todays Times 71 have been killed so far this season in the Alps, should they now ban skiing as it kills more people a year than the TT


What's that as a percentage of the total numbers of skiiers?


I have seen estimates of approx 7 million visit the Alps for Skiing during a season. But that might just be to some resorts. It could be more.


0.001% chance of death! Good odds.


So sorry Theskeat your skiing comparison means jack.


Add the miles up covered by the bikers and the conditions they ride in, they dont land in a nice pile of soft snow when they come off now do they. All Im getting at is why do people cry out if a biker is killed on the Island but sod all is mentioned when someone is killed at another sport, or is it a case of the Finacial industry lot prefer skiing to bike racing. If its common to have deaths in any sport then something should be done but to single out one sport is not on :angry:


times story


Erm, you're moaning about deaths in other sports not being covered in the press, and then providing links that prove they *are* covered in the press.


The deaths in Daytona got press coverage in the US media, same as deaths on our roads get coverage in UK media.


You use the arguments of wrongheadedness.

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Deaths at the TT are covered worldwide by the press and in bold headlines like ISLAND OF DEATH OR THE DEATH ROCK. Do we see that sort of press reporting over deaths in other sports no


The reason we don't see headlines like Death Mountain or Downhill death is because we don't live in Switzerland or Austria!!!


We only see the bike ones because we live in the British Isles. It's rare anyone in Europe gives a hoot as to how many bikers die at the TT as we don't care how many people are killed skiing

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You mean like one member that starts posting on the 23rd February and another one that stops posting on the 24th February?


That they both use :angry: and no punctuation, hmmm.


Wonder who that could be!



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