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The Dutch And Immigration


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AMSTERDAM, NetherlandsThe camera focuses on two gay men kissing in a park. Later, a topless woman emerges from the sea and walks onto a crowded beach.


For would-be immigrants to the Netherlands, this film is a test of their readiness to participate in the liberal Dutch culture. If they can’t stomach it, no need to apply.


Despite whether they find the film offensive, applicants must buy a copy and watch it if they hope to pass the Netherlands’ new entrance examination.


The test — the first of its kind in the world — became compulsory Wednesday.


It is part of a broader crackdown on immigration that has been gathering momentum in the Netherlands since 2001.


“If you pass, you’re more than welcome,” said Immigration Minister Rita Verdonk, architect of the new test and other policies that have reduced immigration by at least a third.


There are some major exemptions, including citizens of the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Japan and Switzerland.


You know, I kinda like the Idea behind that - and many German politicians are already calling for a similar test to be introduced in ze Heimatland - like what you see, or please don't come here..


Rather unsurprisingly, this has upset the Muslim community:


..But Abdou Menebhi, chairman of Emcemo, a Moroccan interest group in Amsterdam, said the film was just another example of how the Netherlands was trying to limit immigration from Muslim countries..


.....Dutch officials deny the film is intended to discourage Muslim immigration. But they insist they want all applicants to wonder whether or not they would fit into one of the world’s most permissive societies.


I'm starting to wonder what an Isle of Man Immigration video would look like.... :)

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DOUGLAS, Isle of Man - The camera focuses on two 14 year olds having sex in a park - Mandy is hoping for a girl this time. Later, a topless man emerges from the sea opposite Colours and walks onto a crowded Promenade thinking he's the dogs bollocks because he got pissed and then ran into the sea to amuse his mates - he will recover from his severe bout of dysentery.


For would-be immigrants to the Isle of Man, this film is a test of their readiness to participate in the liberal Manx culture. If they can’t stomach it, no need to apply - just come on over anyway.


Despite whether they find the film offensive or boring, applicants must buy a copy from the Tourist Office or download it from Google videos and watch it if they hope to pass the Manxies new entrance examination.


The test — the first of its kind in the world featuring real life chavs — became compulsory Wednesday after the Manx Govt spent £3.57million on it's producion.


It is part of a broader crackdown on immigration that has been gathering momentum in the island since last week when it became a political football.


“If you pass, you’re more than welcome,” said Immigration Minister Pam Crowe, architect of the new test and other policies that have reduced people living near her by at least a third.


There are some major exemptions, including citizens who are prepared to do the brown paper bag hand shake.

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I'm starting to wonder what an Isle of Man Immigration video would look like.... :)


There would be two - the first would be a two minute advert for Strand Cleaners showing all the interesting things you see on the van ride home at 5:00am. "If your still awake, if you turn to the right now you can see the man urinating in a bus stop whilst the Poles kick seven bells out of each other on the Promonade"



The second would be on the £100,000 cap on income tax. "If you can write this cheque then you can produce your own bloody video. Thanks"



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