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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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I have just been flicking through the channels and come across more absolute balls on Manx radio. manx radio get the average of 16 grand a week from the tax payer, instead of public service we get money wasted on tim glover on a free jolly to Australia when it could all have been done via the internet and press office.

Now i just tuned into what can only be described as off it's tits radio, several manx radio members of staff at a local pub or something having egg eating competitiions, getting drunk and telling jokes us outsiders to manx radio simply don't understand. Whens the wheel barrow race and the egg and spoon marathon?

Even if this has been paid for by the bar they're at, this is not what we want to hear, I was after the bloody news.

On the other hand, get me down there for this piss-up, free booze and scran it seems.

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I usually like to defend ManxRadio because I like Mandate and I like Ashleys show.


And when I saw this post I tghought I would flame or whatever you call it, Desperate Dan. But I can't really because he's making a good point..


You see these DJs strutting around the town as if they are some sort of gods. But I suppose when the taxpayer is forking out a couple of grands a day to keep 'em on the ego trip you would think they would have the courtesy to say "Hi" whatever back. But they just think they are above everyone else unless you are a top TT star or something or an English millionaire or MHK.


So good enough Point, Desperate Dan

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Well i like Stu's show reminds me of the old roger corkill rock show days.


Ashley bentley is not bad also, and of course the other roger on moanin line.


But i think manx radio needs a massive shake up, i cannot see why there is so many staff when you think the likes of local stations in the uk have less staff and a bigger population to cover.


Something needs to be done.


p.s make Stu Peters the fat controller his shows seem to have appeal unlike the rest.

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Stu Peters - Manx Radio's answer to Clarkson (But what was the question?)

David Collister - the only one who knows enough to really grill local politicians (Which is almost enough to forgive him for his Thursday night C&W show)

Chris Williams - has made Sunday afternoons better by replacing the dire 'top40' show (Although handbell-ringing the hits of Barry Manilow would have done much the same)

Dan Davis - he's improved the 'Talking Heads' programme and does his homework when he's interviewing someone (but he'll probably be snapped up by a bigger station before long)

Ashley Bentley - just isn't on air enough!

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Stu Peters - Manx Radio's answer to Clarkson (But what was the question?)

David Collister - the only one who knows enough to really grill local politicians (Which is almost enough to forgive him for his Thursday night C&W show)

Chris Williams - has made Sunday afternoons better by replacing the dire 'top40' show (Although handbell-ringing the hits of Barry Manilow would have done much the same)

Dan Davis - he's improved the 'Talking Heads' programme and does his homework when he's interviewing someone (but he'll probably be snapped up by a bigger station before long)

Ashley Bentley - just isn't on air enough!


When I had my car in for a service last week some monkey reprogrammed the radio and i had to drive home listening to what sounded to me like the Suzie Richardson show circa 1978. Its incredible to think that anybody could think this is what people (bar the senile or mentally ill) want to listen to in the afternoon.


I tried to laugh, cry, drive and throw up all at the same time. In the end I found the "off" button though.

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Didn't Suzie leave? I remember being at work listening to the most pathetic sick making on-air leaving party. And now she's back!



Definately back as at last week. My ears did not lie. Somebody at MR must have decided that there was not enough stomach-turning cr*p on in the afternoon and brought the show back. Talk of lost cats and music that was "cool" on radio caroline circa 1967 for at least an hour.

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Suzie was back on, certainly Fridays afternoon show when I was listening perhaps standing in for Bob Harrison onHoliday as he isn't there today either (webcam) as only the young fella who used to stand in for Andy Wints recorded show.

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Maybe she is a rug muncher.


if so can i watch ?


I visualised that and .. well ... yuck. You have some unresolved personal issues.


Personally those lezzies in the Examiner a few weeks ago turned me off those sort of thoughts.

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I can't help thinking of MR in a sort of nostalgic way, but there is still no excuse for that programming.


When I was a kid (late 70's early 80's) it was relatively good as it had that independent feel to it as one of the early pioneers in commercial broadcasting.


But in the end this is the Isle of Man and it never was commercial and ended up relying on taxpayers money getting increasingly blander and blander as it didn't have to try to do anything to appeal to any age group as the money kept rolling in regardless.


Now it sounds like hospital radio from the Ukraine.


Does anyone remember Swap Shop though? Some old bird in Ramsey calling in to swap a three-piece suite for "anything interesting" (ie. a bag of woolly's pick-and-mix and a lucky gonk for anyone with a three ton van).


They should bring that back (Don't tell me .. they still do it don't they. Its really me that is out of touch).

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