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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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Typical Manx Radio moment this morning ....talking about an increase in rates Stuart Peters was told MR had got their story wrong, it wasn't a 50% hike in rural rates but in fact 100% to which Mr Peters joked "we're journalists (sic) we're not expected to get numbers (or should that be words) right!"


A few minutes later the MR newsreader in his bulletin said, "a 50% increase....",


Don't they listen???

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Going back to the original post just heard Tim Glover interviewing a restaurant owner in Melbourne about his business! What's that got to do with the Isle of Man team.


Seems not only is he getting a jolly to Australia he's now getting his meals free!


All in all I'm really disappointed by the lack of coverage by MR. I've learnt more from reading the local paper.


I tuned in to Manx this morning at 7, nothing at all about the Games. What is going on down under? I've followed the Games on manx radio in the past even despite the different time zones in Canada and malaysia when they were held there the coverage was good and never this poor. Is the reporter taking the p#ss or is he on it?


I also note they don't have a sponsor in place (maybe prospective sponsors knew what they were letting themselves in for) whereas the papers have


The whole thing has a really sh#tty smell about it IMO


Also when Cav won the gold where was the local reaction? I saw david his Dad on Border but all I heard on MR was Don Gelling - again p#ss poor.


This has been the best Games in years for the Isle of Man in terms of medals but definitely a wooden spoon for MR on this one

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Also when Cav won the gold where was the local reaction? I saw david his Dad on Border but all I heard on MR was Don Gelling - again p#ss poor.


Just previous to the big Don interview was a load of people being interviewed in Strand Street to get 'local reaction' - happy now or are you gonna keep banging on.


Sure your listening to the same MR? I've heard nothing else but commonwealth games.


Jeez it's one reporter for the commonwealth games and whoopy doo he actually went to Australia.


If its the public funded jolly you are worried about, perhaps next time we can do the sporting events here on the Island and send out the times etc via email. No need to send those athletes on a bloody jolly to Oz too eh? Surely the have some government funding too...

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Stu Peters - Manx Radio's answer to Clarkson (But what was the question?)

David Collister - the only one who knows enough to really grill local politicians (Which is almost enough to forgive him for his Thursday night C&W show)

Chris Williams - has made Sunday afternoons better by replacing the dire 'top40' show (Although handbell-ringing the hits of Barry Manilow would have done much the same)

Dan Davis - he's improved the 'Talking Heads' programme and does his homework when he's interviewing someone (but he'll probably be snapped up by a bigger station before long)

Ashley Bentley - just isn't on air enough!


Dont forget dear old Bob - he just cracks me up with the afternoons 'guess the telephone number Im trying to read out' sales and wants slot. A seasoned entertainer who knows a thing or to about the industry and extracts some great interviews putting his guests at ease.


Dan also does some VERY good interviews - and has become a shining light on talking heads - and he can control his language well on air!. He has approached some very difficult subjects of late - and to his credit, pulled off some riviting listening


I miss Stu doing the moanin' line - I know it turned into a motoring program at times - but he did have a down to earth approach to callers - and you just knew when he was starting to get hacked off.


I have to turn the Radio Doctor off thou'. Maybe he could do a live show from the 'Bum Pump Clinic' in Onchan (or should we save that for Stu?)

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Also when Cav won the gold where was the local reaction? I saw david his Dad on Border but all I heard on MR was Don Gelling - again p#ss poor.


Just previous to the big Don interview was a load of people being interviewed in Strand Street to get 'local reaction' - happy now or are you gonna keep banging on.


Sure your listening to the same MR? I've heard nothing else but commonwealth games.


Jeez it's one reporter for the commonwealth games and whoopy doo he actually went to Australia.


If its the public funded jolly you are worried about, perhaps next time we can do the sporting events here on the Island and send out the times etc via email. No need to send those athletes on a bloody jolly to Oz too eh? Surely the have some government funding too...

Agree, the coverage on MR has been extensive. I even know the names of all the competitors, and where we think another good result is coming from. However, this is from someone who asked a work colleague to explain the offside rule in cricket! ("F** off, you daft tart" I think was the witty reort!)

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I listen to the news every hour and I've not heard much in the last few days. All I hear is the round-up at lunchtime which gets a bit dull after ten minutes.


Could they not break it up and put bits in the news?

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Good to hear on MR in the news this morning a report from Melbourne! Maybe someone up there has read this thread.


In response to other posts on here I listen to the news on manx quite a lot not every every hour but most. I never heard reaction from local people to cav in the news, if it was on then I apologise as i must have missed it but i'm surprised because as i say I do listen a lot.


If they are putting reports in other programmes instead of on the news then count me out - I just can't bear to listen to MR (apart from the news), in the vague hope they'll have a report on


I just want to turn my radio on when i'm in bed in the morning, hear the local news and how our boys and girls are getting on down under


Is that too much to ask?


It's our money they're spending

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The coverage of local sport is pretty good at all levels. Having seen Tim Glover in action at Island Games and on-Island I know he is passionate about his sport and committed to ensuring plenty of coverage.


The coverage in our local media has in my view ensured that a disproportionate amount of sponsorship is available to Manx sports competitors contrasted with most places in the UK and most Islands in the Island Games apart from Guernsey and Jersey who have a similar nationalist status/pride.


Many of our younger competitors at the CG (Cavendish, Bellis, Rawlinson etc.) came up through the ranks of local kids sports schemes and without the coverage (at all levels) and associated sponsorship one has to question whether that would happen.

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Just who is in charge of Mandate?

Stuart Peters seems to be running a one man media campaign about the speed limit debate. The pros and cons of which are for another place in this forum.

What must be totally unacceptable is for him to be allowed to keep stating his views. The Minster even said as much on this morning programme. I bet there have been words about this going on behind the scenes.

Never in current affairs shows should we know the personal opinions of its presenter.

But yet again Mr Peters tells us all he is against the speed limit, followed up with an interview/statement from “his boys”. The guy surely was pre-feed the questions as he seemed to read out most his reply. Why didn’t Beth Esbey do the 2 interview? She didn’t even get a question in.

Surely someone on the hill takes responsibility for putting out balanced and fair interviews!

Mr Peters should be removed from any future interviews where he has expressed his personal opinion.

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Just who is in charge of Mandate?

Stuart Peters seems to be running a one man media campaign about the speed limit debate. The pros and cons of which are for another place in this forum.

What must be totally unacceptable is for him to be allowed to keep stating his views. The Minster even said as much on this morning programme. I bet there have been words about this going on behind the scenes.

Never in current affairs shows should we know the personal opinions of its presenter.

But yet again Mr Peters tells us all he is against the speed limit, followed up with an interview/statement from “his boys”. The guy surely was pre-feed the questions as he seemed to read out most his reply. Why didn’t Beth Esbey do the 2 interview? She didn’t even get a question in.

Surely someone on the hill takes responsibility for putting out balanced and fair interviews!

Mr Peters should be removed from any future interviews where he has expressed his personal opinion.


Have a word with the communications commission, they are the people who deal with breaches of the broadcasting act. They intervened when the governement put out biased adverts on the speed limit.

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Damned if they do - and damned if they don't it seems. We're always bleating on about how the local media simply read out press statements or take the 'official' line, but the minute someone dares to highlight the fact that we're all being led by the nose like a lot of sheep, they're condemned for it.

The speed limit itself has now, in some respects, become a secondary issue to the fact that there was such a blatant attempt to brainwash the population into accepting it and, IMO, it does no harm to keep this example of blatant propaganda in the public consciousness while the 'consultation process' is taking place.

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