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Wall Street, World War 2 And The Centralization Of Power


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Why bring up Jews, Zionism and the Protocols? I wasn't aware that the books were full of anti-semitic slurs and jibes blaming the Jews for every ill in the world?


Because if you're fool enough to swallow the guff that you offer then you're fool enough to swallow anything. You're also obviously incapable of joined-up thinking and reasoning, a fact that many6 people rely on when they spin their propaganda in order to create an environment in which further mischief can be made.


I STILL can’t make my mind up if you’re simply gullible or ‘avin a larf’.


And BTW ermo, I'm a Jew AND a Zionist and in my opinion any Jew who isn't a Zionist --- bloody well should be.

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I take it you still havent read any of them then? Didnt think youd have the balls to. Read Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler right through checking every source over and over. Please just do it! You can come out with whatever wise ass comments you like but until you read it then your lying to yourself. You seem like a smart guy so it shouldnt take you long. Being Jewish you might like to know the filth that provided Hitler with the tools necessary to do what he did. IG Farben, Standard Oil of New Jersey, IBM, The Ford Motor Company, General Electric, Prescott Bush, the Warburgs, the Harrimans, read about them all and the massive part that they played in arming Hitler to the teeth so that he could go off and do what he did. I dont know how you can call me gullible when you havent even bothered to read the damn thing.


Crozza, I have not only read most of the junk you point to but over the years lots more besides.


I'm under no illusions about what big business got up to prior to both WW1 and WW2 and I’m well aware - better than you will ever know - of what various US firms as well as UK businesses got up to by using off shore subsidiaries.


Such is the nature of business.


So what? BFD.


The question is not what was done leading UP to these wars, it is what was done when hostilities broke out, and more to the point, what was done when the nature of what was being done became clear.

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