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Norman Kember Freed

The Old Git

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Mr Anderton,


Thank you for your comments some of which I can sympathise with.


Your viewing habits are no business of mine. The problem with putting explanations in a few words is that invariably you miss something out. As I haven't time to go through a dictionary to see what words may be appropriate in your case, and then discuss them with you, perhaps we can leave the matter.


I wish you well.





Edited: add to categories - "or people who don't like interfering busy bodies and want to be left in peace etc."


I can understand that and hope this covers it!

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I agree with James Anderton 100%.


My opinion FWIW:


Three words describe Kember and his mission from God. "a SILLY, SELFISH OLD man"


Silly to even contemplate going to a country where the odds on being kidnapped shot and tortured if you are a European are considerably better than betting everything on red.


Selfish for putting his family through so much trauma and then not having the common decency to thank those who endangered their own lives rescuing him.


And old because there's no fool like and old fool.


Should have left him there with the Iraqi's if he's so concerned about them and not risked our servicemens lives. As for any of his pals heading out there, then after seeing what happened to Kember, they need their heads examined - do they really think their being in Iraq will make the slightest difference to anything?

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I agree with James Anderton 100%.


Three words describe Kember and his mission from God. "a SILLY, SELFISH OLD man"


I must admit "stupid old tw*t" came into my head.


I get the impression he would have rather been shot and died as a martyr for the cause rather than be rescued and end up dumped back in his 3 three bed semi in Pinner with all his loony god-bothering friends.

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There seem to be quite a few Christian charities going out there, but does anyone know of any muslim charities doing work in Iraq? I guess there must be a few..


Maybe that would be the better approach - collect funds away from Iraq (and away from danger), pass the funds from christian to muslim/islamic charities, and let them do the actual work on location - not only would that be a brilliant sign of inter-religious co-operation, but it would also reduce the risk of aid workers being shot or kidnapped on arrival...

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There seems to be something not quite right about Christian PeacemakerTeams.

I found their web site slightly disturbing.


Christian PeacemakerTeams


Having looked through that site, I can only suggest that all of the countries involved in Iraq should immediately agree that - if any members of the CPT manage to achieve their ambition of being captured and 'getting in the way,' there should be a complete news blackout about it and they should simply be left to their fate.

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Maybe that would be the better approach - collect funds away from Iraq (and away from danger), pass the funds from christian to muslim/islamic charities, and let them do the actual work on location - not only would that be a brilliant sign of inter-religious co-operation, but it would also reduce the risk of aid workers being shot or kidnapped on arrival...



Do you really think so?

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Has there been any reason given on why the captives were effectively abandoned by their captors? (Stockholm effect in reverse?)


I suspect it was something to do with them hearing 55 tanks and 800 soldiers coming up the road.

Cheers Albert, but from what I have read the house was abandoned by the captors before the military got there. True, not clear yet how long abandoned, nor why they didn't just put a bullet through each captives' head. Just seemed to me that there is a bit more to it than just the captors running away in the face of overwhelming odds without a shot fired, given the propensity for suicide and shocking displays of inhumanity that these chaps seem to be capable of. Just wondering ....

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I suspect we'll find out all about the ex-gratia terrorist payments in about 25 years - with the freedom of information act.

Of course, that could be just complete bollocks.


The best way to guarantee the safety of the hostages would be to gather up enough intelligence to be able to scoop up all the kidnappers before entering the building where the hostages are being held and letting them free.


Call me old-fashioned but that is how I would do it....

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Has there been any reason given on why the captives were effectively abandoned by their captors? (Stockholm effect in reverse?)


As is usual in these circumstances it was the $100,000 in cash that arrived by DHL to previous day with "Be out by tomorrow morning" tied to it with an elastic band.

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