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Polish Workers

manx driver

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Why are we the manx taxpayers paying for legal aid for 5 polish workers charged with affray?

how much have they paid in taxes here?

Why are 3 advocates being appointed ? why not the same one for all 5 of them

Why did they get bail ? would we in Poland ?

and on another point why is there a Black Police officers Association in the UK ? can you see the headline if some one formed a white only association ?

or am i racist ?

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Why are we the manx taxpayers paying for legal aid for 5 polish workers charged with affray?

how much have they paid in taxes here?

Why are 3 advocates being appointed ? why not the same one for all 5 of them

Why did they get bail ? would we in Poland ?

and on another point why is there a Black Police officers Association in the UK ? can you see the headline if some one formed a white only association ?

or am i racist ?


Because we don't want to be accused of being racist


One lawyer would probably be ok, but three categorically proves that we're not being racist.


They got bail because we don't want to be accused of being racist


The answers are, I'm afraid, glaringly obvious.


As for the "would we in Poland" remark the answer is no - my Manx passport would bar me from working in Poland, so I wouldn't even be able to work there let alone get arrested.

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and on another point why is there a Black Police officers Association in the UK ? can you see the headline if some one formed a white only association ?

or am i racist ?


The reasons for the Black Police Officer's Association are set out here. Black Police Officer's Association

There are branches all over the UK and all of them seem to have the support of the Home Office and the local Police Authorities. Most branches and the national association seem to have the core value of fighting racism within the Police Force as their core objective. I dont know if they have any success.

I have no idea if you are racist

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oh now i see so lets set up a white english football team to stop racisim on the stands

that would work would'nt it no more abuse shouted.


I would suggest you read through the website. You then wouldnt be tempted into posting as a knee jerk reaction.

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oh now i see so lets set up a white english football team to stop racisim on the stands

that would work would'nt it no more abuse shouted.


I would suggest you read through the website. You then wouldnt be tempted into posting as a knee jerk reaction.

if i started a white anything on a web site it would be pulled and i would be in court right or wrong

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if i started a white anything on a web site it would be pulled and i would be in court right or wrong


Im not really following your logic on this one. Maybe you could explain ?

There is nothing at all to prevent you setting up an association for a particular focus group provided you arent violating any statutes.

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if i started a white anything on a web site it would be pulled and i would be in court right or wrong


Im not really following your logic on this one. Maybe you could explain ?

There is nothing at all to prevent you setting up an association for a particular focus group provided you arent violating any statutes.

yes there is the BNP have proved that they get people elected but are in court because of their policy

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if i started a white anything on a web site it would be pulled and i would be in court right or wrong


Im not really following your logic on this one. Maybe you could explain ?

There is nothing at all to prevent you setting up an association for a particular focus group provided you arent violating any statutes.

yes there is the BNP have proved that they get people elected but are in court because of their policy


The general caveat is not to break any statutes. If you set up a focus group which breaks the law you can expect to be prosecuted. If you set up a focus group which doesnt break the law you wont be prosecuted.

I cant see that the Black Police Officers Association are breaking any laws.

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I believe that the point 'Driver' is trying to make (he'll no doubt correct me if I'm wrong) is that any organisation formed with the term 'White' in its title would, without question, attract claims by the multitude of minority racial groups which have a disproportionate degree of power in decision making processes at both local and national level in the UK, of promoting some form of racial discrimination. 'Driver' is perfectly right to question the title of 'Black Police Officer's Association'. Can you imagine the outcry if a White Police Officer's Association was formed to promote equality for and ensure no discrimination against 'white' police officers?


In this age of perverted political correctness there is every chance that 'Driver' would attract some form of investigation by the 'authorities' if he were to set up a body overtly advertised exclusively for 'Whites'.


As far as the Poles are concerned, they should be treated with the same degree of courtesy, justice and support as a Manxman would expect to receive should the same situation arise in Poland. Sadly, I don't think such treatment would be reciporicated.

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'Driver' is perfectly right to question the title of 'Black Police Officer's Association'. Can you imagine the outcry if a White Police Officer's Association was formed to promote equality for and ensure no discrimination against 'white' police officers?


Driver didnt question the title of Black Police Officer's Association. He asked why it existed.

The reasons for its existence are set out on its web site.

I obviously have no idea what motivated his question but later in the thread he lamented the fate of the BNP who have found themselves in court.

It is still the case, in these British Isles, that we enjoy freedom of association and freedom of expression. There are statutes to protect these freedoms and other statutes to ensure balance and good order in their exercise.

The fact is, you are able to set up a focus group on any subject provided you are not breaking the law.

On the other hand, if you are breaking the law, you might expect to be prosecuted.

Why should that be a problem ?

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Perhaps because there is a growing perception that freedom of association and freedom of expression is not seen to be applied equitably - by favouring 'them' (and for 'them' enter any vociferous, easily offended minority group) rather than 'us', the silent majority whose lives, attiudes and general existence in OUR society are increasingly being determined, IMHO, by the disproportionate pressures exherted by 'them'. I firmly believe that freedom of association and freedom of expression has been drastically curtailed in the UK in the past 20 years due to over-zealous political correctness.


"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it" (mis-attributed to Voltaire) is something which fewer and fewer of our politicians are prepared to stand up for through fear of being seen to offend 'them'.

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I believe that the point 'Driver' is trying to make (he'll no doubt correct me if I'm wrong) is that any organisation formed with the term 'White' in its title would, without question, attract claims by the multitude of minority racial groups which have a disproportionate degree of power in decision making processes at both local and national level in the UK, of promoting some form of racial discrimination. 'Driver' is perfectly right to question the title of 'Black Police Officer's Association'. Can you imagine the outcry if a White Police Officer's Association was formed to promote equality for and ensure no discrimination against 'white' police officers?


In this age of perverted political correctness there is every chance that 'Driver' would attract some form of investigation by the 'authorities' if he were to set up a body overtly advertised exclusively for 'Whites'.


As far as the Poles are concerned, they should be treated with the same degree of courtesy, justice and support as a Manxman would expect to receive should the same situation arise in Poland. Sadly, I don't think such treatment would be reciporicated.


Yeah, yeah.... it's all about positive discrimination in favour of people who have been negatively discriminated in the past.... the White police officers are already members of a dispoportionately successfull group.. :rolleyes:

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Getting back to the original post, did you hear Alex Downie on the radio the other day saying that applicants for work permits here are also vetted as to whether they could speak English and how many dependants they had. If these Polish workers are legally here then why cannot they speak and understand English as the DTI Minister says?? This way we would not to have and pay for interpreters!!

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