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Manx Radio And The Bbc


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Juan - you got it right - in a nation of 80,000 souls - many of them retired, there's not much real news to report.


And we've had the debate about whether we want 'investigative reporting' on here before. Most people conceded that there's rarely anything meaty enough to warrant it - even if the local media DID have the resources to have people camping outside MHK's houses and going through their bins!


Remember also, whenever the UK press turns up to investigate and expose stuff here, their reports are usually just a distillation of what we all knew from the local papers and radio weeks ago.

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Yeah, but a radio station is more than local news. I don't think Manx Radio do that bad a job on the news front, my earlier point which Juan twisted, was that the rest of the output has very low production values. We think they're good but is just in comparison to Energy and the lementable 3fm, but compared to BBC local radio output it is shoddy.

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And we've had the debate about whether we want 'investigative reporting' on here before. Most people conceded that there's rarely anything meaty enough to warrant it - even if the local media DID have the resources to have people camping outside MHK's houses and going through their bins!


Isn't it about having difficult and bright investigative reporting when the situation merits it? Eg - the MEA fiasco which still doesn't seem any clearer.


Would be great to see the BBC take over the tax funded news and current affairs role from Manx Radio. The backing of the Corporation, and coming under the charter, might well bring a new confidence to local reporting.


And without govt funding, Manx Radio would finally be free to compete on a genuinely commercial basis.

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Question we should all be asking the BBC is when will we be getting BBC Digital.


At the moment to be paying a full licence fee for a fraction of the channels and service that is on offer in the UK is outrageous.


I agree with most of the comments about News etc. but most folk don't want more Isle of Man coverage from the BBC (despite what our then CM Richard Corkill 'negotiated' for).


Most folk want to be able to receive digital.


It had better happen before 2007 'cos I understand that is when Border is pulling the plug on analogue.



Edited to add:

Yes, I know Border isn't BBC, but that isn't the point here is it. We will need to be able to receive digital (terrestrial et al) via a digital facility.

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Question we should all be asking the BBC is when will we be getting BBC Digital.


It had better happen before 2007 'cos I understand that is when Border is pulling the plug on analogue.


You answered your own question.

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Whatever it is called, the point is that when it is complained about the service from the BBC, we don't mean having X amount of hours per month dedicated to the Isle of Man. And neither are we talking about having BBC crews constantly wondering up and down Foxdale or somewhere looking for a story.


We are talking about being able to receive the full BBC service that is provided 'across'.


Oh, and I don't want to get in touch with fucken Sky. I pay enough to the BBC thank you, and the service they provide in the mainland far, far exceeds what we get here for exactly the same money.



ps The 'BBC Bus' has been over here for the past few days. Teaching us thicko Manxies how to read and write apparently - and eat with knives and forks as well probably.


Hah, a high profile BBC Bus. Now THAT is what I call a service - how many £millions has that little joint - effectively - just cost us then?

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We are talking about being able to receive the full BBC service that is provided 'across'.


Oh, and I don't want to get in touch with fucken Sky. I pay enough to the BBC thank you, and the service they provide in the mainland far, far exceeds what we get here for exactly the same money.


Many parts of the UK also can't yet receive terrestrial digital tv and radio. It's complicated process rolling it out. A few remote places will probably never get it - just like some places never got TV already.


Hence satellite. All of the BBC digital tv and radio services are available free via satellite. Nothing to do with Sky. Just happens to be on some of the same satellites that Sky use (but don't own). You don't have to have any to do with fucken Sky if you don't want to :)

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Hmmm, well I have to apologise about the use of swearing here. I don't think I do that too much.


I still want to know what that BBC Bus has been doing over here. I suppose they are attempting to justify the huge amount of money they take from the Isle of Man each year, with a high profile but seemingly pointless visit.


It reminds me of the Billy Connolly sketch where the countryfolk come into town and see a double decker bus - "Oooh look, a hoose on wheels".


We got Beryl's Bus still haven't we. And Billy's Bus down the south taking kids from Ronague and the like to school. And we've got computers on the Isle of Man now - we've even got our very own Computer Bus.

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At the moment to be paying a full licence fee for a fraction of the channels and service that is on offer in the UK is outrageous.

You can receive all BBC (1-4, CBBC and something else) in excellent quality via satellite, you don't need a Sky box. ITV1 - ITV3 is also broadcast in the clear.


All free UK TV.


IMO the UK licence fee is excellent value for money, you'll be pushed to find better elsewhere in Europe.


You could also broaden your horizons by watching some TV from the rest of the world.

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It seems that the BBC is "getting into bed" with Manx Radio - but why?


Should they not set up their own operation. Office/studio etc?


In the UK you would not see the BBC sharing studios with the commercial sector.


The real question is - What has Manx Radio done to get this deal?


I'm guessing that two Manx Radio news staff will simply "transfer" to the BBC payroll. That way Manx Radio save money but keep the same staff.


Should not 3FM or Energy be given the same chance to share facilities?


I think the easy money is on Miss Beth Espey moving over the BBC. Not only does she look good, (I can see her presenting the Manx TV news when that happens in a few years time). Beths husband to be , Dan Davies would also be a natural for the other position. The Manx version of "Richard and Judy"!


(Got to say Kate Webster looks great on ITV Border.)

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I think you do need a Sky box (i.e. I don't think non Sky boxes are easy to come by - but I could be wrong - plus if you're not taking up a Sky package you wont get it for free), you just don't need a Sky card as the BBC no longer pays Sky to encode and scramble the BBC signal. However I don't think viewers can get the ITV network, Channel 4 or five without the Sky card as these are still encoded.


Sky do FreeSat, and the BBC should be launching theirs later this year.

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I think you do need a Sky box (i.e. I don't think non Sky boxes are easy to come by - but I could be wrong - plus if you're not taking up a Sky package you wont get it for free), you just don't need a Sky card as the BBC no longer pays Sky to encode and scramble the BBC signal. However I don't think viewers can get the ITV network, Channel 4 or five without the Sky card as these are still encoded.


Sky do FreeSat, and the BBC should be launching theirs later this year.

Nope, you do NOT need a Sky box.


ITV1 - ITV3 are now FOA, Channel 4 is still encrypted however, for this you need Sky. For example - I use a Nokia 9800 receiver.


There are many cheap non-Sky boxes available.

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