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Was Dudley Butt Elected By Mistake ?

manx driver

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having seen the job advertised for Tynwald this week for £30,000 i think someone made a mistake

and got Dudley elected to LEG Co instead of head of security after all he has no expererance in Gov never even stood in an election

Or maybe he will do this job as well as Leg Co dont do much anyway

But if not i wonder which top ex police officer will get this one a few to choose from ex inspectors and even an ex deputy chief or is this why it was rumored the chief was leaving? pension and 30 grand

or my outside bet would be ex electric CEO now that would be poetic justice

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having seen the job advertised for Tynwald this week for £30,000 i think someone made a mistake

and got Dudley elected to LEG Co instead of head of security after all he has no expererance in Gov never even stood in an election

Well not quite true. He was elected. It was just that the mandate to vote was severely restricted :huh:



But if not i wonder which top ex police officer will get this one a few to choose from ex inspectors and even an ex deputy chief or is this why it was rumored the chief was leaving? pension and 30 grand

or my outside bet would be ex electric CEO now that would be poetic justice


I think you will find the CEO of whom you speak is doing very well running a listed company [AIM] in his usual businesslike manner. You shouldnt believe everything you read in the newspapers :huh:



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not by the people nor was Christian she was voted out then put back Crowe has such a low poll she jumped in as did Singer

next one up when Gelling goes Bell or Corkill but will he go before general election or will we be in the pathetic situation of an election gelling then retires then up goes a sitting member then a by- election within months of a new house costing ££££££££££££££££££££ or they could elect someone who just lost their seat again

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In this particular case our politicians would seem to have made a wise enough choice under the somewhat undemocratic system currently in place. I think it is the principle of the system that is under criticism here rather than the choice.


I would imagine however, that Mr Butt would be one of the first to support a more democratic system and would probably have little problem in being elected by us unwashed plebs.


Unfortunately Dudley Butt's appointment allows the likes of Mrs Crowe to say that at least she was first elected as an MHK ( . . . well, after a recount). Pammy will have none of the worries and hard work the MHKs will be having up to November to keep their jobs. Aye, she were given a Golden Parachute alright.


And Clare Christian of course was actually turned down by the electorate in 1986 after serving only a single term in office, only to be recalled by her former colleagues in the House in 1993. What better way is there for Tynwald to tell us that they know better!!!


The system stinks to high heaven, but Dudley Butt actually seems he could be a good example for the system.


He didn't get any stick at the Young Farmers Concert either. I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing.

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Well most people will say he is a good egg.


After all he has seen the bad end of life being a police man.


I would say he is the only one in there worth the wage

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Democracy doesn't work anyway, because most people vote according to who has the nicest smile; but we need unelected people to take on the likes of the incinerator in the months leading up to the election.


Who is Dudley Butt, other than a Viz character?




(sticking to the Simpsons / Manx politics theme)

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So you have a couple of fairly experienced politicians standing for election - and you have someone who's been running a private investigation company.

Incredibly, the PI gets in on the first vote!

Don't you wonder why? :ph34r:

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The other MHKs probably asked him to stand, and then voted for him, because they thought he'd do a better job than the two experienced policians - who they obviously didn't want to get in.


That, and all the secret photos/blackmailing that went on when he was employed by masonic lizards to help them take over the world.

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