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Was Dudley Butt Elected By Mistake ?

manx driver

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Was it a coincidence that he left the Police force at the same time as the bugging scandal unfolded? :o


Wow another completely unfounded conspiracy theory from a member with three posts.


I don't suppose that it had anything to do with him having enough years in and retiring did it?


That's what people do when their employed and and have enough time in. They then leave that employment and if they're young and fit enough go and find something else to release themselves from the boredom of doing nothing.


Completely unfounded conspiracy theory solved.

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Good grief. What a sensible post Wilddog.


He's right too. Mr Butt retired after his allotted years in the force and thankfully (for us) still has some energy left to do some good. He's been given some might hefty duties since becoming an MLC and I for one think he's a good egg and deserves support not back stabbing.


FFS is it not possible that at least one person might just go into public service because they want to make a difference?


We're in danger here of making everyone and everything a waste of time and a subject of ridicule or suspicion. There are good people out there doing their best for us and the Island.


Dudley Butt is one of them in my opinion.

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...There are good people out there doing their best for us and the Island.


Dudley Butt is one of them in my opinion.

I agree with that. I have worked with Dudley since his 'retirement' and he is a man of integrity.


However, I disagree in principle with unelected representatives - and hope that one day Dudley decides to stand in a proper election - which I am convinced he would win by a landslide.

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I agree that MLC's should be elected but I feel that since we have the current system it should be used properly.


It shouldn't be used to bump upstairs sitting MHKs or to rescue MHKs who have been rejected by the electorate.


It's members should not have executive power but exist to give an overview and act as a check on the keys and the ministers. Therefore it members should be drawn from the following groups -


- ex MHK's who have retired, but can use their experience to assist the current lot (Isn't it bizarre that Miles Walker isn't an MLC but Pam Crowe is?)

- experienced people who have made a contribution to Manx Life outside the realm of politics - ie Dudley Butt.

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However, I disagree in principle with unelected representatives - and hope that one day Dudley decides to stand in a proper election - which I am convinced he would win by a landslide.


I agree on all three points.



I understand one of the main aims of the new Positive Action Group PAG is to have all members of Tynwald elected. Now that would be the beginning of democracy on the Isle Of Man

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Was it a coincidence that he left the Police force at the same time as the bugging scandal unfolded? :o

Wow another completely unfounded conspiracy theory from a member with three posts.


Dont the forum rules make it crystal clear that the prerequisite number of posts, prior to posting a conspiracy theory is 100 ?


As to Mr Butt ... he was elected. He was elected by a small group of people but he was elected under established rules.

This is more than can be said for the Bishop and would think this is far more reason for concern than Mr Butt's placement as an MLC.


In addition, there is another group of law makers who are totally unelected and unaccountable. The Judiciary.


It really does beggar belief why anyone should support a system which denies citizens the right to elect those who can make laws.

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It seems the judiciary always get off lightly in these sort of debates. along with their colleagues the advocates. But that is because few of us, perhaps thankfully, have cause to understand the shenanigans that go on. But we should do.


Why are there over 140 advocates on an Island that has less than 100,00 people?


How can they charge such an obscene amount of money for a rather second rate service?


Who regulates the legal 'profession' on the Island?


Why do public enquiries cost many £millions of our money?


The scandals of the MEA and in particular Mount Murray all proceeded with various legal advice.


Yep, they win every time them lot in their big BMWs :D

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Is Dudly still a acting as a Private Investigator on the side ;);)


I believe so Theskeat, and I believe that he is also involved with running a local CSP.


Early retirement is often used as a smokescreen by employers to hide the real reason for an individual leaving their post. This is especially so if the individual involved has a high profile. The underlying reason is to protect the Island's reputation, however, far be for me to suggest any wrong doing. It may just be a coincidence and genuine after all. ;)

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He didn't take early retirement. He did the required length of service and left at his allotted retirement date. If you join up as a nipper in your late teens - then your retirement age is 49.


Jacqueline that's far too easy an explanation (even though true) for some posters to comprehend.

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