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Germans Are Brainiest


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Keep'em coming - I'm writing down every joke provocation - at some point, it's gotta be enough to justify another invasion... :whistling:


Maybe Fritz, Heinz and me try the more subtle approach this time round, though - politics, anyone? :rolleyes:

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Actual German Joke


"Papi, wo liegt Albanien?"

"Da mußt du die Oma fragen, die räumt hier doch immer alles auf!"


"Daddy where there lies Albania? "

"There you must ask the grandma, it clears up here, nevertheless, always everything! "


Now that's funny! No wonder there's so many German comedians on telly.




FROM:(a list of actual German jokes http://sps.k12.mo.us/khs/german/witze/witze.htm translated into English via http://translation2.paralink.com/)




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A man enters a Dutch pharmacy and asks why all flags are at half-mast.

"Ist die Koenigin tot, oder so etwas?"

("What happened? Is the queen dead?")

The pharmacist replies that this is to the honour of the people who died in

World War II.

"Ja, aber bei uns sind auch viele getoetet worden."

("Many Germans died, too.")

"Ja, ich weiss, das feiern wir morgen."

("I know. We will celebrate this tomorrow.")


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