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Another Consultation


Public Consultation about the Speed Limit  

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Nah - they'll get the result they want this time - remember they're canvassing lots of older people who may not have driven for years, others in nursing homes, nervous Mums...and it would only take a tiny swing from two thirds against for the DoT to claim a major public endorsement of their plan.


Make no mistake, the 60 limit is coming, and there isn't anything we can do about it. How Orwellian that we'll be told later that it was what we wanted all along anyway...

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I've just seen one of the "1 chance to put things right" banners.


Why only " one chance" ? Shouldn't it be " a chance" ?


Or will that be it - forever - whatever gets decided? And nothing can ever be changed again. Not ever.

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I was driving through Ballasalla yesterday and at first glance the governments "1 chance" sign looks like a 60mph reminder sign as you go round the roundabout. A bit misleading for any non residents seeing as its in a 30mph limit !!!



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Well, for my twopenneth worth...


My perspective has probably changed over the past few years. In fact, I think it has changed since the last 'debate'.


IIRC I supported the No campaign then, but, honestly, the more I think about it, especially as I clock up more and more miles on local roads, I honestly find it hard to find many stretches of road that you can legitimately say are safe to do in excess of 60 - 70 mph. OK, OK, I know some bits of the mountain may be an exception. But you are talking about maintaining that so that some leather clad assholes can prove how hard they are each year. Not for me, thanks.


Too many local drivers, drive on memory (myself included in the past). Basically, we cover the same main bits of road over and over again, we know exactly how to enter certain corners at speed, we know we can make the next corner at ** mph, becasue we have done it a zillion times. Except, when you stop and think....you don't know what is around the corner. (queue of traffic, crash, horse, bike etc, etc)


So, when that bit of paper lands on your doormat, stop and think about the reality of the situation, not the hyped up crap which comes from both sides of this argument. But the reality....


I know I will. And my answer will be yes to an all Island limit of 60 mph.





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Speed limits should address particular hazards, a driver should be able to assess the hazards of any particular piece of road and drive accordingly. Anticipation is preferable to having better brakes !.


If you have so many road signs and road markings to deal with you lose the ability to assess the dangers for yourelf, and you are distracted from observing the road as you are reading all the signs and can easily miss spotting a hazard.


The speed limit tends to become the speed you 'should' be doing at any place and get aggro from others if you are doing less for any reason.


If road markings or layout are badly designed it can lead people to be in the wrong position on the road and actually cause accidents or cause congestion whilst waiting to do a manoeuvre such as a right turn. Pretty patterns of paint on the road may be a very stylish work of art but should not be at the expense of guiding drivers to the ideal road position.


It is very evident that when traffic lights are not working that drivers are better behaved, careful and more courteous than when things are working.


Is it significant that the Institute of Advanced Motorists don't teach drivers to drive slowly ?


Government seems to be reacting to events as a knee-jerk rather than planning, and just seem to be taking action which will please the electorate rather than doing things properly ( this is very evident in the UK government recently).

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Last time, at least John Shimmin asked for views on speed as part of a road safety initiative. This time, speed is the ONLY issue.


Like smoking, if they're so convinced they have the correct answer to the problem, why not just DO it? Why this pathetic need to kid us we're being consulted, when actually 'they' know exactly what they're going to do all along. With smoking it's because they want our taxes - with speed they don't want to lose any votes. How transparent they are in their contempt.


This really is mind control - they're spending OUR money telling us how to think. What about the FOUR (count 'em) quarter page propaganda ads in the Courier this week. Who is the guy? Was speed to blame for his loss - or an uninsured, unlicenced driver, a defective vehicle, or (more likely) a UK cop 'doing high speed training'?



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Why this pathetic need to kid us we're being consulted

These consultations are 'Dumbocracy' in action.


I wonder - with them stirring up so many hornets nests recently - if they will get a shock as people start standing against them later this year?


I don't remember seeing any of this rubbish in any previous manifestos.

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I said it in the other thread, and I say it again


As with all the telecommunication stuff that was installed over here as a "world's first" - we have the unique opportunity on the Island to be at the forefront of road safety, to set an example for the rest of the world, to properly educate and do things - and what do they come up with? A speed limit - what a wasted chance....

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Why this pathetic need to kid us we're being consulted

These consultations are 'Dumbocracy' in action.


I wonder - with them stirring up so many hornets nests recently - if they will get a shock as people start standing against them later this year?


I don't remember seeing any of this rubbish in any previous manifestos.


Its definitely the case of get the mopeds out, as the transport Minister has made it clear that we are obviously too stupid to allowed to make our own minds up.


The whole campaign is insulting, why put it out for consultation and then be bombarded with "1 chance to put things right" banners with the implicit suggestion that things are obviously wrong as they stand.


I would favour "1 chance to make a decision Phil" and force them to decide now so that its an electon issue, rather than have a questionnaire and shelve the results until after November and do it anyway. TT would be a good time to really make this an issue that won't go away.

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