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HA HA HA HA! it wasnt me - do you really think i could get on someones shoulders? ha ha. it was my mate Mini - i was stood next to her though! was it a manx flag with a skull and crossbones flag under it? get in there.






Can't remember seeing the skull and crossbones under it to be honest, I was more interested in the Manx flag. It was the only one I saw though, looked like they were right in the centre of the crowd though, towards the front. Has your mate got straight blonde hair then SWTB? Was that your crowd?


Nice action if it was girl. :D

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I was sat by the Radio One stage at Reading yesterday and I spotted a Ms SWTB approaching, spotless dispite the mud, dressed in a red cavalry tunic, her party contained a gentleman struggling with a large blow up sofa. It looked like something out of Carry on Up the Kyber.


PIC (Warning Rather Large JPeg).

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Morrisey being a bitter old Queen, fancy that... hear that MissBees??? That reminds me of the Glasto footage of you, on Marnys shoudlers singing along... haha how funny (and crap at singin) are you hun... ;)


SWTB the original party lady! The kinda person festivals were designed for!


Whatever happens, me has to get into Glasto next year, a mate in Liverpools band won 'best unsigned band' comp is signed to play there next year! Boa rockin the New Bansds tent, ace! Time enough to start saving for the helicopter plan tho thebees!

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Morrisey was good, the rumour about him having his limo drive right up to the stage so that he didn't have to walk on the mud is quite funny if it is true.

And Declan where the hell was that dry mud?

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