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Its Official The Nanny State Is Really With Us.

Billy One Mate

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The Council of Ministers have now after dealing with the smoking issue in Public Places on the Island turned their attention to binge and underage drinking. The proposal put forward by the Health Minister is that the legal drinking age be increased to 21 and moderation will be encouraged by issuing on a weekly basis (only valid for a week)to every person on the Island over the age of 21 eight vouchers, each voucher allowing the holder to purchase 1 unit of alcohol (you will need to use 2 vouchers to get a pint). No alcohol will be sold either from a pub, supermarket or off licence without the AV.


I understand that this is recieving good support in Government and a deal has been done with the Brewery in regard to a financial grant to soften the loss of revenue.

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I hope its true, might keep the idiots at home

So I'm an idiot, because I had 5 pints instead of 4 last week? Sorry, that's not the way to go or do this...


Unfortunately it is not a joke. Now that the British Medical Association pseudo statistics department has identified a link between life and risk - we are all doomed to live in a nanny state.




Not practical - prohibition, anyone? The cops can't even enforce the current laws, how they're gonna enforce this? Mr Smith, you're a dreamer with no idea about economic reality...

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It works in the USA, and is a good idea

Driven by religion (prohibition) !


More than 40% of Americans believe that the Earth is only about 10,000 years old and that people lived at the same time as the dinosaurs.


They should keep all that rubbish out of their politics.

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Actually, since I've given up drinking this would make the pub going experience more pleaseurable for me. Since I now find that excessively drunk people (even close friends) make me nervous now.


But that is my problem, and I have no right to impose my taste on others.

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I occasionally walk down Strand Street towards clubland at closing time after having had a few drinks myself. Its never a problem even though there are plenty of aggressive and drunk people about.


However, if I have been working late and therefore not drinking, the same route home can be quite frightening. and intimidating.

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Pointless exercise. They can't even police underage drinkers as it is. Also how can they lower the age of voting to 16 and still have the legal drinking age at 18 or 21? That really doesn't make sense.


If they really want to reduce the nation's alcohol consumption there are some positive and easy things to do.


1. Start educating kids at school from the age of 8 with regards to alcohol (and drugs and smoking).

2. Ban alcohol advertisements. Break the link between glamour and alcohol - esp the link between football and alcohol.

3. Make drink companies liable for some of the medical costs for treating alcoholics.

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The Council of Ministers have now after dealing with the smoking issue in Public Places on the Island turned their attention to binge and underage drinking. The proposal put forward by the Health Minister is that the legal drinking age be increased to 21 and moderation will be encouraged by issuing on a weekly basis (only valid for a week)to every person on the Island over the age of 21 eight vouchers, each voucher allowing the holder to purchase 1 unit of alcohol (you will need to use 2 vouchers to get a pint). No alcohol will be sold either from a pub, supermarket or off licence without the AV.


I understand that this is recieving good support in Government and a deal has been done with the Brewery in regard to a financial grant to soften the loss of revenue.

What and lose the alcoholics vote? It would be political suicide and for this reason alone I call April Fool on you sir! They might be stupid but they're not that stupid!


Oh yeah, and ration books for beer - nanny state, unworkable, pointless, yada yada yada.

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They could tie it in to the id cards thing. They could have a chip 'n' pin affair attached to the card, and this would need to be handed over at the bar to get a drink. Anyone who's exceeded their quota for would be refused. In fact the optics and the pumps could be disabled until a valid PIN was entered.


I'm joking of course. But really what's to stop them?

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Joking of course...?


One of the major hotels in Douglas had an idea for such a scheme about 5 years ago. A sort of club entry swipe card. If you don't like the idea don't join in. But you would miss the chance of socialising in an environment that would be free of louts and undesirables.


Unfortunately the idea didn't come to fruition and the hotel ended up closing the public bar due to pish-heads and so called hard men who couldn't hold their drink. It was just too much hassle.


So once again:


Drunk louts 1

Decent people 0

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Clearly an April Fool. However, in some of the Gulf States the expats get a license to buy stuff from off licences, and effectively your consumption is crossed off in something thats like a building society passbook. Quite cool really, and forces you to review your intake everytime you go to the "Offy"

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