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I suppose that two separate computers which would have different IP addresses would do the job, one at work, one at home, a lot posters will have access to a 2nd PC at work and even a mod would not be able to say with certainty whether 2 posters were one and the same.


Look you don't need to have access to their IP addresses to know they are different people you just need to read their posts.


Unless you think FCMR is clever enough to adopt a different persona and keep that up over a sustained period of time.

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Amusement. Generally.


Although, Sock Puppets with only one post weren't uncommon back in the Manx Net days. Usually when one particular poster was losing an arguement a new account would be created and it would post "I agree with *****" and then never be seen again.

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I'll put money on it that they are.


I'll take that bet. Free money is always appreciated.


So will I.......FCMR is deff not crumlin ( my arch nemesis ) - crumlin, poss manxchatterbox!


But I'll take your bet....£100?


Please send cheque to......

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For some reason you and others appear to have already decided who the guilty parties are. Quite ironic really. The parties shouting about the inadequacy of the Manx justice system are the very ones who would have the Corkills hung, drawn and quartered without even the luxury of a trial.

Really, Jacqueline - you don't seriously expect someone like Rog to suddenly start being reasonable, do you?

You must know that a 'not guilty' verdict - even if it was supported by massive amounts of convincing evidence, would have him screaming about the inadequacies of the Manx judicial system, whilst a 'guilty' verdict followed by anything less than hanging, drawing and quartering will be seen as the defendant being granted special privileges because of 'who she is.'

Please, if you must make these reasonable and well thought out posts, try not to direct them to Rog - he's an elderly (60th year?) man who is easily confused by such things!

Mr Lonan3 - as you can so clearly read the future can I have the lottery numbers for next Saturday please? Thanks.


FCMR has been told not to post here or anywhere else. After all, he doesn't want to prejudice either the civil or criminal cases, now does he? Apart from one incident very early on as far as I am aware he has not posted since under id FCMR or any other. Crumlin is still around though.


I would be interested in the reason, if true, as to why Mrs Ned does not have to be in "the dock" like any other miscreant hauled before the beak. Perhaps it's a bit draughty or something?

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Mr Lonan3 - as you can so clearly read the future can I have the lottery numbers for next Saturday please? Thanks.


The only thing I predicted was the expected reaction from Rog, regardless of the outcome of the trial - and I didn't think it required a potential lottery winner to do that!

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The only thing I predicted was the expected reaction from Rog, regardless of the outcome of the trial - and I didn't think it required a potential lottery winner to do that!

I suspect the only thing you can predict with any accuracy is your expected reaction from Rog. Exactly like the upcoming trial I'm not going to pre-judge it but rather wait and see what happens [/irony].


In the meantime why not have a go at this anagram - DATLINCINONUO HSIRECGAD :)

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Mr Lonan3 - as you can so clearly read the future can I have the lottery numbers for next Saturday please? Thanks.


The only thing I predicted was the expected reaction from Rog, regardless of the outcome of the trial - and I didn't think it required a potential lottery winner to do that!




Maybe the predictability of any response from me is simple based on the fact certainly in my case with age comes wisdom! :D:D:D

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The only thing I predicted was the expected reaction from Rog, regardless of the outcome of the trial - and I didn't think it required a potential lottery winner to do that!

I suspect the only thing you can predict with any accuracy is your expected reaction from Rog. Exactly like the upcoming trial I'm not going to pre-judge it but rather wait and see what happens [/irony].


In the meantime why not have a go at this anagram - DATLINCINONUO HSIRECGAD :)

I came up with 'unconditional discharge' at first, but that seemed so unlikely (and so boring!) that I tried again.

"I undo a Clinton - discharge!"

Is that it? How is it relevant to this thread?

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